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Persian Positions are NOT working

Persian Positions are NOT working

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
17 сент. 2017, 21:5017.09.17
Persian Positions is not paying out correctly. Plarium can say whatever they like, the fact remains. I suggest Plarium goes away and looks into the issue before that part of the game dies on its feet. There has been an issue for around 6 weeks. I play exactly the same way, each week using the same method. The pay outs are down by at least 50%. I have been putting it down to the fact that my army had grown above a certain threshold, and the game was trying to hold me back. Seriously disappointed with plarium, all joking aside, we are your customers, and we are not happy!!
17 сент. 2017, 22:2117.09.17
17 сент. 2017, 22:21(отредактировано)

totalmente de acuerdo ... deberían al menos lista de usuarios ... muchos de nosotros hemos estado haciendo persa durante más de un año. "" y durante unas 4 o 5 semanas el juego ha cambiado al menos en niveles por encima de 120 ... en mi opinión algo está fallando o tocado algún parámetro.

Voy a pegar mi última colección digna ... desde entonces ... y repito ... durante 4 o 5 semanas .. el juego no acumula las pérdidas como antes ..

lo siento pero uso un traductor

totally agree ... they should at least list users ... many of us have been doing Persian for more than a year. "" and for about 4 or 5 weeks the game has changed at least in levels above 120 ... in my opinion something is failing or touched some parameter.

I'm going to stick my last worthy collection ... since then ... and I repeat ... for 4 or 5 weeks .. the game does not accumulate the losses as before ..

sorry but I use a translator

17 сент. 2017, 22:4217.09.17
17 сент. 2017, 22:45(отредактировано)

Vincentius said:

Persian Positions is not paying out correctly. Plarium can say whatever they like, the fact remains. I suggest Plarium goes away and looks into the issue before that part of the game dies on its feet. There has been an issue for around 6 weeks. I play exactly the same way, each week using the same method. The pay outs are down by at least 50%. I have been putting it down to the fact that my army had grown above a certain threshold, and the game was trying to hold me back. Seriously disappointed with plarium, all joking aside, we are your customers, and we are not happy!!

I agree   with  you   what yall have been experiencing  in the last 6 weeks   I have been experiencing this for the  last year.      I have  been robbed  over and over.     put in 40 mil,    nothing back at all   except 1000 units.    when I say  there is nothing wrong with pp  it is because  they  have designed it to  take  from you.    just  wait  until  you play  them  to point    when  not even money can buy back enough  to get a payout.      they  are rigged     and have set payouts,     play at own risk.       very sad   that  the  game  forces  you to spend  money  for payout!!!      I'm not  a fan of what is going on   I just play them so much  I  know  what their system is.       I can not  believe  that I'm still playing.

and btw  plarium  who ever  I made angry at your company  I am truly  sorry,    will you please  fix my game.      : )

17 сент. 2017, 22:4817.09.17

I have  only  heard  one method    of  making sure  you  don't get  robbed   or short changed on payouts.

build  150 mil  in power  of lights   and heavies.     only use  this for  pp.   keep all rewards.     once  you lose  all  lights and heavies    spend  money  buy them back   and start over  to collect  more rewards.           not very practical    but this is really  the only  way to play them

18 сент. 2017, 05:4418.09.17
18 сент. 2017, 05:46(отредактировано)

PMC said:

Vincentius said:

Persian Positions is not paying out correctly. Plarium can say whatever they like, the fact remains. I suggest Plarium goes away and looks into the issue before that part of the game dies on its feet. There has been an issue for around 6 weeks. I play exactly the same way, each week using the same method. The pay outs are down by at least 50%. I have been putting it down to the fact that my army had grown above a certain threshold, and the game was trying to hold me back. Seriously disappointed with plarium, all joking aside, we are your customers, and we are not happy!!

