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Best Hero Gear to craft in the Forge (Proguide)

Best Hero Gear to craft in the Forge (Proguide)

24 фев. 2019, 12:3124.02.19
I need a little clarification on Lynx gear vs troop specific special gear. I am full melee and will not be attacking defending with anything but.  This is referring to defense of PoP.  I have full legendary Lynx set and the clan is a little divided about if a lynx gear is better than the special gear for a specific type. If I only send my melee troops to defend pop how can the lynx gear be better than a type specific piece of gear with slightly better overal stats. I get if defending palace lynx is bettter by ot covers all types but if I’m just sending melee using melee special gear how can lynx be better???!
19 апр. 2019, 19:3619.04.19

Tess said:

I made a Vikings War of Clans tool that calculates every piece of material and invader needed to make any piece of hero equipment, including the new special gear. Find it here     


Tess, if you see this message:

- Bjorn's Armor is missing the required item Loki's Cloak and associated materials.

- It also lists the material req of TORN cloth under Bjorn's Armor as TOM cloth.  That mis-spelled material appears in one other cell on the sheet.

THANK YOU for making this thing.  It's freaking amazing!!
4 май 2019, 12:4104.05.19
4 май 2019, 12:43(отредактировано)
gwalk03 said:

I need a little clarification on Lynx gear vs troop specific special gear. I am full melee and will not be attacking defending with anything but.  This is referring to defense of PoP.  I have full legendary Lynx set and the clan is a little divided about if a lynx gear is better than the special gear for a specific type. If I only send my melee troops to defend pop how can the lynx gear be better than a type specific piece of gear with slightly better overal stats. I get if defending palace lynx is bettter by ot covers all types but if I’m just sending melee using melee special gear how can lynx be better???!
To clarify If you only ever use one troop type for attacking or defending with troop specific gear is better than lynx and saracen gear for attacking and defending with but if you attack or defend with all different troop types better to use saracen or lynx, Lynx is great for defending your town with as it covers scouts too and even though it is not as good as troop specific gear you will have the advantage of troop numbers as you can have an infinite number of troops in your town and the attacker is limited by march size same applies with an onslaught as well.
13 июнь 2019, 15:5913.06.19
13 июнь 2019, 16:30(отредактировано)

Hi Uhtred please find the screenshots that you asked for about saving your new hero skill points to one of your hero sets.

13 июнь 2019, 16:1813.06.19

4 May, 2019, 3:50 PM UTC

Laird Brinni said:

Eleria said:

Laird Brinni said:

Hi sorry it took so long Eleria I have added it now and also warror's capacity as well.

Don't apologize! THANK YOU! for doing what I was thoroughly too lazy to do myself! 😂 You're my hero!

Erm.. Lemme squeeze in this unwelcome note, cuz I bet it already crossed your mind...

It may be prudent to add a little disclaimer to the "resource yielding" bit for, you know... *cough* Gear of the North *cough*. Unless you're refusing on principle, and if so... you have my support either way.

Anywho! Just an idea, no rush or obligation... If you'd like to expand this list sometime, you could add in the best gear for lumber, Stone, iron, and silver production for all those hyperfarmers. Then, maybe, work in something for each of the troop types specifically for people who only have access to Standard & Invader equipment, since the Special equipment kinda speaks for itself in those categories.

Cheers! 🍻

My Pleasure Eleria Yes I will be adding the north gear to the list too as hopefully all players will be able to get it soon at least I hope they will, Great idea about the other rss I have accounts that hyper farm all the different rss so it is very useful to know, The lynx and saracen gear are still the best invader gear for attacking and defending with and they work for all troop types including scouts but there are still some pretty good standard equipment for different troop types which I was using myself before I got the lynx and saracen gear, I still use lynx gear for traps in my town as it covers all the troops but for attack and tile traps I use killer special gear.

