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Attack on Paladins

Attack on Paladins

May 16, 2022, 05:3705/16/22

Attack on Paladins

WHich gear is needed to attack Paladins to increase abilites (offence, defence, health). For attack Towns, Fortresses or only for global attack with increased abilities.

Thank you for your answer.

May 16, 2022, 06:2905/16/22

Hi hc0001, Paladin Cohorts mechanics is similar to the resource locations' one😉

May 16, 2022, 06:3105/16/22

thanks. so global attack abilities, right?

May 16, 2022, 14:1005/16/22

thanks. so global attack abilities, right?

That's right 😎

May 19, 2022, 16:5805/19/22

I have some questions on the Paladin Cohorts.  First off is how often does the system restore the lower level Cohort Encampments. I find it extreamly difficult to locate the lower level encampments to list and post for our Clan Members.  I have gotten to level 45, but seem to have hit a major road block for L46. Even with Troop numbers at maximum expansion and all my available boots in place I keep getting mission failed and lose ALOT of troops.  What is the stratagy for getting throuh L46 and beyond??

May 19, 2022, 19:2305/19/22

From personal experience so far, there should be no need for you to be looking and posting coordinates for your clan members.

Addmitedly I have no got as far as you have, but see no reason would things would change as the level increases. 

If you looked around the global map to find your locations, then you did not follow the easy system perhaps. 

The game appears to create L1 nearby your own town,often using the same spot to create higher levels as when needed and often doing the same at another spot in the vicinity.

I suppose it could be a problem for higher levels, or if everyone is clustered close together, especially if it is in the stronghold, but would think this could be overcome by just moving the town somewhere else for awhile, and which might be necessary if there is nothing wiithin the watchtower range or the much higher levels.

As regards the levels getting tougher, I think that's only to  be expected, and they likely set level 100  so its geared towards their capabilities and difficult for the top players. 

May 20, 2022, 10:0905/20/22

I have some questions on the Paladin Cohorts.  First off is how often does the system restore the lower level Cohort Encampments. I find it extreamly difficult to locate the lower level encampments to list and post for our Clan Members.  I have gotten to level 45, but seem to have hit a major road block for L46. Even with Troop numbers at maximum expansion and all my available boots in place I keep getting mission failed and lose ALOT of troops.  What is the stratagy for getting throuh L46 and beyond??

Hi Bassagitator, xyz is right, there is no need to search for Paladin Cohorts on the Global Map, you can generate the desired level in the Watchtower🙂👍

The higher the Cohort level, the tougher the troop in it. Please experiment with bonuses and Boosts to achieve the desired result🔥

Sep 14, 2022, 20:4209/14/22

Wich Hero skin is best for use to kill palladdin?