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Hero Keys

Hero Keys

Oct 3, 2019, 15:1410/03/19

Hero Keys

of course you know that hero keys are required for the hero to reach new levels. The issue is that the bank has few offers to obtain hero keys and the game its self offers few chances to obtain the keys needed to progress. It would be nice to see more offers from the bank to obtain the keys a player needs.

Oct 3, 2019, 18:2610/03/19
Oct 3, 2019, 18:29(edited)

I have no idea what level you are at ,but I would suggest that the keys in particular, are no different than many other items that are required for later stages in the game,and which generally are hard to come by,at least for few,some,many players,where others seem to be able to zoom through the levels once a new feature appears.

There is definitely better offers for certain players.

I dont know how easy they are to come by in the normal game if you have the abilty to kill ubers effectively, or get a chest from the level 8 and 9 tiles.

They are also available to "win"  in the new quests,but only if you manage to get to the higher levels,and especially so  if  you pay the extra fee ..

Nov 4, 2019, 04:1811/04/19

I have no idea what level you are at ,but I would suggest that the keys in particular, are no different than many other items that are required for later stages in the game,and which generally are hard to come by,at least for few,some,many players,where others seem to be able to zoom through the levels once a new feature appears.

There is definitely better offers for certain players.

I dont know how easy they are to come by in the normal game if you have the abilty to kill ubers effectively, or get a chest from the level 8 and 9 tiles.

They are also available to "win"  in the new quests,but only if you manage to get to the higher levels,and especially so  if  you pay the extra fee ..

Yeah but when you are needing 40k or more keys to get to the next lvl.... 40 keys here and there from killing ubers or rewards doesn't even make a dent. 
Nov 12, 2019, 11:0811/12/19
Just like it was for shamans,  Keys will get cheaper the longer u play.  But that is when the new thing comes out and hero keys are a thing of the past.  The shiny shards for skins will be the new big Deal and keys will be more accessible in the future.
Feb 7, 2020, 00:2002/07/20
Does anyone know WHEN hero keys are up for purchase in the bank?  I've been looking for days but no keys.  And uber invaders give very few.  
Feb 15, 2020, 08:0402/15/20
Lemurloki said:

Does anyone know WHEN hero keys are up for purchase in the bank?  I've been looking for days but no keys.  And uber invaders give very few.  
They are available in the bank offers today in holiday packs for valentines Day as they were yesterday too, They have one more Day left before the Holiday packs disappear.