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Counting and Classifications of Players Humans-Coiners-Non Coiners

Counting and Classifications of Players Humans-Coiners-Non Coiners

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27 дек. 2019, 08:2627.12.19

Counting and Classifications of Players Humans-Coiners-Non Coiners

This topic will discuss about the counting of the active human players in all over Sparta game, and the classification of them. What does it mean "active human player"? and how to classify "coiners"

Classification of active player that has also affect on her/his own coalition:

1) Must be over level 40, below level 40 the knowledge or the activity rate of the player about his own coalition missions is very small.

2) Must log in once in a month at least, players that log in more rarely have insignificant affect on their coalitions or their own play. This although I know few players that stopped playing for years and came back, and other players that mention they will pause playing for months but intend to come back.

3) Different Human players, not counting alts.

4) Now the classification of the term "Coiner", it is used in many topics here, the meaning is a player that buy packages and troops for money, but does spending 50$ per month makes a player a "Coiner"? To my opinion the answer is no. "Coiner" means a player that his spending money is increasing significantly the size of his army. To my opinion this starts in approximately in spending 200$ per month.

Now the counting: By counting the coalitions(1000 approximately), their size, and humans rate per coalition of a certain size, I would estimate the number in  approximately 10,000 different human players which out of them 500 are Coiners.

Please share your thoughts if you think of a different number or not. 

By the way, unlike several posts in this forum, to Sparta are joining new players all the time, and it is our duty as more experienced players to help the new players stay and enjoy this game. The fun in this game is not related to the amount of money one spends, let's be clear of that.
