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Why can't Kingdom bullies be punished ?

Why can't Kingdom bullies be punished ?

Oct 21, 2018, 14:4410/21/18
Я поддерживаю Yellow. Этот человек абсолютно неадекватен,и нет возможности сражаться в kvk,когда свои же режут. Плюс оскорбления в общем эфире,и тому подобное.
Oct 21, 2018, 15:0310/21/18

Навь said:

Я поддерживаю Yellow. Этот человек абсолютно неадекватен,и нет возможности сражаться в kvk,когда свои же режут. Плюс оскорбления в общем эфире,и тому подобное.

For those interested parties Google translate  says...

I support Yellow. This person is absolutely inadequate, and there is no opportunity to fight in kvk, when they cut their own. Plus insults in the general air, and the like.

Oct 21, 2018, 16:1310/21/18
Maybe it is the same person we finally chased out of our kingdom ...
Oct 21, 2018, 16:4710/21/18
Если вы все про Коэльо, то скажу одно: оскорблять он горазд всех и в общем чате и в личке. Будут скрины- пришлём. Пусть попариться в бане, если не может держать себя в руках.
Oct 21, 2018, 17:1410/21/18
Oct 21, 2018, 17:14(edited)

CIM said:

Maybe it is the same person we finally chased out of our kingdom ...

CIM, Idk exactly, but you shouldn't think, that there is only one idiot for all viking's kingdoms 😂

Oct 21, 2018, 22:4710/21/18
Yes there are many ... but yours is starting to sound like ours and he has not been so active in our kingdom for a very long time and I know he has accounts in other kingdoms.
Oct 22, 2018, 14:5310/22/18
Доколе терпеть нам беспредел этот!? Люд честной,вносит деньги свои реальные,трудом и потом добытые,тратят время и силы,дабы удовольствие получать от игрищ в мобильник встроенных,а от таких нелюдей,как Коэльо,позволяющих себе сквернословно оскорблять всех,специально мешать во время КВК,не давая играть другим,невозможно удовольствие получить!Многоуважаемые разработчики,помогите избавиться от заразы,жизнь портящей всему государству!!!!челом бью об пол,с уважением Vasiasik)))
Oct 27, 2018, 17:2010/27/18


Oct 30, 2018, 17:1410/30/18

War of CLANS  not War of KINGDOMS.  

Most of the Kingdom wants peace but not 1 individual or 1 clan? Too bad. Get together and take out that individual or that clan. Do not whine and cry and try to change the rules of the game to suit your needs. They are playing how they want to play the game. Again, This is War of CLANS and since there are no real ALLY controls-- where allies can actually help each other, that means 1 clan against all others. When and if Plarium ever adds in things where Allies can see that they are actually allies, and can see when allies are being attacked, and can communicate with each other easier, then perhaps at that time things can change.. But I digress. 

If you haven't guessed by now, I am one of those "bullies" who does not give my kingdom peace. Tiles have already gotten help from Plarium with the Domain guards-- what a joke, but as the saying goes about the Squeaky wheel...

I would suggest people play your game as you see fit, stop trying to force people to conform to play the way YOU want them to. Have fun and Go find that pesky orange Pumpkin King and Banish him from your Kingdoms.. at least that's something you CAN do! 
Oct 31, 2018, 12:1310/31/18
csf.fearless said:

War of CLANS  not War of KINGDOMS.  

Most of the Kingdom wants peace but not 1 individual or 1 clan? Too bad. Get together and take out that individual or that clan. Do not whine and cry and try to change the rules of the game to suit your needs. They are playing how they want to play the game. Again, This is War of CLANS and since there are no real ALLY controls-- where allies can actually help each other, that means 1 clan against all others. When and if Plarium ever adds in things where Allies can see that they are actually allies, and can see when allies are being attacked, and can communicate with each other easier, then perhaps at that time things can change.. But I digress. 

