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New clan rules

New clan rules

Sep 9, 2019, 09:2609/09/19

New clan rules

what about having experienced players lead a clan and invite newer to join normally  because having everyone inactive all the time is pissing annoying ive joined 20 times to diff clans mostly inactive the clan  organization needs changed   due to all them always inactive i think alot of players would agree on this if it was farer and equal more would play and more clans would be a fun match for others !!! 
Sep 9, 2019, 09:4309/09/19

I know alot of players with low activity. And I see alot of "dead" players who do not play moren than 3+ months. Best way is teleport all of "dead" players to "Forgotten kingdom" to clean all map. In this way we will be have only active players in game.

If someone of "dead" players will "alive" - he needs to buy a drackar to go back to his own Kingdom. 

Players with low activity - better than nothing. My wife, for exzmple, can't to play more than 1 hour per day but she is good clan mate with strong army =_=... 

What about your idea - emm... If you are so active that's do not mean that other player will be so active too, like you. That is somethig like your personal life style. And you need to understand what other wouldn't be so active only if you are want.

Sorry man, but that is terrible reality...

Sep 9, 2019, 23:0509/09/19

He is right  annoying as it is for you, and a lot of the professionals who play this game and also dont seem to understand, that you cannot make other people play as you would wish, nor for how long,or how much they spend.

Which is one of the many causes of internal kingdom conflict.

Sep 10, 2019, 10:3009/10/19
Sep 10, 2019, 10:30(edited)
i dont demand it i just wish it was more equal to all clans for fairness
Sep 10, 2019, 10:5709/10/19
Sep 10, 2019, 10:58(edited)

I have to agree with you about the unfairness that exists in the game.

If you could find yourself a more active clan,you might find out that you are not active enough for them, some of the people who play this game are so focused that they exert incredible demands on the members ,such that they eject those that dont live up to their high standards.

No room for slackers on the team.

Anyone who isnt pulling their weight is soon replaced by someone else eager to do so,because all that matters is keeping up standards and their place in the heirarchy.

A semblance of equality would go a long way, the mix of different kinds of players and attitudes towards the game is a big problem.