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Pioneer 9 award

Pioneer 9 award

Dec 3, 2021, 17:5212/03/21

Pioneer 9 award

Hello Everyone:

      Please check and see why I haven't recieved my pioneer 9 award. As soon as the JoT event started,I moved to x255:y825 and set there for about five or six seconds and moved to a safer location at x5:y5. How long will it take for me to recieve the award?

Dec 4, 2021, 00:1612/04/21

Don't know presently but it used to be 3 hrs after logging out and in.

Have you got the correct Palace level? If you haven't  you wont get the award.

I before E except after C.

Dec 5, 2021, 21:1712/05/21

     My palace is a level 36 and it's been several days now that I've been waiting. I already have the pioneer 8 award and I waited until the JoT event started and went to location x255;y825 in Jot and set in that location for five or six seconds  I then moved to location x5;y5 so I could shield my castle before I got hit. If I did something wrong please tell me because I can't figure out why I haven't recieved the award.

Dec 5, 2021, 23:5112/05/21
Dec 6, 2021, 01:58(edited)

 I am not in a postion to tell you what you did or didn't do, only
those that run the game  should be able to that, but because it is a
secret achievement, they will not do so.

Speaking from personal experience and observation of other similar
posts is that  they willl only say, 'if you didn't get the award. then
you didn't do all that is required'.

I have also  been in the position, where I believed I had followed
the correct procedure and didn't get the award, whereas in earlier
levels I appeared to have done similar  and the award came as expected.

I and other players can only speculate on possible reasons why the award hasn't shown.

Also, a recurring theme is that they makes changes to the game with
limited information as to what effect this might have on players, much
to players annoyance, and worse is where the changes make something more
difficult to do, and worse still is where they make changes and
completely keep quiet  about it.

They made changes to the normal and secret achievements, so its
conceiveable they did this with pioneer and so  this could be an

It used to be enough to land and leave, perhaps the time needed has changed. 

Dec 6, 2021, 00:5412/06/21

    What do I need to do or where can I go and check to see what if anything I did wrong?  I got all of my info from the vikingshelp website and they have given me the correct info on all of my other achievements that I've went after and recieved.  I got all of my info for the pioneer achievement award for levels one thru eight and they have been correct so I figured the level 9 would also be right! My understanding in the past is that I only needed to set on a location for three seconds. This time I went when the event first started and got on location.I sit there for at least three seconds and then went to the top of the screen and pulled down the location thing and typed in the location x5;y5 and hit enter.  Now I'm certainly not fast on the keyboard!! I'm a 72 year old man who has to use the hunt and peck on the keyboard!! Any advice on what I can do?

Dec 6, 2021, 01:5512/06/21

Try Support I guess. 

Dec 6, 2021, 02:1312/06/21
Dec 6, 2021, 02:35(edited)

Though it can be very useful, that site can be a minefield of difficulties because of speculation.

Also in the past it contained what appeared to be glaring errors.

Two of them pointed out on here previously,the second concerning bifrost only recently raised on the chat there .

I just checked, and though for the higher awards, the palace levels have been changed, a mystery still remains regarding the first 2 levels, which says palace 1 and palace 20, but at both these levels it is impossible to fuse legendary gems, part of the requirement.

Though in some cases incorrect information was posted because it hadn't been confirmed, or perhaps subsequently updated  to rectify mistakes or new research showed enhanced requirements.

You seem to know what you are doing, and followed the sites' advice, so it would seem pointless to ask this but it's the last thing I can think of.  

 'Have you logged off from the game long enough and logged back on recently?' 

Dec 6, 2021, 02:1712/06/21
Dec 6, 2021, 02:27(edited)

Try Support I guess. 

 As I wrote before , I think this is a non starter of an idea.

They ,in my experience, decline to say anything about secret achievements,it would be pointless for them to do so, as they would no longer be secret with respect to themselves.

I suppose  support could help if it's  a bug rather than failure to comply 

Dec 8, 2021, 05:1512/08/21

You are certainly right about support,I went to them and told them that I hadn't recieved my pioneer 9 award and went thought all the steps that I went through,They told me that if I'd followed the correct steps that I would have recieved my level 9 reward!  But when I wrote back and asked them what steps I needed to take so I could correct myself ,they refused to tell me!!!  It's like they make them up as they go!!! 

Dec 8, 2021, 15:3212/08/21
Dec 8, 2021, 15:32(edited)

Perhaps using a macro is a disqualification.  Happily you appear not to have been banned.

Dec 9, 2021, 03:1912/09/21

Sorry but I don't even know what a macro is!!!!!

Dec 9, 2021, 12:3212/09/21
Dec 9, 2021, 19:51(edited)

Neither did I until I did a web search, seems it's some kind of method for cheating at  online games.

Another reason for me not taking playing seriously anymore.

Though of course many players who are  still happy with their big shot image from manipulating and buying  it.

Dec 9, 2021, 15:0312/09/21

   Well you know me,because I talked several times with you before I contacted support! You couldn't help me and support wouldn't help me. I was mad because they told me that the enjoyment I got from searching for the answers was as much fun as playing the game! After working the mid-night shift in a machine shop for 40 to 56 hours a week I REALLY enjoy looking for some BS that they could have told me in less than a minute!!!I want to play the game to relax and sit back and rest,not search the internet for answers on how to play their game!!! Besides if I knew how to cheat as your buddy impleyed I wouldn't be asking you or support on how to do something in this game! Please forgive me for venting my feelings at you!!!

Dec 15, 2021, 15:3212/15/21

hi everyone

Mar 7, 2022, 14:3303/07/22

Hello Everyone:

    I'm still trying to get the pioneer 9 award!!!  I'm unable to figure out what I'm doing wrong!! I'lll start at the beginning and tell you what I did,step by step.  As soon as the event started I went to x255/y825 in JoT. I sit there for close to a minute,long enough to get spied on 5 times and attacked 9 times. I then moved to x5/y5 and shielded up and went on to playing the event and waiting for my reward! Now a few days later I'm still waiting!  What do I need to do different next time?

    Also on a different notice I pray for all of your peoples caughtup in the war!!! Please keep all of your players up todate on things because I'm sure that people from around the world want to know and they are also praying for all of you!!!   GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU !!!!!!!

Mar 7, 2022, 17:0203/07/22

The return of the troll.