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What to do about player throwing kingdom battles on purpose

What to do about player throwing kingdom battles on purpose

Jul 9, 2019, 19:0007/09/19

What to do about player throwing kingdom battles on purpose

Simple question but not sure if there is an answer. What to do about a high level player who  We have a Jarl who has purposely threw two kingdom events because he is mad at our whole kingdom. in the last KVK and Fury events he purposely was losing T7 and T6 troops allowing EK players to hit them. We know this because Clan chiefs verified this in their chat line.  These last two events he lost over 14 billion in influence. That is a load of T7 troops

Any suggestions??  Is this considered a game violation that can get him banned or are we just stuck with a person like this?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Jul 10, 2019, 00:3007/10/19

This is a similar problem to the kingdom bully topic, read it if you are interested.

Throwing competitions,I can tell you that this is not an isolated case.

The best strategy would be to try sorting it out by talking with him on a kingdom level, its best if a kingdom isnt having to deal with infighting, it happens even after resolution, because some players are hot heads, and take the game really seriously.

Jul 10, 2019, 14:0107/10/19
Thanks but I think he has blacklisted anyone who tries to message him. I real butthead.
Jul 10, 2019, 15:1607/10/19
Jul 10, 2019, 15:18(edited)

Well if hes not talking its a problem.You could post in open chat, but he doesnt have to read it or act on it if he does.

Have you any idea as to what his grievence is? Though would knowing this do any good if hes not communicating at all.

Is not bothering trying to win these competitions a solution? Perhaps rather than wasting resources to win the events, just do enough to finish all the reward levels.

Otherwise, maybe someone else can think of some strategy,but based on the bully topic it would seem very difficult to solve.

Jul 10, 2019, 20:3107/10/19
Throwing a lot t6 and t7 is very expensive. It is his demise. Ofc, you can keep an eye on him so when he tries to do it, you OS him instead of enemy.
Jul 10, 2019, 23:1107/10/19

Guys, thanks for the advice. His problem is he came to our kingdom, joined our clan, and from the start would just rub everyone the wrong way trying to goat the our big players.  I think he was a clan leader in another kingdom and wanted more power in our clan. He would log in but not participate in onslaughts so eventually harsh words were exchanged and he left or was kicked (that I am not sure).  No other active clan wanted him so he then started the crap he is doing. 

After the last fury event we did zeroed him, thought that was it but know he is starting to rebuild (gaining 2.5 billion in influence)  We do watch him but he seldom loses shields. His MO is to send out lots of marches to tiles  but only one contains the T7  or T6 he gives up (he pm the enemy to let them know where they are going).