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Release and patch info to end users and more

Release and patch info to end users and more

Jul 19, 2018, 21:0107/19/18

Release and patch info to end users and more

We appreciate upgrade information like this one:

Update: the Battle for the Throne legendary Competition, new Shamans and more

There is however multiple times, latest as of today, when patches are released and we have no information on what got fixed or changed. I believe that the net response to that kind of information would be positive for the game as a whole.

Regarding upgrades it would also be nice if you had a more detailed release info post. For example as of latest release: «Invader spawning mechanics have been optimized». In the detailed release report one would describe more in detail on the issue as defined and the result of the update. And even better additional improvements that did not make the headlines.

I do not mean that you should release every detail, but more :) This is somewhat secondary though.

A bug tracking system as proposed by ANESFAN  would also be huge.

One could check status etc. for issues. Support could send link to bug/issue. In part community driven. End-users could add information, other aspects, solutions and comments on «false positives».

As for all software - yes, bugs are features, but knowledge about changes in features are very much appreciated!

I throw this out there. If anyone has some constructive ideas to come with in this regard - throw it in here as well.

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