Hi Eleria I have finally added the the North gear to my resource yielding list and the good news is it is now available in bank offers for accounts that are palace 16 or lower except the axe of the north which is still only available for brand new accounts, Hopefully the whole North gear will be offered for every player one Day.

UTC +7:00

13 июнь 2019, 16:2513.06.19

Laird Brinni said:

Eleria said:

Laird Brinni said:

Hi sorry it took so long Eleria I have added it now and also warror's capacity as well.

Don't apologize! THANK YOU! for doing what I was thoroughly too lazy to do myself! 😂 You're my hero! 

Erm.. Lemme squeeze in this unwelcome note, cuz I bet it already crossed your mind... 

It may be prudent to add a little disclaimer to the "resource yielding" bit for, you know... *cough* Gear of the North *cough*. Unless you're refusing on principle,  and if so... you have my support either way.  

Anywho! Just an idea, no rush or obligation... If you'd like to expand this list sometime, you could add in the best gear for lumber, Stone, iron, and silver production for all those hyperfarmers. Then, maybe, work in something for each of the troop types  specifically for people who only have access to Standard & Invader equipment, since the Special equipment kinda speaks for itself in those categories. 

Cheers! 🍻
My Pleasure Eleria  Yes I will be adding the north gear to the list too as hopefully all players will be able to get it soon at least I hope they will, Great idea about the other rss I have accounts that hyper farm all the different rss so it is very useful to know, The lynx and saracen gear are still the best invader gear for attacking and defending with and they work for all troop types including scouts but there are still some pretty good standard equipment for different troop types which I was using myself before I got the lynx and saracen gear, I still use lynx gear for traps in my town as it covers all the troops but for attack and tile traps I use killer special gear. 

Hi Eleria I have finally added the the North gear to my resource yielding list and the good news is it is now available in bank offers for accounts that are palace 16 or lower except the axe of the north which is still only available for brand new accounts, Hopefully the whole North gear will be offered for every player one Day.

24 июль 2019, 01:4924.07.19

All of this is way too advanced for the true novice. I have a Level 8 Palace. My Hero has no armor.
Where is the basic information so that I can determine what are the first steps for equipping my Hero? 

24 июль 2019, 03:4824.07.19
24 июль 2019, 04:03(отредактировано)

No its not .Its the kind of thing its useful to know to avoid building the wrong thing.

Have you still not bothered to read the official guides,Heres one.


There are also some player videos on youtube, they are often out of date  but they still show you what to do.

There are 3 levels of heros equipment, it will probably take you along time to even worry about the second level, if you are still on palace 8.

Specific advice cannot be given as we are not playing your game.

All we can say is that some pieces are better than others depending on your intentions.

There are all kinds of equipment to help your hero do everything better in the game, for example , if you want a lot of food build the equipment that mentions food production increase... and so on.

27 июль 2019, 01:1327.07.19
27 июль 2019, 01:40(отредактировано)

The problem is finding the relevant videos at the right level. (Why videos? A document would pass the information along faster. Easier to update.)
Thanks for the link.

[It turns out I HAD watched the video. I understand a bit more now. But the video still does not cover much about armor. Why not a writen couple of pages of what quality armor one should at various levels?]

And if you know nothing about armor, then all the above is not easy to comprehend. 

27 июль 2019, 03:0527.07.19
27 июль 2019, 03:23(отредактировано)

Alright I will try to help you further, but this is the kind of thing that your chief should know and pass on.

First the only people that know why there isnt the kind of tutorial that you need is Plarium.

You start off the game with a hero and nothing else, apart from some buildings, the tutorial forces you to do certain things in the hope that you will learn enough to continue without further help.

The hero can do everything with or without  armour , except collect resources, scout and banish ghosts, pardon me if I have forgotten anything else he cant do.

Getting armour for him effectively makes him do things better or faster and improves other aspects of the game.If you look at the forge and then find the equipment page it lists 5 types of equipment,

Helmet, Armour, Weapon ,Boots and Amulets ( you can have  2 of these), You need all of them.

