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A guide to Leagues

A guide to Leagues

12 апр. 2019, 14:5512.04.19

A guide to Leagues

Lords, we've put together some useful information about Leagues and their features for you. This will help you plan your strategy for taking part in Tournaments better.

A League is a number of Lords or Orders grouped by their Palace level or amount of Power, respectively. Leagues are necessary to ensure fair matchmaking in Tournaments. There are seven Leagues in the game: the lowest is the Sixth League, while the highest is the Royal League. For victory in some Tournaments, players who have been placed in the Royal League can receive special items: Sulfurum and Empire Ingots. 

Personal Tournaments 

When taking part in this type of Tournament, Lords earn points individually. 

Depending on your Palace level, you will be placed into one of the Leagues. The League you belong to is specified in both the Info and Ranking tabs of the personal Tournament window. To be promoted to a higher League, upgrade your Palace. 

You cannot change Leagues during a Tournament. If you improve your Palace during the Tournament, you will be promoted to the next League only when the Tournament is over. 

To be placed in the Royal League, you need to have a Palace of level 32 or higher. 

Special Tournaments 

The whole of your Order takes part in this type of Tournament. You are placed into one of the Leagues depending on the number of your Order's Power points – the total number of Power points of all the Lords who belong to this alliance. 

By earning Power points, the Order can be promoted to a higher League, while by losing points, it will end up in a lower League. 

Worldwide Tournaments 

Before the Orders War Tournament starts, an opposing Order is assigned to your alliance, based on the League to which you belong. This remains unchanged till the end of the Tournament. 

If you are victorious in the Orders War, your Master will get resources. The amount of these depends on the League your Order belongs to. 

In the Kingdoms War and Kingdoms War: Retribution, the rewards for a top position in the Tournament ranking also depend on your alliance's League and the ranking position that it achieves. 

If your Kingdom wins these Tournaments and you earned at least one point, you will get a reward for personal achievements (checkpoints you have passed). The size of the reward is determined by your personal League, not the Order's League. 

Era-defining Tournaments 

In the era-defining Conquest of the Dominion Tournament, there is no division into Leagues. Lords from all Kingdoms fight in order to capture and hold the Rampart of the Emperor. The Tournament takes place exclusively in the Dominion, and the winner becomes the Emperor. 

Which League do you and your Order belong to? 

13 апр. 2019, 06:3513.04.19
13 апр. 2019, 06:36(отредактировано)




Personal Errand Event - 50 Usual Errands are equal to an average of 11k points. Roughly 261 errands are needed to achieve rank 6 rewards.

200k Gold buys you 100x Sepcial Errands. 

100 Special errands gain 500k+ Orderpoints.

500k Order points buys 50 Special Errands.

100K Gold buys 50 Special Errands.

For a continuous cycle of Special Errands that provide a  small gain of order points, a large gain of Core material, and XP... You can cycle 100k Gold for 100 Special errands, providing a 50% discount.

Longevity over strength.

13 апр. 2019, 22:1113.04.19
13 апр. 2019, 23:28(отредактировано)

Nice post, thank you. Wrong thread for this, but nice post.

> You can cycle 100k Gold for 100 Special errands, providing a 50% discount.

I'm not following the 50% discount. Can you explain a bit better?

  1. 100k Gold →   50 Special Errands (@gp2,000ea.), ☑
  2. 200k Gold → 100 Special Errands (@gp2,000ea.), ☑ → 500k+ Personal (?) Points, ☑
    500k+ Personal (?) Points → 50 Special Errands (@pp10,000ea.), ☑

Ah. Gotcha. 2. gives you 50 more special errands, which would cost 1., for a total of 150 special errands for the cost of 100, effecting a 50% bonus (not discount).

That's not strictly true, but the premise is sound and an excellent point. [1. should give you 25 special errands effecting 125 for that 100 cost, leaving 2. actually effecting a 20% bonus.]

Torasu said:


200k Gold buys you 100x Special Errands. 

100 Special errands gain 500k+ Orderpoints.

500k Order points buys 50 Special Errands.

100K Gold buys 50 Special Errands.

For a continuous cycle of Special Errands that provide a  small gain of order points, a large gain of Core material, and XP ... You can cycle 100k Gold for 100 Special errands, providing a 50% discount.

Longevity over strength.

> small gain of order points

Did you mean personal points there?

> Longevity over strength.

Nice saying!

> Personal Errand Event - 50 Usual Errands are equal to an average of 11k points. Roughly 261 errands are needed to achieve rank 6 rewards.

11k -xp- points?

rank 6 rewards? Did you mean checkpoint? [Thresholds in French.]

- this thread talks about event types and leagues. Are you saying Running 261 errands in KvKr will get you near checkpoint 6?

nm ... "Personal Errand Event". Cool, I'll have to look at what rewards checkpoint 6 brings, next time I see the event. Thank you!

