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Brethren Court statistics suddenly massivly wrong

Brethren Court statistics suddenly massivly wrong

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1 дек. 2020, 13:4201.12.20

Brethren Court statistics suddenly massivly wrong


twice I startet a bug report with the support team and got only silly answers.

I try it here now.

Since 10 days or so my offensive troops are no longer represented in the Brethren Court statistics.

I know that there are normal discrepances but here I am talking about billions.

I cannot share the screenshots here that I have send to the support team, but I have many billions in offensive strength and from one day to another the numer shown in the Brethren Court statistics is just around 100 million. 

This is a bug because the troops are there but not shown accordingly. 

I am pretty mad with the support team 'cause they just tell me that it is a matter of a complex gameplay and not a bug. But how can it be if there is an open mistake and it is only since a few days. Before that everything was fine...


1 дек. 2020, 18:3301.12.20
1 дек. 2020, 18:34(отредактировано)

No one on the forum can take a peak inside your acc, as the mods are ordinary players (so, we shouldn't be able to do so) and CMs are not the Support. Normally, I'd suggest you file a bug report, but you already did that. Sadly, I have no other answer to offer.

I must say that I find "billions" a bit too much. For a player of your size, 100M certainly does sound way too low, but billions... Good work if that's really correct! 💪 I don't play much on s1, so if you want to share the screenshots of your units (via portal's private messages), I'll gladly take a look. However, I don't see how it would help.

2 дек. 2020, 13:5202.12.20

Believe me billions as in 1.000 x million.

2 дек. 2020, 13:5902.12.20

I have send you the screens