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The Resurrected - Liar, Bully and a Massive Hypocrite

The Resurrected - Liar, Bully and a Massive Hypocrite

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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17 фев. 2021, 13:3317.02.21

The Resurrected - Liar, Bully and a Massive Hypocrite

To all of you reading this post, I would ask that you do take the time to read all of this and make sure to share it within Sparta so the actions of both this person, The Resurrected, and his coal is known far and wide.

I'm sure many of you on this forum have at one point came across The Resurrected - he's played the game a long time, he's been through numerous coals but most of all he hates you raiding 'his' sieges. If you have, then like me you ended up with a essay in your inbox and likely threats against your city or your coal (or both).

He is a bully. Anyone who has came across him in game likely knows that already due to his actions, messages and conduct. But did you know that along with this, he is also the biggest hypocrite in Sparta?

I'm not coming here with false accusations, all upset because The Resurrected has sent me another long essay in-game or raided my city or threaten my coal. No, I'm here to expose the real Resurrected - a manipulative individual who if he can't win a fight, not only sends the most vile messages possible but encourages his coal to do the same. 

For example, here is one message a player of his sent to someone in game. Three messages, all of which are against Plariums rules.


Message 1 - well I don't want banned so I'm not even going to try type out what was described.

Message 2 - threatens to use a hacker 'friend' to find out the location of a player

Message 3 - threatens to harm the player in person.

Now to get this out of the blue from a player you haven't even attacked, for some players that is quite scary. And in this case, it was:


(Name of player it was sent to, and who it was sent to was removed since I don't want these threats sent to me).

That message says it all. Someone, who isn't great with computers, who doesn't speak english, attacks a city in this game and then another player sends the above to them. How is that even allowed?

Now, you think that is is bad enough - The Resurrected allowing messages such as this to be sent by his players. But it gets worse. So so much worse, and reveals the true nature of The Resurrected of the hypocrite he is.

Some of you may remember, but The Resurrected posted here a little over a year ago that a player had sent him some messages wishing he would die. I think we can all agree that messages like this are unacceptable - no debate needed.

The Resurrected made sure to include all of his ailments, making sure to really drive home that he really is a innocent player in Sparta who only deserves sympathy. That is what he does after all - if he can't beat someone in Sparta, his health is always brought up to get sympathy - and he makes sure all the big coals of Sparta know about it as well so they can protect his city from people responding to his bullying.

Just as further proof, you can find his post very handily on this forum - Resu's Post 

So as someone who came here not too long ago to complain about these types of messages, does that give him the right to send messages wishing players of Sparta should die from Covid?

Example 1:


Example 2:


And before the questions on these arrive, I will answer them now.

Firstly, yes they are from an account called 'Rob Roy'. This is an alt account of The Resurrected - how do I know? The Resurrected has been around many coals in Sparta, and it doesn't take long before you arrive at an old one he has left. You don't have to wait long for people to spill the information on The Resurrected and all his accounts in Sparta when you tell them you are not his friend.

The other proof - these messages have been sent to players at Terminators, and having seen many other sent to their players there are two things in the above that all but confirm this is The Resurrected himself speaking. The first, he loves to call people cowards and has done so in all his messages to Terminator players. He has also told many of them, after messaging them unprovoked, that he is then blocking them.



In the words of The Resurrected himself - are these type of messages acceptable in Sparta? How can people be allowed to say such things, threaten real life consquences over something that has happened in a game - on top of that, wish DEATH onto someome in game? I should add, I was also informed that a player in The Resurrected's coal mother died of Covid themselves yet here he is using it to insult others? What a lovely person he is.

There are further things that have been sent as well. There are boasts from one player in The Resurrected's coal of using the darknet to get money to spend in Sparta. The same player also sent a very disgusting message regarding a players wife. But compared to the above, those are nothing.

Hopefully, I have not broken any rules of the forum posting this here - but with what is contained in these messages, I could not do nothing. This sort of behaviour is completely unacceptable, and I hope I see all coals in Sparta (including those in the ROS Union who are friends of him who defend his city) condemn The Resurrected for his own actions as well as those of his coal. 

17 фев. 2021, 23:2917.02.21

I am sorry you are experiencing this issue. 

Please blacklist this player and block him on Facebook. 

I will forward this to our Community Manager.