I used (many) events to quickly raise Inquisitor experience points  so I could open up gear slots. Special errands seemed to be best for this (especially when needing Personal Points to get Adrian candles from the Order Store). [After that ... Platinum.] If Usual or VIP errand make more sense for this in your experience, please speak up.

18 апр. 2019, 01:3818.04.19

John the Fearless said:

Special Tournaments 

... You are placed into one of the Leagues depending on the number of your Order's Power points – the total number of Power points of all the Lords who belong to this alliance.

Worldwide Tournaments 

Before the Orders War Tournament starts, an opposing Order is assigned to your alliance, based on the League to which you belong. This remains unchanged till the end of the Tournament.


> You are placed into one of the Leagues depending on the number of your Order's Power points – the total number of Power points of all the Lords who belong to this alliance.

Does this mean Citadel power is not a factor in League placement? [And how does one find this number? Order Power - Citadel Power? Citadel / Town Hall / Statistics / Total Power of Order Citadel? How to find this last number of another order?]

> Before the Orders War Tournament starts, an opposing Order is assigned to your alliance, based on the League to which you belong.

Is there any sort of matching process in play? e.g. Not the largest vs the smaller order within that League?

24 апр. 2019, 16:2124.04.19

The Player Palace level dictates their Personal Event League Placement.

The total Order Power dictates the Order Event League placement.

I have changed my recommended Palace level from 22 to 24, for most players. As Palace 24 keeps you in League 3 for personal events. Palace 22 is League 3 for all and league 4 for Assigning errands.

(Vip24  needs 261 Usual Errands for 56k points to gain rank 6 rewards, with 11,000 point average for every 50 refreshers used.)

I know a lot, just ask me questions in PM. Please, if I am wrong on anything, correct me so I spread better information.

Longevity over Strength!

25 апр. 2019, 03:4725.04.19
25 апр. 2019, 03:49(отредактировано)

> I have changed my recommended Palace level from 22 to 24, for most players. As Palace 24 keeps you in League 3 for personal events. Palace 22 is League 3 for all and league 4 for Assigning errands.

This is worth an entry in 'Fan Guides.'

You could create what is essentially a blog there.

e.g. https://plarium.com/forum/en/throne-kingdom-at-war/598_general-questions/123846_is-this-a-super-pack--mega-pack-or-special-holiday-offer/2/ is essentially a 'Packs Blog' (aka 'Offers Blog')

27 апр. 2019, 19:4127.04.19
19 окт. 2019, 06:0519.10.19

Personal League - based on Palace level.

Special League - based on Order power.

Era-defining - no leagues used.

(Non-OVO) Worldwide Leagues - ?

- Anyone see in the OP a description of league selection for these?

= It talks about rewards, but not league selection.

nm. (Corrections welcome.)

(Non-OVO) Worldwide Leagues - no leagues used. (For opponent selection.)

- here, leagues are only used to determine your Checkpoint levels.

[Assumption, higher the league, higher the checkpoints and larger the rewards.]

Order achievements checkpoint level - based on Order power.

Personal achievements - based on Palace level.

20 окт. 2019, 11:3220.10.19
20 окт. 2019, 11:33(отредактировано)

Taking my own advice, I asked Support via Menu / Ask A Question.

[Got answer next day - thank you Plarium Support for the fantastic support / response on this.]

> At what point does an Order get pushed into the Royal league?

The distribution across Leagues depends on the Tournament type. The selection in Personal Tournaments is determined by the level of the player's Town and in the case of Special and Worldwide ones - by the Order's Influence.

Below you can find the criteria of Leagues distribution which are relevant at the moment. Please note that the specified criteria may be changed at any moment without notice in order to maintain balance in the game.

Personal Tournaments and personal achievements for worldwide Tournaments:

- Sixth League: 1 - 12 levels of the Palace.

- Fifth League: 13 - 18 levels of the Palace.

- Fourth League: 19 - 21 levels of the Palace.

- Third League: 22 - 24 levels of the Palace.

- Second League: 25 - 26 levels of the Palace.

- First League: 27 - 31 levels of the Palace.

- Royal League: 32 - 25 levels of the Palace.

(Personal Achievements) Special Tournaments, the Orders War, the Kingdoms War: Retribution:

- Sixth League: 0 - 5,000,000 of Power points.

- Fifth League: 5,000,001 - 50,000,000 of Power points.

- Fourth League: 50,000,001 - 1,000,000,000 of Power points.

- Third League: 1,000,000,001 - 5,000,000,000 of Power points.

- Second League: 5,000,000,001 - 15,000,000,000 of Power points.

- First League: 15,000,000,001 - 1,000,000,000,000 of Power points.

