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Changes to the conditions for League assignment

Changes to the conditions for League assignment

🔔 Jarls, important news!

From February 7, the conditions for League assignment in all personal Competitions will be changing, as will the checkpoints and the rewards for passing them in these Competitions.

The new system for League assignment in regular personal Competitions, the Trick of the Gods, all Hunts, and in personal Competitions that take place as part of global Competitions:
- League of Rookies: Palace level 1–21
- League of Recruits: Palace level 22–26
- League of Warriors: Palace level 27–32
- League of Conquerors: Palace level 33–35
- League of Masters: Palace level 36–37
- League of Odin: Palace level 38–39
- League of Asgard: Palace level 40

The new system for League assignment in personal Competitions that are held as part of Holmgang and in Jotunheim during the Battle for the Throne:
- League of Rookies: Palace level 21–25
- League of Recruits: Palace level 26–29
- League of Warriors: Palace level 30–32
- League of Conquerors: Palace level 33–35
- League of Masters: Palace level 36–37
- League of Odin: Palace level 38–39
- League of Asgard: Palace level 40

👉 We would like to remind you that you can always find the current rules for League assignment in our regularly updated article: 


Jan 31, 2022, 14:0201/31/22
Jan 31, 2022, 19:4001/31/22
Apr 11, 2022, 23:07(edited)

I agree level 40 should be in a class of their own but I think an extra class with a new name should have been added. Low level rookies are going to have a tough time trying to win anything.

I.e. add a "Nooby" class for Palace levels 1 - 18,    and  hence the 

- League of Rookies  are for Palace levels 19 - 25, 

- League of Recruits for Palace levels 26 -29,

- League of Warriors: Palace level 30 –33
- League of Conquerors: Palace level 34–35 

Feb 1, 2022, 22:3502/01/22

why you think Plarium care abouth ?

is abouth money 

Feb 9, 2022, 11:2602/09/22

In the meantime there is changes to checkpoints in personal rewards for CvC ... 

Feb 10, 2022, 12:4402/10/22

It is crazy that you have to be town level 33 or more to get runes in events ...  

Feb 13, 2022, 10:1002/13/22

We had palace 40 players who have left since the upgrade, they were about 2.5T inf and they used to spend a fair bit of money on this game, the biggest palace 40 player is 134T inf. How is it fair to put them in the same league? On events they cannot  get anywhere near maxing checkpoints. So they are getting a lot less rewards for putting in the same time and money. So when you see lots of palace 40s with shields on for years and years that is the reason why. 

Feb 13, 2022, 10:1702/13/22

We had palace 40 players who have left since the upgrade, they were about 2.5T inf and they used to spend a fair bit of money on this game, the biggest palace 40 player is 134T inf. How is it fair to put them in the same league? On events they cannot  get anywhere near maxing checkpoints. So they are getting a lot less rewards for putting in the same time and money. So when you see lots of palace 40s with shields on for years and years that is the reason why. 

I am only palace 30, i maxed pers events in revenge go me, loads of rewards. Our bigger players did 100 times more than me spent a shed full of money, and won us the event 👍. not one of them got passed pers checkpoint 4 so less rewards than me. no wonder they left

Feb 13, 2022, 13:1702/13/22

"First they came for the ...and I did nothing..e.t.c."

This problematic situation isn't new, its been going on for a while, and it's getting worse as they continually ask for more and give less.

 There is little for me to do that is worth the effort, and through I could grow somewhat, it would be of no benefit to do so , for the reasons you mention.

It's all about been glued to the game and spending vast amounts of money and for what?

Feb 13, 2022, 23:3802/13/22
Feb 13, 2022, 23:40(edited)

Its like the worst update... even in Holmgang it's nearly impossible to max it.. regardless if we burned every tower.. we just made it past checkpoint 8, thanks to other clans who tried to OS us. And for what? Some shit rewards? It's NOT worth the time, money , effort or anything. 

Same shit with Jotumheim T1 event. 400bil T1 to kill to max it? Seriously? that's more troop kills than 95% of the players collected in the past 3 years.

I suppose nobody of Plarium really plays their own game and tries their updates, FIX YOUR SHIT Plarium!

