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OBV 12 clans Requires 1 player 200k+ CvC + 1 casual UNM player

OBV 12 clans Requires 1 player 200k+ CvC + 1 casual UNM player

26 июнь 2022, 07:4426.06.22

OBV 12 clans Requires 1 player 200k+ CvC + 1 casual UNM player

Hey you!  Yes I'm talking to you.      Come inside I've got something to Show you............. TuT TuT TuT, don't keep scrolling come in you won't regret it.       This could be the best thing you have done all day.


OBV Recruiting

1 x spot for a serious tier 6 player 200k+ , also  inviting all friends to our community

☞ gif wars on discord, and generally a good laugh to be had(sense of humour is a must)

☞ Don’t mistake the fun, as lack of organisation – we are super organised – forward planning – clan rotations – clan recruitment

☞ We encourage  everyone to consider the level they want to be playing at after each cvc

☞ Level 3 Discord

☞ Happy communities, are active communities

☞  Mercy Counter via custom Discord Bot

☞ Experienced players to bounce ideas off

☞ over 400+ discord Members

☞ Active voice comms community

☞ All friends welcome

☞ Organised community of individually run clans but with minimal micro management or common cluster rules

☞ Freedom of movement between clans between each cvc so you can go hard then take a break – there will always be a slot for you somewhere

RSL Raid Peasants  T6- 200k+ H/B/NM/UNM/HHARD

rank 492

RSL Oblivion.      T6- 180k+ H/B/NM/UNM/HHARD

OBV Dominion T6- 150k+ H/B/NM/UNM/HNORM

Rank 388

RSL Redemption     T6- 140k+ B/NM/UNM/HHARD

rank 292

RSL Free Beer(OBV4)T5  120k+ B/NM/UNM/HNORM

RSL Ascension      T5   80k+ B/NM/UNM/HNORM

RSL Sola Fide (Casual)  50k+ B/NM/UNM/HHARD

THE Grimms.                 50k+ NM/UNM/

RSL Hellion  (casual)   45k personal


RSL Cowlin Knights.    UNM/NM

OBV Inception                NM/brutal

OBV Anticipation          Brutal/hard

Drama Free enviroment


"Only once you have experienced Oblivion, will you find your Salvation"

27 июнь 2022, 09:1327.06.22
27 июнь 2022, 09:14(отредактировано)

Casual Unm Slot Opened Up,

These Are Like Hens Teeth 

only 45k requirement during personal