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How to Initiate shaman to second stage

How to Initiate shaman to second stage

Jul 30, 2019, 14:2407/30/19

How to Initiate shaman to second stage

hello all im kinda new been struggling with how to get The Shaman Baggi to the second stage of initation

the game really doesnt explain this that or im blind and dont see how

I want to be able to hunt ghosts level 2 then  do level 3 ghosts and so on and so  forth

he currently is max at the first level  my castle is level 18  tower of knowledge is  18

Hero Warrior is level 40  

I dont know if any of this information helps

Love the Game so far 

thank you for your time

Jul 30, 2019, 17:2807/30/19
Jul 30, 2019, 17:58(edited)

In order to progress above level one ghosts, you need to do lots of very long and expensive research in the shaman tree in the oracle, where you must have already been to open attack of the level 1 ghost.

Advancing your shaman to each of the nest stages is going to help, but it is still very difficult and expensive  to get anywhere quickly.

The one potentially good part , is that you can buy Baggi charms, in the clan store, again they are not cheap.

Otherwise you will have to buy bank packages, or win them, when they run a special ghost hunt event.

Here again is another cruel twist,you don't win charms if you are in the rookie league, and you could be in that league a while,even then,they don't give you many charms, even if you do all 10 levels.

You need to  have enough charms to open the next level  each time you reach the maximum in each level ,and again its slow,because each level costs an increasing number of charms.

You know you have charms to add when you see the arrow pointing upwards. (Hall of Mysteries, or the shaman and the word increase)

The good news is getting Baggi progressing quickly,will help you in other areas of the game.

Aug 6, 2019, 16:1908/06/19

To get Baggi to the second stage you need charms.  Click on Hall of Mysteries - Shamans - Baggi and look at the middle, yellow, circle below his portrait, it will show you the number of charms you currently have (top figure) and the number you need for him to advance.

You buy Baggi charms for loyalty points in the Clan Store.  You gain loyalty points by completing Clan Tasks and by clicking the help button.  The number of charms needed grows for each stage and you will need all your loyalty points for charms, don't use them for other things.

You need Baggi to progress through the levels as well as advancing through the stages.  To advance in level you need to garner experience.  Tasks and Quests are the best sources of experience although you also gain experience through taking part in battles, hitting ghosts and from such things as upgrades in the Valkyries Citadel.