Feb 17, 2022, 07:0202/17/22

Is this the reason why a lot of the Palace 40s are quitting? Seems since the new league if your Palace 40 your expected to have the same spending power the biggest players in the game. To max killing event a palace 40 needs to kill the equivalent of 100,000,000 T8 WTF. Don't blame them for quitting tbh 

Feb 17, 2022, 18:0302/17/22

i am not going to spend any money on this russian game    ....... CUT the cable to this co.....

Feb 18, 2022, 09:0802/18/22

I agree level 40 should be in a class of their own but I think an extra class with a new name should have been added. Low level rookies are going to have a tough time trying to win anything.

I.e. add a "Nooby" class for Palace levels 1 - 18,    and  hence the 

- League of Rookies  are for Palace levels 19 - 25, 

- League of Recruits for Palace levels 26 -29,

- League of Warriors: Palace level 30 –33
- League of Conquerors: Palace level 34–35 

Because of the last update our Palace 40s have called it a day, they were the ones who helped the smaller players like myself. And kept our clan together, we won lots and lost every so often. They were not huge in inf just between 1T - 2T, they were being asked to score more than 3 times more than they used to for Pers events. All because they lumped all 40s together, they were expected to score the same as a player 140 times bigger than them🤔. So i don't think that was fair, they played a lot spent a lot but were now expected to play more and spend more. Our clan is now dead because of greed plain and simple 😠So the last update was nothing more than a money grab by Plarium, not so much as a game changer more a game ender. Well done Plarium 👏👏👏

Feb 18, 2022, 09:1102/18/22

I take it nobody from Plarium reads these post, they do on facebook. 

Feb 18, 2022, 14:0602/18/22

I take it nobody from Plarium reads these post, they do on facebook. 

Hi welsh/scot! We read it :) It's important for us to know your opinion on this issue 🙏

It has been forwarded to our developer team, thank you for your commitment to the game 😇

Feb 19, 2022, 08:5002/19/22

Seems like a lot of players are quitting or have quit already because of you last update, does that mean your events will be less glitchy now with less players? 

Mar 3, 2022, 01:2003/03/22

Guess I don't understand. I'm currently at level 39. Been working hard for level 40. Bu now I'm not sure. I chief and  2 elders are at level 40. Will we be playing for different leagues?

Mar 3, 2022, 07:0403/03/22
Annette Sullivan

Guess I don't understand. I'm currently at level 39. Been working hard for level 40. Bu now I'm not sure. I chief and  2 elders are at level 40. Will we be playing for different leagues?

You all will be in the League of Asgard in the personal Competitions, Annette🙂👍

Mar 3, 2022, 16:4603/03/22

News, Update, Conents 

dont see new clan event in Joth annonced here : tier 7

wath happend ? you dont want to communicate ? this is a dedicate forum you must annonce all here 

Mar 4, 2022, 23:2703/04/22
Annette Sullivan

Guess I don't understand. I'm currently at level 39. Been working hard for level 40. Bu now I'm not sure. I chief and  2 elders are at level 40. Will we be playing for different leagues?

Some of our Palace 40s quit the game after the last update Annette, the scores required to get Pers checkpoints are insane. Invaders/ghosts and yielding sucks, a palace 40 has no advantage over a palace 35 in the same clan with the same gear. But 40s are now expected to score three times the points. 

Mar 5, 2022, 06:3803/05/22

Some of our Palace 40s quit the game after the last update Annette, the scores required to get Pers checkpoints are insane. Invaders/ghosts and yielding sucks, a palace 40 has no advantage over a palace 35 in the same clan with the same gear. But 40s are now expected to score three times the points. 

I am sorry that the recent changes did not meet your expectations, welsh/scot. This feedback has been forwarded to our developers for the further consideration.

Stay tuned😇

Mar 5, 2022, 19:2203/05/22

lmao You changed so palace 40s had to score three times the points for the same rewards, which part of that is good for players??????  great for you, players needing to pay for more packs to reach these checkpoints. The last update was not for players, it was for your profit. by getting to palace 40 they have already been loyal to the game. You are losing players by the day......