I agree   with  you   what yall have been experiencing  in the last 6 weeks   I have been experiencing this for the  last year.      I have  been robbed  over and over.     put in 40 mil,    nothing back at all   except 1000 units.    when I say  there is nothing wrong with pp  it is because  they  have designed it to  take  from you.    just  wait  until  you play  them  to point    when  not even money can buy back enough  to get a payout.      they  are rigged     and have set payouts,     play at own risk.       very sad   that  the  game  forces  you to spend  money  for payout!!!      I'm not  a fan of what is going on   I just play them so much  I  know  what their system is.       I can not  believe  that I'm still playing.

and btw  plarium  who ever  I made angry at your company  I am truly  sorry,    will you please  fix my game.      : )

I really agree. yes they have changed the system pp

18 сент. 2017, 06:2318.09.17

a long time ago I was really fun when i playing on PP every day.. but now it has no have fun.. and now I have lost a lot of my troops

it was really sad that happened

actually I play in PP. just to get some fun and enjoy every day.

and now i am wacayalalala crying every day yukkk waaaw !

more crying !!!

18 сент. 2017, 08:1718.09.17
18 сент. 2017, 08:18(отредактировано)

rome said:

a long time ago I was really fun when i playing on PP every day.. but now it has no have fun.. and now I have lost a lot of my troops

it was really sad that happened

actually I play in PP. just to get some fun and enjoy every day.

and now i am wacayalalala crying every day yukkk waaaw !

more crying !!!

yes  I feel  you on that one  so much fun once

18 сент. 2017, 09:1218.09.17
18 сент. 2017, 09:18(отредактировано)

Vincentius said:

Persian Positions is not paying out correctly. Plarium can say whatever they like, the fact remains. I suggest Plarium goes away and looks into the issue before that part of the game dies on its feet. There has been an issue for around 6 weeks. I play exactly the same way, each week using the same method. The pay outs are down by at least 50%. I have been putting it down to the fact that my army had grown above a certain threshold, and the game was trying to hold me back. Seriously disappointed with plarium, all joking aside, we are your customers, and we are not happy!!

Hey, Vincentius! I can confirm that no changes have been made to how Position rewards are calculated. However the same strategy will not work all the time, so if you always use exactly the same method, it is inevitable that sooner or later you will stop getting the reward you expect. Try adjusting your current tactics and no doubt you'll see improvements before long!

18 сент. 2017, 09:5018.09.17
18 сент. 2017, 09:51(отредактировано)

Dimitri Molchanov said:

Vincentius said:

Persian Positions is not paying out correctly. Plarium can say whatever they like, the fact remains. I suggest Plarium goes away and looks into the issue before that part of the game dies on its feet. There has been an issue for around 6 weeks. I play exactly the same way, each week using the same method. The pay outs are down by at least 50%. I have been putting it down to the fact that my army had grown above a certain threshold, and the game was trying to hold me back. Seriously disappointed with plarium, all joking aside, we are your customers, and we are not happy!!

Hey, Vincentius! I can confirm that no changes have been made to how Position rewards are calculated. However the same strategy will not work all the time, so if you always use exactly the same method, it is inevitable that sooner or later you will stop getting the reward you expect. Try adjusting your current tactics and no doubt you'll see improvements before long!

that  is a great  suggestion,      finally   a good  one on here     thank  you so much       I even  gave  you a thumbs up!!!!!   

9 окт. 2017, 15:4809.10.17
This is still the same lmao. I was playing this game usually just for persians, but looks like its time to quit. 
10 окт. 2017, 19:1310.10.17

vakonziko said:

This is still the same lmao. I was playing this game usually just for persians, but looks like its time to quit. 

Hello, Archon!  Keep in mind that you get regular rewards almost every successful completion of the PPs. And you need to consider these regular rewards when you build your strategy. Also, I don't suggest you to attack different levels of the PPs. Try to attack the same levels. By the way, to get profit from the PPs, send the weak units to the battles to exchange them on stronger troops.

By the way, there are a lot of activities in the game except PPs. ;)

Happy hunting!

19 нояб. 2017, 02:1619.11.17
19 нояб. 2017, 02:19(отредактировано)

The problem persists. The only time PP payouts are positive are during coalition missions. 

It's definitely a scam. I liked that this game was global and easy to access; but alas, the end for me has come.