18 фев. 2021, 01:4218.02.21

Hi Warrior of Sparta,

I can attest to this. I have played with this person in a previous coalition and he is the reason why I left a coalition I enjoyed playing in. I could no longer tolerate his private messages, personal attacks and insults towards me. 

No one would believe anything I told them about this person because they all thought he was a nice guy and would make excuses for him like "Oh he has health problems, etc." That doesn't give him any right or excuse to act disrespectful towards anyone else that plays this game in Sparta. Especially coalition members who are on the same team as him. 

I now play in ROS and I'm a pole in Nordmann. I can tell you first hand we do not tolerate this kind of language in our coalition and we have no ties, alliance or agreements with this individual, nor do we support anything he says or does on his and his coalitions behalf. 


Gloone, Polemarch of Nordmann. 

18 фев. 2021, 07:3318.02.21

hola conozco muy bien a Resurrected me acoso me insulto me amezado incluso de muerte a mi y mis hijos. durante 5 años, todos sus mp eran despectivos ,humillantes ,insultantes y amenazantes
difamo mi nombre en sparta con acusaciones falsas y sin ninguna prueba. también advirtiendo a todo as las coaliciones que yo era un matón y un ladrón de asedios. todos las coalicion que estuve de nivel 20 me echaron. durante muchos años tuve que jugar solo en mi pequeña coalicion nivel 5 , porque el escribía a todos los hegemonías para que me echaran. (desde cuentas en mm terminator titan hob...)y resurrected sabia que me dolía. y como el es un psicópata disfrutaba cuando me echaban. porque el nunca me pudo destruir como amazona. porque soy un buen jugador y solo me mataba a mi java en mis granjas (granjas que ahora son suyas todas y no me permite hacer redadas) mientras que yo le mate muchos millones de ataque. y es así que su odio crecía mas y mas al ver que yo nunca perdía nada y el todo. cuando un jugador no se rinde y lucha el le hace bully durante años. y todos esos mp insultantes y amenazantes es la estrategia que el usa para calentarte y que lo ataques y destruirte. con toda la defensa de todas sus ciudades en el juego. siempre fui astuto con eso y nunca lo ataque. es el jugador con mas cuentas en sparta y el que mas dinero. gasta en el juego. se gasta miles de dolares al mes. es arquitecto y de nacionalidad irlandesa. y no nos olvidemos de su esposa que actúa de la misma forma que el. los dos eran unos novatos cuando los conocí pero aprendieron mucho de mi forma de jugar en esta guerra de odio!
todo el daño que el me hizo me dio la fama en sparta y hoy soy conocida por todas la coaliciones. finalmente mi sufrimiento acabaría cuando u-man me encontró y me invito a su coalición entonces equilibrium el era el hegemon. siempre confió en mi y me apoyo en todo. cuando llegue a equilibrium tuve que trabajar mucho para reconstruirlo. había pocos jugadores y muchos inactivos. trabaje muchas horas durante un años y por fin pudimos elevar a nivel 20 pero lamentablemente fuimos golpeados por nordmann. fue un duro golpe para mi sobre todo porque Resurrected se alegraba tanto de verme destruida!. pero no me rendí seguí luchando para reconstruir el equilibrium. y despues de el ataque a la capital conocí a yotama nos fusionamos. el trajo a algunos amigos de titan jugadores muy poderosos. y elevamos a nivel 20. despues muchos jugadores también con muy buenas estadísticas se unieron. por otro lado olvídense de plarium ellos no harán nada contra un jugador que gasta miles de dolares en un mes. hable con plarium durante muchos años y les envié todos los mesajes porque yo no hablaba nada de los ataque. porque la respuesta de ellos seria que esto es un juego de guerra y no pueden hacer nada. mi queja a plarium siempre fue por los mp.pero ellos nunca me ayudaron! en mi guerra de odio contra Resurrected encontré a muchos jugadores todos jugadores débiles de pequeñas coaliciones a los que protegí y los ayude durante muchos años. siempre les decía que no atacaran a Resurrected pero la mayoría lo hizo y fueron destruidos y casi todos dejaron el juego.
esto es solo un pequeño resumen porque la historia es larga. y ya por ultimo le pediría a todos los hegemonías y jugadores que conocen mi historia que publique en el foro. mi ordenador se daño y perdí todo los archivos. pero todos los mensajes que Resurrected me envió se lo envié a mucha gente. si alguien aun tiene algo por favor comparte aquí. 