If you haven't guessed by now, I am one of those "bullies" who does not give my kingdom peace. Tiles have already gotten help from Plarium with the Domain guards-- what a joke, but as the saying goes about the Squeaky wheel...

I would suggest people play your game as you see fit, stop trying to force people to conform to play the way YOU want them to. Have fun and Go find that pesky orange Pumpkin King and Banish him from your Kingdoms.. at least that's something you CAN do! 
Let me ask you this - how long will your bullying last ? Month, 2, 6 months ? You can't go on like this forever, we all know this and we don't care about your mind specification (will you be dick for couple of months and sweety for the rest of your playing). What we do mind is that PEOPLE ARE LEAVING THE GAME AND KINGDOM BECAUSE OF JERKS LIKE YOU !
Nov 29, 2018, 18:5211/29/18
Dec 1, 2018, 10:0712/01/18
Made in KÖKTÜRK ?Yellow K said:

Dec 1, 2018, 10:2112/01/18


plarium , Türkçe menüsünün olmasını isterdim. Maalesef ki yok.

Yorumumu anlayabileceğinizi düşünüyorum.

Ben be benim gibi bir-çok kişi sizin sunduğumuz hizmet karşılığında vikings oynuyor. Banka tekliflerini degerlendiriyor. 

Biz bunları kendini bilmez birinin aşağılaması, hor görmesi bunlar yetmez gibi bizi provake etmesi için yapmıyoruz.

Oyunun temel amacı olan "KEYİF ALMAK" bizim krallıkta mevcut değil. Bunun sorumlusu olan КОЭЛЬО ya  harhangi bir yaptırım gücü yetmez mi?

Pasifleşmiş bir krallık, oyunu terkeden arkadaşlar benim gördüğüm

Bizlerin sorunları çözmekteki samimiyetinizi görmek istiyoruz!

Dec 2, 2018, 00:1712/02/18

Google transaltion of the above post.


plarium, I would like to have a menu in Turkish. Unfortunately we don't.

I think you can understand my comment.

I have been playing a lot of vikings in return for the service that one person offers you. Evaluates the bank offers.

We do not do them to provoke us as if someone who does not know himself is humiliated and despise.

The main objective of the game is "TAKE THE KEYIF" not available in our kingdom. Who is responsible for this is not the reason for any sanctions?

A passive kingdom of friends who have left the game

We want to see your sincerity in solving problems!

Dec 3, 2018, 12:4312/03/18

That is his current strength as 9B town, possibly 6th lvl of Elsa and boosts. Minding tile traps.
Dec 6, 2018, 08:4212/06/18
Look I've been in a kingdom where a few have decided to be big shots around the place always stuffing up Kingdom peace and being complete tools. You cannot reason with these dumb people, all it does is eventually kill the kingdom and make the game boring for those still there. I moved to a new kingdom and watched many others follow suit or leave that were there with me, my old kingdom kingdom is a shadow of itself with the same dumb people still there playing a very boring game. To the one that posted they are one of those types of players well congratulations after you've pumped many $$$ into your game to get where you are you will eventually kill your kingdom and find the game boring, that is until you move to another kingdom and do the same crap and find the game boring again.
Dec 7, 2018, 14:0412/07/18

Knight said:

Look I've been in a kingdom where a few have decided to be big shots around the place always stuffing up Kingdom peace and being complete tools. You cannot reason with these dumb people, all it does is eventually kill the kingdom and make the game boring for those still there. I moved to a new kingdom and watched many others follow suit or leave that were there with me, my old kingdom kingdom is a shadow of itself with the same dumb people still there playing a very boring game. To the one that posted they are one of those types of players well congratulations after you've pumped many $$$ into your game to get where you are you will eventually kill your kingdom and find the game boring, that is until you move to another kingdom and do the same crap and find the game boring again.
Good input. Thanks for support.  

