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I need Help, Being raided 10 times and still lossing full resources

I need Help, Being raided 10 times and still lossing full resources

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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8 апр. 2020, 13:1708.04.20

I need Help, Being raided 10 times and still lossing full resources

I was quite confused when getting on one morning to check my reports. something about this doesn't check out.

It turns out each one of these attacks took 50k resources each and I am confused how that is possible, he hasn't used the Galley trick, because you can only do that twice, and he doesn't use any special units to do it. it looks so simple but how the hell is he doing this? I almost want to say hes cheating, for no other explanation.

8 апр. 2020, 18:2108.04.20

Good young.

Maybe, and what's weird is that I didn't plunder 100K in all the looting.

There's no limit to the galley trick if it's done right, as long as you withdraw in time and the looting doesn't come. If the galleys arrive you can't repeat the trick because of the limit of giving a daily or weekly amount to the same player.

Buenas joven

Puede ser y lo raro es que no te saqueara 100K en todos los saqueos.

No hay limite para el truco de las galeras si se hace bien, mientras retires a tiempo y no le lleguen al saqueado puedes seguir haciendoselo. Si le llegan las galeras ya no podras repetir el truco por el limite de regalar a un mismo jugador una cantidad diaria o semanal.

8 апр. 2020, 22:0408.04.20

ok, interesting. I had no idea you could go to suck an extent to get points off someone. theoretically then I really am not losing resources then right? since he just pilfers everything he sends 

8 апр. 2020, 23:0008.04.20

Es interesante y lo mejor es compartirlo con los amigos.

El truco de las galeras depende de lo que sepas y de lo que puedan cargar tus galeras, imagina que tus galeras cargan más de 100K en un solo viaje:

1º - envías exploradores para encontrar una ciudad que disponga de muchos recursos, y una vez encontrada

2º - envías saqueo con suficiente tropa como para saquear sobre 112K ( recuerda que la tropa solo saquea el 90% de la carga que puede traer )

3º - cuando faltan 25 segundos para que pegue el saqueo cargas tus galeras y se las envías de regalo, en cuanto pegue el saqueo retira las galeras ( no te preocupes que el sistema envía solo 50K aunque puedas cargar 100K ).

Como repetir otro saqueo de 100K al mismo jugador ?

4º - en cuanto regrese la tropa los vuelves a enviar a la misma ciudad

5º - como antes cuando faltan 25 segundos envías tus galeras cargadas con madera o bronce y en cuanto salen estas le envías el resto de galeras con grano. En el punto 3º no te permite nada más que un envío por el límite de 50K de regalo, ahora te lo permite porque le debes 100K.

Y realmente tu pierdes lo que el informe dice que pierdes, el que te saqueo realmente nunca te regalo nada.

It's interesting and the best thing is to share it with friends.

The trick of the galleys depends on what you know and what your galleys can carry. Imagine that your galleys carry more than 100K in a single trip:

1º - you send explorers to find a city that has many resources, and once found

2º - you send looting with enough troops to loot over 112K (remember that the troops only loot 90% of the cargo they can bring)

3º - when there are 25 seconds left for the looting to take place, load your galleys and send them to him as a gift. As soon as the looting takes place, remove the galleys (don't worry, the system only sends 50K although you can load 100K).

How to repeat another 100K loot to the same player?

4º - as soon as the troop returns you send them back to the same city

5º - as before, when there are 25 seconds left, you send your galleys loaded with wood or bronze and as soon as they come out, you send the rest of the galleys with grain. In the 3rd point it doesn't allow you anything more than a shipment for the limit of 50K of gift, now it allows you because you owe him 100K.

And you really lose what the report says you lose, the one who plundered you really never gave you anything.