18 фев. 2021, 07:3518.02.21

Hello, I know Resurrected very well, he harassed me, insulted me, threatened me and my children with death. For 5 years, all of her mp's were derogatory, humiliating, insulting, and threatening
I defame my name in Sparta with false accusations and without any proof. also warning all the coalitions that I was a bully and a siege thief. all the coalitions that I was at level 20 threw me out. For many years I had to play alone in my small level 5 coalition, because he wrote to all the hegemonies to kick me out. (from terminator titan hob mm beads ...) and resurrected I knew it hurt. And since he is a psychopath he enjoyed when they threw me out. because he could never destroy me as an Amazon. because I am a good player and I only killed my java in my farms (farms that are now his all and he does not allow me to make raids) while I kill him many millions of attack. And that's how I hate her, he grew more and more seeing that I never lost anything and everything. When a player doesn't give up and fight, he bullies them for years. and all those insulting and threatening mp is the strategy that he uses to heat you up and attack him and destroy you. with all the defense of all the cities from him in the game. I was always cunning with it and never attacked it. he is the player with the most accounts in sparta and the one with the most money. spend in the game. he spends thousands of dollars a month. he is an architect and of Irish nationality. And let's not forget about his wife that he acts in the same way as him. They were both rookies when I met them but they learned a lot from my way of playing in this hate war!
all the damage he did to me gave me fame in sparta and today I am known by all the coalitions. finally my suffering would end when u-man found me and invited me to his coalition then equilibrium he was the hegemon. he always trusted me and supported me in everything. When I got to equilibrium I had to work a lot to rebuild it. there were few players and many inactive. I worked long hours for a year and we were finally able to raise to level 20 but unfortunately we were hit by Nordmann. It was a hard blow for me especially because Resurrected was so happy to see me destroyed! but I didn't give up, I kept fighting to rebuild the equilibrium. and after the attack on the capital I met yotama we merged. He brought some very powerful player titan friends. and we rose to level 20. then many players also with very good statistics joined. On the other hand, forget about plarium, they will do nothing against a player who spends thousands of dollars in a month. I spoke with plarium for many years and I sent them all the messages because I did not speak anything about the attacks. because their answer would be that this is a war game and they can't do anything. my complaint to plarium was always about the mp. but they never helped me! in my hate war against Resurrected I met many players all weak players from small coalitions that I protected and helped them for many years. He always told them not to attack Resurrected but most of them did and they were destroyed and almost everyone left the game.
this is just a short summary because the story is long. and finally I would ask all the hegemonies and players who know my story to post in the forum. my computer got damaged and i lost all the files. but all the messages that Resurrected sent me I sent it to many people. if anyone still has something please share here. 

18 фев. 2021, 08:2418.02.21

Bonjour, pendant 5 ans, tous ses messages étaient désobligeants, humiliants, insultants et menaçants
Il a diffamé mon nom sur Sparta avec de fausses accusations et sans aucune preuve. avertissant également toutes les coalitions que j'étais une tyran et une voleuse de siège. Toutes les coalitions que étais au niveau 20 (capitale) m'ont chassé. Pendant de nombreuses années, j'ai dû jouer seule dans ma petite coalition de niveau 5, car il a écrit à toutes les hégémonies pour me mettre à la porte. (de terminator, titan, hob, mm, hob ...), il savait que ça me faisait mal. Et comme c'est un psychopathe, j'ai apprécié quand ils m'ont mis à la porte. Parce qu'il ne pourrait jamais me détruire en tant qu'Amazone car je suis une bonne joueuse et il ne tuait que mon javelotier dans mes fermes (fermes qui sont maintenant à lui et il ne me permet pas de faire des raids) et ceci malgré le fait que je lui tue plusieurs millions d'off. Et ainsi sa haine grandissait de plus en plus quand il voyait que jene perdai rien ou si peu. Lorsqu'un joueur n'abandonne pas et ne se bat pas, il les intimide pendant des années. Et tous ces mp insultants et menaçants sont la stratégie qu'il utilise pour vous t'énerver, vous attaquer et vous détruire. Avec sa défense de toutes ses villes . J'étais toujours rusé avec ça et je ne l'ai jamais attaqué. Il est le joueur avec le plus de comptes sur Sparta et celui avec le plus d'argent. Dépensé dans le jeu. Vous dépensez des milliers de dollars par mois. Il est architecte et de nationalité irlandaise. Et n'oublions pas sa femme qui agit comme lui. Ils étaient tous les deux des recrues quand je les ai rencontrés mais ils ont beaucoup appris de ma façon de jouer dans cette guerre de haine! 