Dec 16, 2018, 06:3512/16/18
Dec 16, 2018, 06:36(edited)

ANYONE said:

I would suggest if you havent already done so that you set up hyperfarming,and then if the need is still there,only yield from the special tiles with 1 march with minimal troops, that you watch and recall if you see an attack coming.

Mining RSS can take hours. Your solution is to stare at the screen the whole time to make sure you aren't hit? Rename the game 'watch paint dry' - I can't think of anything more boring than that.

Dec 16, 2018, 07:1812/16/18

Simon Says said:

This one is UTTER nonsense. If I won't be able to shield up straight after attacking I'm quitting this game. And I'm not be only one, that's beyond nonsense. And in one minute after first attack I would be burned to the ground. This is NOT Farmville, but WAR of clans. 

Shielding straight after attack is the equivalent of sneaking up behind someone, punching them in the head and running away. It's the most chickensh!t aspect of the game. You want to be able to do damage to others without allowing any counter attack. It's WAR of clans. In war, when you fire a weapon your enemy hears it and retaliates. There is no sci fi force shield that prevents any counter attack - not now and especially not in viking days. Vikings had walls with gates, and if they closed their gates, every warrior they sent out would die against their own walls. And that's what should happen to every warrior outside your walls when you shield. 

You want utter nonsense? You have a 'stronghold' that anyone can transport a whole city into. They should be forced to land outside that barrier and march the rest of the way in. 

As for a fair rule change - Kingdoms with levels. They already have Leagues for competitions. You start out in League of Rookies and get bumped up. Same could be true for players or clans. When they reach a certain level they are moved to a new kingdom. Eventually all the deep pocket bully clans would be in one spot, while younger, smaller clans would be competing on a level playing field without getting pummeled by maxed out players so powerful they have no chance against. 
Dec 17, 2018, 06:0912/17/18

litninrod said:

Simon Says said:

This one is UTTER nonsense. If I won't be able to shield up straight after attacking I'm quitting this game. And I'm not be only one, that's beyond nonsense. And in one minute after first attack I would be burned to the ground. This is NOT Farmville, but WAR of clans. 

Shielding straight after attack is the equivalent of sneaking up behind someone, punching them in the head and running away. It's the most chickensh!t aspect of the game. You want to be able to do damage to others without allowing any counter attack. It's WAR of clans. In war, when you fire a weapon your enemy hears it and retaliates. There is no sci fi force shield that prevents any counter attack - not now and especially not in viking days. Vikings had walls with gates, and if they closed their gates, every warrior they sent out would die against their own walls. And that's what should happen to every warrior outside your walls when you shield. 

You want utter nonsense? You have a 'stronghold' that anyone can transport a whole city into. They should be forced to land outside that barrier and march the rest of the way in. 

As for a fair rule change - Kingdoms with levels. They already have Leagues for competitions. You start out in League of Rookies and get bumped up. Same could be true for players or clans. When they reach a certain level they are moved to a new kingdom. Eventually all the deep pocket bully clans would be in one spot, while younger, smaller clans would be competing on a level playing field without getting pummeled by maxed out players so powerful they have no chance against. 

This "chickenshit apect of the game" was from the very beginning, that's one of the factors making game interesting. Believe me, it gives great fun and pride to set enemy town on fire whilst he/she is attacking somebody else and is a wee bit too slow shielding back up :]

In war when someone succesfully attacks you with all might you are DEAD without ability to respawn. So please don't bring that BS up here, this is a GAME, not real life. In this game towns are instantly porting hundreds kilometers away without spilling a drop of coffee from burgmeister's cup. In real life there's 'no sci fi force shield that prevents any (...) attack' either - if you are attacked you are wounded/dead. In viking days (whenever in time you want it placed) there was no ports and shields either, along with troops tiers, resource locations, invaders and ghosts. So don't mix reality and history with electronic game concept, where you can train 10 million soldiers in less than 15 minutes :D

And one last piece of advise - as someone more experienced or your clan's elder how to remove any town from Valley of the Aesir.