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Drakkar - worst addition ever!

Drakkar - worst addition ever!

Apr 16, 2018, 10:4904/16/18

Drakkar - worst addition ever!

Dear developers,

You have about killed this game by introducing the Drakkar item. Please get rid of it and save logic to the gameplay we love so much. Everybody makes misstakes, Drakkar item is your largest.

Kingdoms where people were making their homes are being overrun by accounts larger than an average clan size. Players leave the game in numbers as a result. I am sure by now this must be obvious to you. If nothing is done I personally give this another few months. After that you can safely rename Vikings .. into Edick Renegades.

Rgds, Big

Apr 17, 2018, 18:1604/17/18
Yep, this works both ways.  A mega clan recruited some of our members and now our clan of over a year is dead.  Granted, I could have gone, but I didn't have any money to buy drakkars at the time.  Now new clan is full.  So, game over.
Apr 18, 2018, 07:4304/18/18

but what about K that were dead before drakkars? what should they do? now they can an opportunity to change smtg 

Apr 18, 2018, 09:2004/18/18

SteelTorin said:

but what about K that were dead before drakkars? what should they do? now they can an opportunity to change smtg 

simple, remove dead small city in kingdom and repopulate with new player...

have the same problem as esourcekn, massive migration have kill my clan... we try to survive with only 18 members now but it is mission impossible... and since we are now in difficulty, it is hard to recruit... if my clan die, i am done with the game since we are the last french speaking clan yet alive in our kingdom
Apr 19, 2018, 06:0804/19/18

anesfan said:

simple, remove dead small city in kingdom and repopulate with new player...

have the same problem as esourcekn, massive migration have kill my clan... we try to survive with only 18 members now but it is mission impossible... and since we are now in difficulty, it is hard to recruit... if my clan die, i am done with the game since we are the last french speaking clan yet alive in our kingdom

I understand you. the most important part of the game it's ppl and friend, I really sad if my friends leave the game. But I know ppl who stay alone in a dead K and want to change something. Probably merge K would be a good idea, but it seems that this a really hard job. the only compromise decision that I can see, it's collective migration

Apr 19, 2018, 06:1504/19/18

SteelTorin said:

the only compromise decision that I can see, it's collective migration

not a option for me... i spend some money for play but drakar cost a lot for a few... i have a lvl 26 city and 4 lvl 25... for follow clan mate, it was needed 5 times 71 drakars...

What remain in the clan now is the big one, all our young farmer are gone... clan was a good oil machine, winning event after event... now, it is unbalaced clan who only loose... migration is only possible for the small one and the big one with huge credit card...
Apr 19, 2018, 07:1704/19/18

You can choose one of new K, then you will be needed 1 drakkar for all accounts. Or you can wait super packs and do it very cheap for all your accounts

Apr 19, 2018, 08:0304/19/18
Drakkars have not stuffed up the game but they are not working correctly. Big player need many drakkars to move to prevent kingdom being overrun by them but how can it be that with smaller players a kingdom is 1 drakkar but if you wait a week it is then 21, another week it goes down a couple then another week it goes a even more. 20 something drakkars for a player that has been here for 2 years to change kingdom but only getting pack offers with 2 or 3 drakkars. Seriously what's the point of them you just piss them off more. You need to look at the drakkar thing again cause I just lost a couple of friends that were going to change kingdoms, last week 1 drakkar but this week after getting wiped out by another player it is 23. Was final straw and they left. You are not rewarding the right players and seriously stuffing the game up to purely reward the wrong people.
Apr 21, 2018, 06:4504/21/18

Rocketman said:

Or you can wait super packs and do it very cheap for all your accounts

2 month doing nothing and waiting for superpack... no way... i am a active player and buy at least regulary energy pack... i will not hibernate and wait... i pay for play and i want fun ... if i don't have what i want, i don't "learn, adapt, evolve" but i seek a other game elsewhere... we are customer, it is plarium who need to "learn, adapt, evolvé", not us
May 21, 2018, 14:3005/21/18

Drakkars make people quit. The Average people. Money bags, once done chasing away the average joe by destroying months of work in their home kingdoms, will get bored with each other in no time.

Drakkar = slow death of the Vilkings community. Plarium devs epic fail 
May 21, 2018, 17:2805/21/18

I honestly think that Plarium feels they've made enough on this version of the same model of game and are purposely let it faze itself out. 

Three months ago several big players migrated to our kingdom. Other (smart) players moved away and our kingdom got DESTROYED during KvK. Our kingdom has one top 50 clan left, and obviously they suck. 

Just in the past week, I bet half of active players stopped logging in: I bet those newest migrant players move away next which may help, but overall... Kingdom wrecked.

Oh! And the game has resorted to forcing OS's to gain points during global events (excepting KvKR). Above knowledge, what is needed for those? LOTS of T6's and lots of money, no matter which way you attain them.

Thanks Plarium! It was a fun eight months!

May 22, 2018, 08:1505/22/18

At the beginning all player wanted unification of kingdoms, when you received the drakkars, you started crying what a big players come to you, where is logic?

May 24, 2018, 02:1805/24/18

Rocketman said:

At the beginning all player wanted unification of kingdoms, when you received the drakkars, you started crying what a big players come to you, where is logic?

Unification would be something completely different, would it not? .. or are you THAT incompetent to see the difference? lol

Perhaps figure out that first before you call upon the logic
Oct 15, 2022, 23:4910/15/22

it now costs me 750 drakars to move kingdoms lvl 40 waste of time and money