Tous les dégâts qu'il m'a fait m'ont fait connaître sur Sparta et aujourd'hui je suis connue de toutes les coalitions. Enfin ma souffrance prendrait fin quand u-man m'a trouvé et m'a invité dans
sa coalition alors Equilibrium, il était l'hégémon. Il m'a toujours fait confiance et m'a soutenu dans tout. Quand je suis arrivé à Equilibrium, j'ai dû travailler beaucoup pour reconstruire. il y avait peu de joueurs et beaucoup d'inactifs. J'ai travaillé de longues heures pendant un an et nous avons finalement pu passer au niveau 20 (capitale) mais malheureusement nous avons été frappés par Nordmann. Ce fut un coup dur pour moi surtout parce que Resurrected était si heureux de me voir détruite! mais je n'ai pas abandonné, j'ai continué à me battre pour reconstruire Equilibrium. 

Et après l'attaque de la capitale, j'ai rencontré Yotama, nous avons fusionné. Il a amené des amis de chez Titans, joueurs très puissants. Et nous sommes montés au niveau 20. Puis de nombreux joueurs également avec de très bonnes statistiques se sont joints à nous. Par contre Plarium nous a laissé tombé, ils ne feront rien contre un joueur qui dépense des milliers de dollars en un mois. J'ai parlé avec Plarium pendant de nombreuses années et je leur ai envoyé tous les messages car je n'ai rien dit des attaques. Parce que leur réponse serait que c'est un jeu de guerre et qu'ils ne peuvent rien faire. Ma plainte auprés de  plarium concernait les messages reçus mais ils ne m'ont jamais aidé! Dans ma guerre de haine contre Resurrected, j'ai rencontré de nombreux joueurs tous faibles de petites coalitions que j'ai protégés et aidés pendant de nombreuses années.Je leur ai toujours dit de ne pas attaquer Resurrected mais la plupart d'entre eux l'ont fait et ils ont été détruits et presque tout le monde a quitté le jeu. 

Ce n'est qu'un bref résumé car l'histoire est longue. Et enfin je demanderais à toutes les hégémons et joueurs qui connaissent mon histoire de poster dans le forum. Mon ordinateur a été endommagé et j'ai perdu tous les fichiers. Mais tous les messages que Resurrected m'a envoyé, je les ai adressés à de nombreuses personnes. Si quelqu'un a encore quelque chose, partagez-le ici. 


18 фев. 2021, 13:2618.02.21

The Resurrected isn't going to attack anyone, except through mean messages. That is all they have left in the tank. He/She is all out of units, but still has a keyboard. That's an easy block and move on for me. It's attention like this post that he craves and needs to feel better. Hi JoJo!

18 фев. 2021, 13:3418.02.21
18 фев. 2021, 13:47(отредактировано)

I have never met/ fought/ interacted with the player accused, but I have seen some messages the accused and his/ her friends sent to my fellow Terminators. 

In real life, understadning people is part of my job and I have first hand education on psychology. I don't know if the accused is really physically sick in real life as I don't know the player, but the messages clearly demonstrate his/ her mental sickness.

As an ex-moderator of this forum, I know that there is nothing much Plarium can do as communication among players is outside their jurisdiction. The victims have the easier way - just ignor the foul mouth players. Block them and be done with that.

From my experience in this game since 2014, I have seen many players like him/ her. They talk big until they find worthy opponents as it happened in one of the above messages. The whole coalition of the accused player tried to take down one of the victim's city but failed consistently and then threatened to harm the player physically. Just blocking the accused and his/ her collaborators would suffice.

I don't know or can't recall who is Warrior of Sparta but he/ she did a good thing to expose the accused in this open forum. I don't know if he/ she is being bullied in game for bringing the matter into light, but he/ she did a brave thing.

All the players who love this game should condemn this kind of messages.

