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Farm Accounts

Farm Accounts

May 13, 2018, 14:5205/13/18

Farm Accounts

There is something confusing to me, if i take a look to the SH of the big clans.

They all have farming accounts but not bundled in one clan, instead each account

has its own clan. 

What is the advantage of this ? Are there any things i dont get so far ?
May 13, 2018, 19:2505/13/18

vikings said:

There is something confusing to me, if i take a look to the SH of the big clans.

They all have farming accounts but not bundled in one clan, instead each account

has its own clan. 

What is the advantage of this ? Are there any things i dont get so far ?

i have 4 hyperfarm and a main fight account...

Problem with good hyperfarm is that you need to empty them regulary, every few hours else they reach capacity and production stop...

When i am not able to play for a long time due to real life ( work, holiday, etc ), my hyperfarm leave the clan, create their own one and drop shield... so my clansmate are able to attack them regulary ( every 2-3 hours ) for gather the rss produce in my hyperfarm...

As secondary effect, it reduce the influence of our clan who make the matchmaking process for cvc with ennemy clan less strong... can change the league from clan event too if the drop in inluence is enough...

And this don't only apply to don't want inactif account with billion influence in your clan because it make everything more our clan, we have somebody who is away for 3 month in Africa and not able to play... he have leave the clan but remain shielded... he will join again when he is back...

And finally, in the case of hyperfarm having their own clant... without stronghold, these mini clan have little influence but the city is strong... they will probably crush their ennemy in their own cvc... often, they fight against dead clan and a few points are enough for victory...  if there are 10 hyperfarm cities who are their own hyperfarm, 5 of them win their cvc, it mean 5 time the reward in rss...

there is maybe some other advantage but what i have listed here is based on my own experience
May 14, 2018, 04:4005/14/18
I was thinking about this also ... maybe the main account is in a clan with no room for all the hyperfarms so they are out of the main clan but can be brought in one at a time to give the main account resources.  In the meantime they can still transfer their resources to the other hyperfarms that are not farming the same resource.  Our hyperfarms work as banks also ... banking what they are NOT hyperfarming.
May 14, 2018, 11:5405/14/18
May 14, 2018, 11:56(edited)
@Anesfan, I understand why you make them leave the clan when you are inactive, but what is the point of having them make their own clan ?
May 14, 2018, 20:5805/14/18

pilou said:

@Anesfan, I understand why you make them leave the clan when you are inactive, but what is the point of having them make their own clan ?

 let say that you are not fully inactif but less inactif, loggin only 1 or 2 time 15 min a day...

being own clan allow to participate in clan event... by example, making research/construction... if it is during a cvc against a dead clan, it is enough for victory... who allow you to receive the rss reward and a very good city skin...

a other thing, in our kingdom, we have a rule who say "no attack on city from any clan" but cities without clan are fair target...

since my 4 farm have some yielding army too, i always keep one shielded who store army of the other as reinforcement... usualy using the bank account... this is only possible if all are the same own clan...
May 14, 2018, 21:0905/14/18
Ah, your hyperfarms all share the same clan... I didn't catch that point (That's logical, but I missed the point). Ok, thank you
May 15, 2018, 21:2405/15/18
Primary reason.  More room for actives.  Secondary reason:  To lazy to dump so they get raided,  Separate CVC for chance for additional Resource reward.  Kingdom jumpers use weaker clan to go into weaker kingdoms during CVC so they can smash them.
May 15, 2018, 21:3705/15/18

Yea big clans need as much room as possible. We make lots of accounts so not all can be in clan max is one for each person, trap accounts are an exception. So the rest is just outside sh borders and we farm them.

The other thing you saying each acc has its own clan serves for matchmaking. Once In a while it gets matched with young kingdoms and then you can go to them have some fun set traps for ppl who see them for the first time or just kill off pop defense alone, countless possibilities. But that's just when cvc is too boring and it's a guaranteed win which rarely happens once your clan gets over 150b points. 
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