- Royal League: 1,000,000,000,001 Power points and higher.

The Orders War Tournament:

- Sixth League: 5,000,000 - 25,000,000 Power points.

- Fifth League: 25,000,001 - 250,000,000 Power points.

- Fourth League: 250,000,001 - 3,000,000,000 Power points.

- Third League: 3,000,000,001 - 7,500,000,000 Power points.

- Second League: 7,500,000,001 - 15,000,000,000 Power points.

- First League: 15,000,000,001 - 1,000,000,000,000 Power points.

- Royal League: 1,000,000,000,001 Power points and higher.

So, it would seem we need not worry about being pushed into Royal any time soon!

Summarizing - 

OvO Order power threshold levels:

6: 0

5: 25M

4: 250M

3: 3B

2: 7.5B

1: 15B

R: 1T

28 апр. 2021, 07:1428.04.21

where can i find info on order size for each league

28 апр. 2021, 09:0628.04.21
Bob Griswold

where can i find info on order size for each league

Hi Bob!

Below you can find the criteria of Leagues distribution which are relevant at the moment. Please note that the specified criteria may be changed at any moment without notice in order to maintain balance in the game.

Personal Tournaments and personal achievements for worldwide Tournaments:

- Sixth League: 1-12 levels of the Palace.

- Fifth League: 13-18 levels of the Palace.

- Fourth League: 19-21 levels of the Palace.

- Third League: 22-24 levels of the Palace.

- Second League: 25-26 levels of the Palace.

- First League: 27-31 levels of the Palace.

- Royal League: 32-25 levels of the Palace.

Special Tournaments, the Kingdoms War, the Kingdoms War: Retribution, the Kingdoms War: Rebellion:

- Sixth League: 0 - 5 000 000 of Power points.

- Fifth League: 5 000 001 - 50 000 000 of Power points.

- Fourth League: 50 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 of Power points.

- Third League: 1 000 000 001 - 5 000 000 000 of Power points.

- Second League: 5 000 000 001 - 15 000 000 000 of Power points.

- First League: 15 000 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 000 of Power points.

- Royal League: 1 000 000 000 001 Power points and higher.

The Orders War Tournament:

- Sixth League: 5 000 000 - 1 000 000 000 Power points.

- Fifth League: 1 000 000 001 - 10 000 000 000 Power points.

- Fourth League: 10 000 000 001 - 100 000 000 000 Power points.

- Third League: 100 000 000 001 - 500 000 000 000 Power points.

- Second League: 500 000 000 001 - 2 000 000 000 000 Power points.

- First League: 2 000 000 000 001 - 4 000 000 000 000 Power points.

- Royal League: 4 000 000 000 001 Power points and higher.

If you have any more questions, I will be happy to help🤗

28 апр. 2021, 09:3928.04.21

Thanks  for that we are 4.9T but are in first league in orders war we were above the 4T threshold before event announcement  so your answer makes no sense

what is the threshold for royal league for  orders war and battle of the isles

28 апр. 2021, 13:1828.04.21
Bob Griswold

Thanks  for that we are 4.9T but are in first league in orders war we were above the 4T threshold before event announcement  so your answer makes no sense

what is the threshold for royal league for  orders war and battle of the isles

Hi Bob, 🖐 please forward your request to the support team. You can do this via the "Ask a question" button after following this link:


Our colleagues will check the situation and provide you with all the relevant information regarding your issue. 

15 июль 2021, 16:3515.07.21
15 июль 2021, 20:13(отредактировано)

Updated league levels per Support, as of July 15, 2021.

[Update may have changed them again, I will ask. I see no mention of BotI - I'll add that to the question.]

Particular set of levels for 'Personal Tournament "Grand Inquisition"' added.

Otherwise, Roger's kind message above at https://plarium.com/forum/en/comment/topic_1005189/

- except, OvO 1st bumped from 4T to  7T now (and so bumping up Royal, too).

'(Personal Achievements) Special Tournaments, the Orders War, the Kingdoms War: Retribution' -> 'Special Tournaments, the Kingdoms War, the Kingdoms War: Retribution, the Kingdoms War: Rebellion' - dropping 'the Orders War' from that list.

Orders War changed significantly.

[Which was the prompt for some of the questions / messages above.]


Support Request #5-1557477

Plarium Support Team

Dear Lord,

Below you can find the relevant criteria of Leagues distribution. Please note that the specified criteria may be changed at any moment without notice in order to maintain balance in the game.

Personal Tournaments (excluding "Grand Inquisition"):

- Sixth League: 1-12 levels of the Palace.

- Fifth League: 13-18 levels of the Palace.

- Fourth League: 19-21 levels of the Palace.

- Third League: 22-24 levels of the Palace.

- Second League: 25-26 levels of the Palace.