What you make depends on what materials you have ,what level your hero is, and what you want to  do most.

The next choice you need to make is,do I make the basic equipment and then upgrade it, or do it wait till I can get the best, or settle for something in the middle.

There are six classes of both materials , gems and equipment, Simple, Usual, Unusual, Rare, Epic and Legendary.

You can combine all the lower classes of materials and gems until you get to legendary, but it takes a lot of time as you need 1024 pieces of simple to make one legendary item.

If you look at the equipment page  it tells you the level at which the item can be worn by the hero, so you wont have need of anything at the top of the page for a time,  to be exact, when your hero is level 50, which is the main goal, at hero 50  he can wear anything (presently)

Apart from the materials you also need lots of silver, which is also a limiting factor to what you can afford to make.

Under the picture of the equipment is a list of benefits that that piece of equipment gives,

Two of the best choices you can make is to forge armour that helps you build faster and learn faster( knowledge in th oracle, the sparkly building in town)

.For some the benefit is more obvious than others for example , if it says food production it helps you make more food.

The rest are a bit more complicated as they tell you the benefits they give to all of your troops(soldiers) or just to a particular kind, there are 5 types of troops, melee, cavalry (Riders),ranged(Archers) ,killer, and siege(Catapults), 3 are more obviously named than the other 2 which are somewhat similar but hard to define, melee just means lots.

So you also have to decide what soldiers you want,or if at all ,to specialise in, and get the equipment accordingly.example if you dont have  archers then you might not need (Ranged) equipment that helps them.

When and if choosing specialist troops, remember that cavalry are the fastest,then killers,archers,melee and siege,this is roughly the same order for how much resources they can carry, except  archers carry more than killers.

This covers the basics,later and consecutively, you need to think about equipment made from the specilast materials that the invaders drop,some  invdaers are more useful than others,but is dependant on other choices you make.

30 авг. 2019, 11:3830.08.19
30 авг. 2019, 11:39(отредактировано)

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17 окт. 2019, 23:0017.10.19
Habla hispana hay por aca
17 окт. 2019, 23:4517.10.19

No es castellano, ¿que quieres?

Google puede traducir.

Es posible que alguien aqui ,pueda ayudarte y que hable su idioma.

16 июль 2021, 01:3216.07.21

does anyone know what best gems to put in my defence tile gear?

16 июль 2021, 12:2016.07.21
16 июль 2021, 14:41(отредактировано)

I don't think it's changed, so the order of importance is going to be health, defence and offense, so the gems that cover these are the ones you want.

Extra to this are the speciaity gems the ubers drop, that give some increased bonuses, which means if you  have them, and want to use them, you have to decide what other gem(s) to drop.

It will also matter,to some extent, what you are 'tiling' with,  that is , is it a mixed or single type  march, however I would say that pretty much the only defence on a tile is a domain guard.

As anyone who wants to attack you on a tile can scout first,  and send overwhelming forces, so  here what defence  you have is pretty much of little consequence.

Oh... one last point, unless you have a hero or shaman with the march it's not relevant anyway, as you only get the gem bonuses if one is.

24 фев. 2022, 14:0124.02.22

can anyone tell me the best gear to make to yeld gold , thanks

25 фев. 2022, 01:2225.02.22

There is currently only 1 piece of hero gear for gold yielding, and that's the Centurion's Dagger.

There are additional bonuses to be found in the hero skill tree and from the strongold.

I let others tell you if any are worth it, or find out for  yourself. 

26 март 2022, 17:3026.03.22

Just scanning old posts and found this. Good advice except for one typo.

For Learning Gear should be Olaf's Greaves not Harald's Greaves.

25 апр. 2023, 07:2025.04.23

 Playing games is enjoyable. fireboy and watergirl is a fun and intelligent two-player game that enhances critical thinking, problem-solving skills, teamwork, and friendship through its inherent difficulty.  

12 июнь 2023, 11:4312.06.23

What gear if any for upgrading warriors in the Citadel?