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Is there a way to accelerate resource yielding from an invader's lair or a Ghost's Shelter ?

Is there a way to accelerate resource yielding from an invader's lair or a Ghost's Shelter ?

Apr 26, 2018, 23:4904/26/18

Is there a way to accelerate resource yielding from an invader's lair or a Ghost's Shelter ?

I've observed that resource yielding is much slower from an invader's lair or a Ghost's Shelter, than from a resource tile.
Is this related with some knowledge which relates specifically with tiles / lairs / or in town production ? Or is there just a fixed ratio between tiles yielding and lairs yielding ?

Edit : and BTW, yielding rates are also slower in an enemy kingdom

Apr 27, 2018, 02:0904/27/18
No, there are no tile specific time boosters.
Apr 27, 2018, 07:3104/27/18
I haven't noticed this ... it seems to me that if you send to the same level tile and the same level lair of the same resource they take about the same amount of time.  I often send out troops to both types and haven't noticed.  You have to remember that food yields the fastest, then lumber and stone, after that iron and silver yields the slowest.  So if you send to a food resource tile and then a silver lair well the yield rates WILL be different.
Apr 27, 2018, 09:3404/27/18

It would be interesting to verify it, in order to investigate why. On my side, this is very clear : getting the same resource from a lair in much slower than from a normal tile, and BTW, yielding rates are also much slower in an enemy kingdom

Apr 27, 2018, 17:4004/27/18
I absolutely don't believe yield rates are slower in enemy kingdom ... maybe one day is daily bonus for yielding and that can make a difference ... but yea I have sent 8 marches out to tiles and lairs of same rss and they come back at same time ...
Apr 29, 2018, 18:2004/29/18
I notice slower rate on Ghost tiles only.  Same rate in both enemy and home
Jun 21, 2018, 01:4706/21/18

There is definitely a difference in the speed in which resources are yielded from different places and it looks like it depends on the level at which the source is. I just did a test run with both a lumberjack shed and silver altar for levels 1, 2, and 3 with the same number and type of warrior.  Level 1's are definitely the slowest, Level 2's accumulate faster and Level 3's were faster still. 

I was wondering this myself as I moved from an area where everything was at a level 6 and it seemed resource accumulation was super fast.  Then I moved to the area where the other members of my clan were which was all level 1 and resource yielding times definitely slowed way down.  I couldn't figure out why.  Now I know.
Jun 21, 2018, 11:5306/21/18

No difference between home and kingdom.

Slower in invader's lairs than normal ressource lairs, it has been verified.

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