I bid you all adieu. 
19 нояб. 2017, 06:2619.11.17
19 нояб. 2017, 06:28(отредактировано)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

I've checked your PP records. Everything is ok there, and the feature works as intended. That's the best I can do in this situation. Please keep in mind that we never disclosed how PPs work, so how can you know that they work incorrectly?

lol , It not broke if you are using them . The easiest way to get some thing fixed is to quit using it and send it to the shop . If you keep using it , it wont get fixed and could get worse . If there making money there working as intended .

P.P. was a bank for troops you could not feed and now it is a way for them to make money .
20 нояб. 2017, 17:1420.11.17


Do you know how many millions of troops you have lost to release this prize?

so double. of power ...

conclusion if doing everything exactly as I always did .. if reinforcing even more the losses.

I only achieve 28000 units of phalanges in a defensive Persian 180 ... something has changed.

You can show with photos that even Level 155 Persians gave better prizes.

I know that this discussion .. this post will fall on deaf ears and will not have more use.

but if anyone bothers to read this post ... I would not advise doing Persians above levels 25 .. since the losses are always greater than the gains.

I know that some moderator will say that nothing was touched .. ok I respect it ... but in my humble opinion, something was played that at least the humble players like me do not know and that in the end they only favor the players who spend money recover lost troops.

as they say the pp is not the only thing that can be done in the game .. but there must be something wrong when a part of the game is not interesting to my way of seeing.


saben cuantos millones de tropas e perdido para que suelte este premio?

pues el doble. de poder ...

conclusion si haciendo todo exactamente como siempre lo hice .. si reforzando aun mas las perdidas.

solo logro 28000 unidades de falanjes en un persa 180 defensivo... algo a cambiado.

puede demostrar con fotos que inclusos persas de nivel 155 dieron mejores premios .

se que esta discusion .. este post caera en saco roto y no tendra mas utilidad.

pero si alguno se molesta en leer este post... yo no aconsejaria hacer persas por encima de niveles 25 .. ya que las perdidas son siempre mayores que las ganancias.

se que algun moderador dira que no se toco nada .. ok lo respeto .. pero en mi humilde opinion se toco algo que al menos los humildes jugadores como yo desconocemos y que a la postre solo favorecen a los jugadores que gastan burradas de dinero en recuperar tropas perdidas.

como bien dicen el pp no es lo unico que se puede hacer en el juego .. pero debe haber algo mal cuando una parte del juego ya no resulta interesante a mi modo de ver.

21 нояб. 2017, 00:1221.11.17
I do not play Persians anymore as I tend to agree the payouts will not cover what u lost in getting there normally around 5 - 10 % u can expect to lose without recouping them back. 
21 нояб. 2017, 09:2221.11.17
21 нояб. 2017, 10:48(отредактировано)

Here are some facts and good advice to give you information about positions:

1: If you play persian positions regularly (without spending money), and if you play it near perfectly, the most you can expect to gain in troop power (considering all your troop losses and all your troop gains) is around 15%-30% (which includes tournament troop rewards). For a "good and frequent persians player", I'd say the overall long-term troop gains is around 10% only. The margin is so thin, that many players who play positions, but who don't measure their overall gains and losses, make losses, without knowing it. Persians was never designed with the primary goal of growing your overall army (except for coiners) - mainly it was intended to be a source of XP, a troop converter, fun, and provider of other smaller goodies. General equipment got added subsequently to initial design of the system. Where you lie on the 15% to 30% range, depends a lot on how much patience you have - less patience => closer to 15%, more patience => closer to 30%. Such gains you can get consistently, if you know the system well and keep playing it well. Can go higher than 30%, but that requires an impractical amount of patience IMO, and then the gains are too small in absolute terms.

2: With respect, players who complain about overall losses, or that positions are broken, or that positions got changed when Plarium didn't announce changes, simply haven't figured the system out yet.

