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personal task autocomplete working as intended?

personal task autocomplete working as intended?

Jul 1, 2017, 03:4907/01/17

personal task autocomplete working as intended?

Is this a bug or as designed?

I raised a VIP level.. level 7.. and tasks are completing instantly. I looked in the VIP bonus details and it shows 'personal task autocomplete' and that has a check mark.  That makes me think it could be working as intended.

when I click start button on a personal task, it immediately completes and becomes claimable.. I can clear them all out, apply a refresher, and clear them all out again.. it doesn't seem to end as long as I have refreshers (and I have big stack of them).

just worried some dev is going to come behind me and take all these resources away ;)
Jul 1, 2017, 07:1007/01/17
That is how it is supposed to work ... and as you get higher it works for clan tasks and by level 13 it works for premium tasks also.  I specifically went to level 13 (spent 750K gold doing it) so that I could just click all my tasks.  It is wonderful.  :)  And you get lots of material for making equipment from doing the tasks.
Jul 1, 2017, 18:2007/01/17
really? and it stays that way for the rest of the game? Feels like an insane amount of free resources.  But then once I burn through this stack of refreshers I guess it won't seem as OP anymore. Thank you for letting me know. I've been trying to beat the clock worried that it was a fluke and once this VIP status ends I'll never get that back.
Jul 2, 2017, 07:4507/02/17
When your vip status ends you will not get premium tasks anymore.  I use the 8K gold 30 day vip activation to keep my vip going all the time.  Many people do that.  It is well worth the gold spent. 
Jul 2, 2017, 07:4607/02/17
Another thing the tasks and task refreshers are an excellent way to get hero experience to  level your hero up.
Jul 3, 2017, 09:3407/03/17
Yep, it's not a bug and CIM said right
Jul 3, 2017, 12:2007/03/17
If your VIP is not active then I think you do not get automatic completion of tasks, but when it becomes active again, then that will be available again.
Oct 10, 2018, 00:2310/10/18
I am L20 VIP and it shows check marks for all three tasks but is only available on the first task category 🙁
Oct 10, 2018, 11:4710/10/18
Oct 10, 2018, 11:47(edited)


Are you sure?Are you sure VIP is activated?
Oct 10, 2018, 23:5410/10/18
Oct 10, 2018, 23:56(edited)


gizzygirl1959 wrote

I am L20 VIP and it shows check marks for all three tasks but is only available on the first task category 🙁

I think I misunderstood,

There are several stages to completeing tasks quickly.

First you have to wait out the time,  then as your VIP level increases you get to bypass the waiting time.  Each type of quest requires an increasing level of VIP for this to work. 

Later, you get the auto complete ,auto claim, on all  personal tasks, with just one button.

It is possible you get this on all tasks later still, but would need to check on this.

Jan 12, 2019, 19:4001/12/19
The vip status is great when you have it active 24/7 getting resources, items and gold etc in an instant, not having to wait. HOWEVER you expect us to sit there hours on end pressing start claim 10 times each for every task refreasher? I got over 6 THOUSAND! Have a laugh, you do the math smart guys. Sort it out! I want to play the game not waist my life.
Jan 13, 2019, 13:3201/13/19

Once you get to VIP level 17 you get the 'All Personal tasks Autocomplete' button at the bottom of the Personal tasks.

Once you get to VIp level 25 you  get the 'All Premium tasks Autocomplete' button at the bottom of the Premium tasks.

Once you get to VIp level 28 you get the 'All Clan tasks Autocomplete' button at the bottom of the Clan tasks.

So now you only have to click once and not 10 times or more depending on your VIP level.

VIP level 17 is 1.35M VIP points

VIP level 25 is 16M VIP points

VIP level 28 is 37.5M VIP points

Mar 16, 2019, 15:3803/16/19
what would be nice is an autocomplete for all task so i dont have to hit the dang button 13 times 1 button complete all think about that one for VIP PLARIUM
Mar 16, 2019, 16:3303/16/19
What is your VIP level? Checkout the post above yours.
Oct 4, 2019, 13:3610/04/19

at my game the same isseu 

gizzygirl1959 said:

I am L20 VIP and it shows check marks for all three tasks but is only available on the first task category 🙁

Oct 5, 2019, 03:5310/05/19
Oct 5, 2019, 04:19(edited)

I am much higher than that and though they finish with one click, if you have VIP activated, otherwise not, I still do not have claim all with one click on all 3 kinds of tasks. 

I have just been back to check and clarify.

It is true that  at VIP level 20 you have   A task auotocomplete . and B task autocomplete and C task autocomplete, but you still have to click every task to start and claim them.

Much later , with higher VIP,you get auto CLAIM  for  one click , on all three kinds of tasks,  so its not the same as autocomplete.

There is no, I do not have to do anything the game automatically claims them for me as soon as they appear.