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How do you access bonuses from the Items Store?

How do you access bonuses from the Items Store?

Jan 2, 2019, 00:0201/02/19

How do you access bonuses from the Items Store?

The treasure chest at the bottom left hand corner of the game says items. In this chest is a section which says my items. How do i access the items under bonuses that are in the chest. A note says cannot access items from store, etc. etc. Can someone please help me out.
Jan 2, 2019, 01:2901/02/19

Somethings can't be applied in the store ... like shaman energy (you apply at the shaman) ... domain guards (you apply on tile on the map) ... Great Relocations (go to ek to apply) ... torches (apply at the building) ... time boosts (apply at the upgrade you want boosted ... etc. 

If there is a specific one you are wanting to know about ask please ...
Mar 29, 2019, 23:3503/29/19
I have several hundred charm's don't know how to apply them too my shaman..???
Mar 30, 2019, 03:0903/30/19
Mar 30, 2019, 03:11(edited)

You might find that those showing in my items may have already been used.

When you can add charms you will see an arrow pointing up on the hall of mysteries, opening up the shamans page directly, or indirectly, shows you which shaman you can upgrade.

Clicking on the shaman with an arrow automatically adds them.

When I bought Baggi charms from the clan shop , they seemed to be added straight away, rather than being saved for later, but this might have something to do with whether or not  the stage is  open  and you can add charms.