3: IMO about 50% of the advice, tutorials, and other "facts" you see on forums, papers, etc, on persian positions, are wrong. You cannot explain persians properly on a forum - there is no "quick strategy" / "quick explanation". What is somewhat problematic, is if you do 90% of the things right, but the other 10% of things wrong, then you may see overall troop losses instead of overall troop gains. In other words, you need to do almost everything right for a smallish power gain of around 15%. (Sorry to disappoint you if you thought otherwise.) This is the main reason (IMO) why I say "quick strategy" or "quick explanation" is not sufficient, and is one of the main reasons why many players (like myself) who know the persians quite well, will not post strategies, because there is a big risk of misleading people if you don't write pages and pages to cover everything that is important.

4: If you don't want to play for the 15%-30% gains, then persians is still useful as a troop converter, for marks of helios (which are great), and general equipment. Most players are able to break even (in the long-term) on troop gains (by scoring 500-2000 points only per good positions tournament), but then get a lot of pick-up in terms of marks of helios and general equipment, which is still a powerful gain overall.

5: If you don't know the system properly, meaning you haven't tested your understanding across at least 500-750 positions (say, 25 full payouts), then you should not gamble a big chunk of your army and/or your precious troops.

21 нояб. 2017, 10:0121.11.17
21 нояб. 2017, 10:47(отредактировано)

A few things that are easy to state and true in 100% of successful positions strategies are:

1: Never (ever) use roman units, javelins, psilos, swordsman, hoplites, and myrmidon on regular persian positions.

2: When taking out campaign missions, use highly upgraded javelins or swordsman. (If you have a LOT of patience, use the free heroes.)

3: If you are after general equipment pieces, you suffer fewer losses for pieces gained on lower positions (levels 21-30 are great for this).

4: While you are figuring the positions out,try to stay in positions range 21-80. (This won't always be possible though.) Point is, if you rush upwards, without knowing the system, you will add yourself to the list of complainers on forum.

5: Study the tournament rewards to separate out poor from good position tournaments. If unsure about positions, only ever play them during a good tournament and stop when you feel the tournament rewards become steep. (Usually this is after 2,000 points.) Given how small the long-term troops gains are on positions, the tournaments are quite important.

21 нояб. 2017, 13:4421.11.17
21 нояб. 2017, 13:46(отредактировано)

plarium didnt changed pp system,the only thing  changed is they invented imperial troops,and imperial troops are almost always as rewards,rare rewards are regular saris or trojans,i cant even remember when rewards was regular promachos,and i asked million times to give us regular promachos as rewards,not imperials,i got big DECLINED,as usual.

i cant claim(because i dont work for plarium),but i think this is the only problem with pp system:

imperial troops are not made by resources,you can get them for money or as reward on some tournaments,and because they are not made with resources,their value for pp bank is ZERO,zero resources = zero value,they do kill perians but they dont fill pp bank.

pp system is based on resources value.

so when you use imperial troops on pp,they kill troops but it dont go in the bank.

thats the only problem with pp system.

i never use imperial troops,champion troops and roman troops(because they are cheap).

Dimitri,if this what i just said is not truth,bring one game developer on forum,for 5 minutes,to prove to us did imperial troops have any value for pp bank,or not.

if plarium dont bring developer on forum,it is crystal clear why they dont want to do that :)

so players,you can start to listen to me,or to listen to some moderators who dont play persians at all,but they heard from some unnamed sources(just like on CNN,it must be russians again o.O )that imperial troops have same value as regular troops

ps i also sell fog in a jar,anyone want to buy it? 


21 нояб. 2017, 21:4321.11.17

Many deliberately forget the plarium at the profit screw wire at the winnings.

This is best to watch if eg PP Factor 2.2 Event is running.

The PP wins are under all cannon, it's turned on the profit screw .---> 10 miunten work for a programmer.

The best PP winnings are when no PP event is running.

Big Money Players do not care, because at the end of the week, they revive all the dead in the Hospital.

22 нояб. 2017, 06:2922.11.17
22 нояб. 2017, 06:31(отредактировано)

TSUN, I bet you haven't gotten to position level 180 yet. Sure, you can surf quest positions and come out fairly well, or even ahead; but after all quest positions are defeated up to level 180, the only place to go is down, down, down...good luck. :)

Anyway, I'm phasing out of this game, but will remain in contact with the friends around the world with whom I have become acquainted over the years. Take care.