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History in resource storage

History in resource storage

Aug 15, 2019, 13:0308/15/19

History in resource storage

I inform plarium about this problem, but they ask again info. So will put here the problem, maybe someone can explain to them better than me !

Hello, there is a problem in history with resource storage into the stronghold when we send 5 billion of ressources (with this new boost of Banker) .

The number that we can see is "- 2 147 483 64" in small character format.

The number is 2^31 max (so it's a number in INT, maybe developpers need to put BIGINT in your database :) because that goes to 2^63).

So now they have the information and how to resolve it also. Hope it will helps them.

Saw on plarium site, using a computer to play.