I wish the quick recovery, both physical and mental, of the accused. Stay safe mate :) 

18 фев. 2021, 16:0618.02.21

hello well I know him and he is not sick. he is active and working in his life. he uses sieges to bring in his victims. then mp to warm up and kill all your soldiers.

about what he says about blocking that so well is very difficult because he is the player with the most accounts in sparta. and in my case it blocked it and wrote to me from another account.

this is his coalition almost all accounts are his. but also he has accounts in level 20 coalitions to intimidate the hegemons and kick a player who does not give up and leave the game. because that is how he wants and commands it. he's a bully and he acts like one.

18 фев. 2021, 16:1418.02.21

all my farms in the years i was in sparta. now I have to go very far to do raids because he leaves me none.

but there is something else behind all this. who is Resurrected  really ^^

18 фев. 2021, 16:4418.02.21

I did not publish anything because many people in Sparta knew what I was doing and they did not help me. U-man only helped me, he is my therapist and I am still in treatment.

He told me that he knew where he lived and that he would come and beat me up and kill my babies, but that he would let me live to suffer.

all this because I am not a coward and I fought against him alone without any help!

bullies are cowards !! Why don't you come now, Resurrected defend yourself from the accusations. prove your worth now!

  you and everyone else who knows many things. publish !!!

18 фев. 2021, 16:5818.02.21

all those mp were a provocation for me to attack him and destroy myself as he did with many players! but it did me a lot of psychological damage !!!!!!!!!!!!

here the only sick person is me, and I don't mind saying it! I have borderline personality disorder and I can't control my emotions and lived hell with it. and no, he didn't quit the game because it was what he wanted !!

18 фев. 2021, 17:2818.02.21
18 фев. 2021, 17:46(отредактировано)

all those mp were a provocation for me to attack him and destroy myself as he did with many players! but it did me a lot of psychological damage !!!!!!!!!!!!

here the only sick person is me, and I don't mind saying it! I have borderline personality disorder and I can't control my emotions and lived hell with it. and no, he didn't quit the game because it was what he wanted !!

Dedra, my deepest sympathy for you as I understand your situation, at least to some extent.

In the end this is just a game. No matter how much time/ emotion we exert in it, it doesn't matter that much. Just ignore the bullies. Block (all of) their message. Ask help from in game friends/ coialition mates. 

As it is said - a barking dog seldom bites (and by using block button you can even stop hearing the barking!). You will be ok. Try not to give too much attention on it.

18 фев. 2021, 20:3418.02.21

hello I never responded to the mp and blocked it. but we are not talking about a 5/10 account player. he he he has more than 100 accounts.

18 фев. 2021, 21:1018.02.21

I cannot believe what I have read, I have no words  

19 фев. 2021, 10:0819.02.21


i have to let a comment here because it's very important for dedra, she needs to make peace with it, and i hope that this talks will make it happen.

when i met her, i found her mentaly exhausted, and full of sufferings. she had huge difficulties in her life since her early youth, and she had to deal with it on her own.

but she is really a pure heart, full of love and generosity and most of all, sensitivity, despite of all the difficulties she had to face...

but don't ever try to fight her in sparta, because you will find someone totally different: an incredible and furious warrior!

and that's the result of the work of resu... they faught during years, and he sent her awful and horrible messages, bullying her every day with hate and insults.

i told dedra to join eq, because i use this game and my coa as a therapy, to cure a lot of fears and understand emotional behaviours...

so i offered her to try and i told her that i will help her to solve the conflict with resu first.

wich i did, offering to him the guarantee that the sieges he claimed will be safe at the condition of a mutual ignorance.

but before that, i got a lot of pms warning me in all languages that dedra was the evil, dangerous, poisonous and stuff...

but i checked before, and i took a lot of informations about resu on players he bullied from the past 'because they raided HIS farms' and they all confirmed dedra's version.

also, an old friend who is hedge of an other coa told me a long story about resu's methods, and why he kicked him out his coa.

anyway... for me this is just sad stories! and i don't even mind about resu, because i know he is suffering a lot, i don't know and i can't be sure of what, but i am totally certain that you have to suffer a lot in your life and be desperate to act like he do and express such a hate in his messages...

i feel deeply sorry for him, sincerly, because his suffering is obvious...

yes, it's a rule in life: 

people who inflict sufferings to others are projecting on them their own sufferings, because when you are happy, really happy in your heart, you will never want to inflict sufferings to anyone!

why would you? no, when you are happy, you try to bring happiness to others...