- First League: 27-31 levels of the Palace.

- Royal League: 32-25 levels of the Palace.

Personal Tournament "Grand Inquisition":

- Sixth League: 1-15 levels of the Palace.

- Fifth League: 16-20 levels of the Palace.

- Fourth League: 21-22 levels ofthe Palace.

- Third League: 23-25 levels of the Palace.

- Second League: 26-27 levels of the Palace.

- First League: 28-31 levels ofthe Palace.

- Royal League: 32-35 levels of the Palace.

Special Tournaments, the Kingdoms War, the Kingdoms War: Retribution, the Kingdoms War: Rebellion:

- Sixth League: 0 - 5 000 000 of Power points.

- Fifth League: 5 000 001 - 50 000 000 of Power points.

- Fourth League: 50 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 of Power points.

- Third League: 1 000 000 001 - 5 000 000 000 of Power points.

- Second League: 5 000 000 001 - 15 000 000 000 of Power points.

- First League: 15 000 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 000 of Power points.

- Royal League: 1 000 000 000 001 Power points and higher.

The Orders War Tournament:

- Sixth League: 5 000 000 - 1 000 000 000 Power points.

- Fifth League: 1 000 000 001 - 10 000 000 000 Power points.

- Fourth League: 10 000 000 001 - 100 000 000 000 Power points.

- Third League: 100 000 000 001 - 500 000 000 000 Power points.

- Second League: 500 000 000 001 - 2 000 000 000 000 Power points.

- First League: 2 000 000 000 001 - 7 000 000 000 000 Power points.

- Royal League: 7 000 000 000 001 Power points and higher.

If you have any more questions, I will be happy to help. Have a nice day!

Kind regards,

Annabel Trust

Plarium Support Team




16 июль 2021, 00:3816.07.21


16 июль 2021, 14:0916.07.21
16 июль 2021, 14:12(отредактировано)

League Levels post-2021-07-16 update:

Support Request #5-1557477

    Plarium Support Team

Dear Lord,

Below you can find the relevant criteria of Leagues distribution considering the latest update. Please **note that the specified criteria may be changed at any moment without notice** in order to maintain balance in the game.

Personal Tournaments (excluding "Grand Inquisition"):

- Sixth League: 1-15 levels of the Palace.

- Fifth League: 16-19 levels of the Palace.

- Fourth League: 20-24 levels of the Palace.

- Third League: 25-30 levels of the Palace

- Second League: 31-33 levels of the Palace.

- First League: 34-36 levels of the Palace.

- Royal League: 37-40 levels of the Palace.

Personal Tournament "Grand Inquisition":

- Sixth League: 1-15 levels of the Palace.

- Fifth League: 16-19 levels of the Palace.

- Fourth League: 20-24 levels ofthe Palace.

- Third League: 25-30 levels of the Palace.

- Second League: 31-33 levels of the Palace.

- First League: 34-36 levels ofthe Palace.

- Royal League: 37-40 levels of the Palace.

Special Tournaments, the Kingdoms War, the Kingdoms War: Retribution, the Kingdoms War: Rebellion:

- Sixth League: 0 - 5 000 000 of Power points.

- Fifth League: 5 000 001 - 50 000 000 of Power points.

- Fourth League: 50 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 of Power points.

- Third League: 1 000 000 001 - 5 000 000 000 of Power points.

- Second League: 5 000 000 001 - 15 000 000 000 of Power points.

- First League: 15 000 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 000 of Power points.

- Royal League: 1 000 000 000 001 Power points and higher.

The Orders War Tournament:

- Sixth League: 5 000 000 - 1 000 000 000 Power points.

- Fifth League: 1 000 000 001 - 10 000 000 000 Power points.

- Fourth League: 10 000 000 001 - 100 000 000 000 Power points.

- Third League: 100 000 000 001 - 500 000 000 000 Power points.

- Second League: 500 000 000 001 - 2 000 000 000 000 Power points.

- First League: 2 000 000 000 001 - 7 000 000 000 000 Power points.

- Royal League: 7 000 000 000 001 Power points and higher.

The Battle on the Isles Tournament:

- Sixth League: 250 000 000 000 - 500 000 000 000 Power points.

- Fifth League: 500 000 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 000 Power points.

- Fourth League: 1 000 000 000 001 - 1 500 000 000 000 Power points.

- Third League: 1 500 000 000 001 - 2 500 000 000 000 Power points.

- Second League: 2 500 000 000 001 - 4 000 000 000 000 Power points.

- First League: 4 000 000 000 001 - 7 000 000 000 000 Power points.

- Royal League: 7 000 000 000 001 Power points and higher.

If you have any more questions, I will be happy to help. Have a nice day!

Kind regards,

Annabel Trust

Plarium Support Team

[as at 2021-07-21]