so yes, for me, the only one to blame here is Mister plarium, who allow this type of behaviour, personnal threats, insults, constant bullying, diffamation,... who are causing a lot of emotional damages to people who have to live them, especially when they are young or sensitives...

but what? wtf i will say... and here they will probably blame me for this expression, lol!

what is the mental protection of the players in front of the high need of sick (because suffering) people to express all their frustration in act of bullies... and who will pay a lot of money for that?

lol, nothing!

i saw a kid bullied by an entire coa (from the top, lol) because they claimed that 'he stole them a lvl 78 alt'...

they made us war for it, and i told them: i can replace this pretending alt by a lvl 85 one... then they downgraded our capital... wich is totally the goal of plarium: "lose the max of troops, and buy them back"!

to resume: a load of players in sparta are just angry and full of sufferings persons who need to express their frustrations by bullying peoppple who don't have the same financial ressources of them.

they see themselves as 'kings of wars', strong and powerful,... but at the end, it's always proportional to the weak inner child crying inside of us, because "fuck"... they have so much money... but why are they so unhappy then?

so i'm sorry, but spending fortunes on such rubbish things is just terrible, and worst is the role of plarium who push and help them to do so, by answering to those who try to get help: "oh, yes, if someone do so with you, just block him hi hi"...

a player who is bullied will almost never find a coa to accept him (because all the coa will be bullied, and their laptops will even be hacked sometimes), his mailbox can be shut, but it will never protect his city or his sieges, and the diffamation he will suffer in the game will be really ugly...

so please, just stop to pretend that all is fine mister plarium, your game is just an addictive one, made to abuse addictive persons to press them all to give you their money.

that's my opinion in all cases and i know it won't change anything in the field, but just know that if i can see you, the real ancient gods of all greece can also see you, and i bet they will reward your eternal greed as it should be... ;)

19 фев. 2021, 16:1119.02.21

Archons, I'm really sorry to hear that you have encountered such an issue when communicating with other players. We will investigate this issue and accept all possible measures. Meanwhile, I suggest adding such players to the blacklist.

Note: If you feel that you are under an immediate credible physical threat, first, forward the threat directly to local law enforcement. Then contact Plarium Team.  

19 фев. 2021, 21:2219.02.21

I rarely make forum comments and I do not do so lightly now.

The thing we should all remember is that this is a game, not a social media platform where the unhinged have licence to be abusive in relative anonymity.  Any unresolved differences we have here should be confined to the battlefield.

The messaging in this thread is totally disgusting and unacceptable.  In one the author considers a raid to be “overstepping the mark”, and then bizarrely goes on to reference child porn as if that is perfectly alright!!!

The Resurrected and I have had our disagreements and in my case I chose to cease communications with him a long time ago consigning the odd rant I occasionally receive to the bin.  But let us not forget those who are vulnerable to this type of dissociative behaviour, for instance he does not know the age or gender of the person he is trolling.

Players can take certain steps to show disapproval and we should not simply rely on Plarium to act.  Ask yourself, do I want to play alongside such an unpleasant person, do I want diplomatic relations between our coals, do I even want him in my friends list…I think the answers are obvious.   

Fair play Gloone for quickly condemning this behaviour and distancing your coalition from any association.  The Resurrected routinely threatens to get Nordmann involved in his disputes so he will now have to find another group to fill that position.

I also denounce him for preying on those most susceptible to his insults and vile vitriol.  

Sparta 300

Hegemon - Hun-Demon-Empire

Nancy, if Plarium takes this matter seriously the comms guys will know there are many ways to easily identify all the cities linked to this player.  He has more accounts than most high street banks making it impossible to disguise.  I would suggest staff are first advised that when they hear alarm bells ringing its not a fire drill, just another of his accounts being red flagged. 


21 фев. 2021, 14:2921.02.21
21 фев. 2021, 14:30(отредактировано)

I  have  been  victim  to  his  intimidation but  was  lucky  enough to  slip  away  from  his  attention.    I  have  been  in  this  game  for   a  long  time  and  this  guy  is  definitely in  the  top  5  as  to  being  the  most  vile.    I  see  that  his  coalition  "  Fed  Up  with  BS  coas  has  dissolved  and  he  is  sitting  silently in  the  Dragons.      Expeling  this  individual or  disabling   his  private  messages  would  be  a  fine  choice..