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Unlogical Hawking Radiation

Unlogical Hawking Radiation

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May 19, 2015, 22:0705/19/15

Unlogical Hawking Radiation

Dizzies make black holes right? But wait-black holes aren't made from radiation- that's what you get from a nuke. Black holes are made from suction when a old planet explodes. Then why can TD even get this wrong?

P.SI'm a small kid(I go to tutoring if you are wondering)

May 20, 2015, 02:2905/20/15

@RawPotato (19 May, 2015, 10:07 PM UTC):
#1, It's illogical, not unlogical...   lol

#2, TD doesn't really make sense in the first place... I mean, giant worms?   lol

#3, Hawking radiation is black body radiation that is predicted to be released by black holes, due to quantum effects near the event horizon. (From googling 'hawking radiation')

So essentially, figure out how to make that, you can make black holes... Since black holes make that stuff.

May 20, 2015, 05:3005/20/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:53(edited)

oh well


May 22, 2015, 06:0505/22/15
May 22, 2015, 06:06(edited)

Black holes are actually created when a large amount of mass is concentrated in a small space, and the repulsion between atoms is overcome by the force of gravity, compressing them together until there is no space between them.  You could theoretically create a black hole on a single target atom if you hit it with enough energy using radiation (this is done in a particle collider by slamming 2 molecules together at very high velocity).  The reason this works is mass-energy equivalence (described by einstein's equation e=mc^2) where a large amount of energy has the same gravitational effect as a small amount of mass, and when concentrated into a small enough space this can create a temporary microscopic black hole.

Hawking radiation (a type of black body radiation) is actually the light that is emitted by a black hole (yes black holes emit a tiny amount of radiation, this is an effect of quantum mechanics, where photons will occasionally appear outside the event horizon).  Because it is an effect of quantum uncertainty and not a property of the black hole, photon emissions from hawking radiation are completely random, so studying them would yield absolutely zero information, and would be of no use in attempting to create a black hole. 

 If you didn't understand this, don't worry, almost no one does. 

May 22, 2015, 13:5605/22/15

@BiohazarD (22 May, 2015, 6:05 AM UTC):
I understand enough of it...   lol

So after this, my #3 claim is kind of useless   :/   lol

So why don't they rename it to Particle Collider?

Maybe it doesn't quite have the ring Hawking Radiation does...   lol

May 24, 2015, 00:0005/24/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:48(edited)

Morelike molucules

May 30, 2015, 11:5105/30/15

Ummm question? Why is everyone talking about black holes???

May 30, 2015, 13:1405/30/15

@lochlan297 (30 May, 2015, 11:51 AM UTC):
Because we're talking about Hawking Radiation, and it comes from black holes...?

Jun 7, 2015, 20:1606/07/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:01(edited)

The fact that they can make black holes is obvious, there is no need to google it.

The thing is, how do you close those black holes? That is what should be asked.


As for things not making sense in this game, everything does, including giant worms.

But, there is one thing that does not make sense. The size of the buildings compared to the people... xD

Jun 7, 2015, 23:2706/07/15

@STRM Gladiator (7 June, 2015, 8:16 PM UTC):
I say the size of the troops   lol

Just look at them on the Parade Grounds   lol


It eventually ends... But a good question is that how do the black holes get closed before it tears everything apart?   lol

Jul 1, 2015, 14:3107/01/15

You add lol to that comment as if you would be happy to see a black hole rip apart everything you ever knew and destroy civilisation as we know it

Thats not funny to me why should it be funny to anyone?!?

Jul 1, 2015, 15:3107/01/15

@lochlan297 (1 July, 2015, 2:31 PM UTC):
Not everyone is like you... I think I'll be kind enough to tell you that  ;)

I think I'll also tell you that I have a right to be sadistic in my own fantasies  ;)

Jul 1, 2015, 21:2607/01/15

fakeasnever said:

@STRM Gladiator (7 June, 2015, 8:16 PM UTC):
I say the size of the troops   lol

Just look at them on the Parade Grounds   lol


It eventually ends... But a good question is that how do the black holes get closed before it tears everything apart?   lol

Black holes lose a small amount of mass/energy (see e=mc^2) as radiation over time.  Smaller black holes release less radiation than larger ones, but they release a larger portion of their total mass per second.  So a very small black hole will destroy anything immediately next to it, then radiate all its mass and disappear within seconds.  This is the same reason particle colliders can be used to study black holes without the earth being destroyed. 

Jul 6, 2015, 13:3107/06/15
Jul 6, 2015, 13:33(edited)

I wonder what goes on inside a black hole…

Maybe everything just get ripped into a million tiny pieces

Ooooo yippee let's all go through a black hole!! Best joy ride EVER. Only one problem. You die when you go through the whole thing. Lol get it? The whole thing ahhhh it's funny but no one thinks it is.

Jul 6, 2015, 19:5207/06/15

@lochlan297 (6 July, 2015, 1:31 PM UTC):
You've never studied black holes, ever, have you...?

Black hole's edges ('event horizons', I think) is where the gravity changes so suddenly, anything that touches it would go in (really fast, not sure how fast), (usually) ripping free of whatever it was once connected to, and/or then drag the rest of it behind, repeating.

As for communication from inside and outside a black hole, light can't even escape it (hence the name black hole, for black representing darkness), so the only way for you to have the experience is to go in yourself...

Of course, you'd die before you actually got into what you'd probably consider as the black hole... So you'd never get there.   :D

Your pun is... Something   lol

The hole thing   :P   And I doubt you'd get alive past the event horizon anyway, much before you travel the entire thing and maybe pop out in a white hole

Aug 2, 2019, 03:4608/02/19
You must be a prodigy.?lol.You are very smart for a 10 year old yourp must be a b
Oct 27, 2019, 15:0710/27/19

BiohazarD said:

Black holes are actually created when a large amount of mass is concentrated in a small space, and the repulsion between atoms is overcome by the force of gravity, compressing them together until there is no space between them.  You could theoretically create a black hole on a single target atom if you hit it with enough energy using radiation (this is done in a particle collider by slamming 2 molecules together at very high velocity).  The reason this works is mass-energy equivalence (described by einstein's equation e=mc^2) where a large amount of energy has the same gravitational effect as a small amount of mass, and when concentrated into a small enough space this can create a temporary microscopic black hole.

Hawking radiation (a type of black body radiation) is actually the light that is emitted by a black hole (yes black holes emit a tiny amount of radiation, this is an effect of quantum mechanics, where photons will occasionally appear outside the event horizon).  Because it is an effect of quantum uncertainty and not a property of the black hole, photon emissions from hawking radiation are completely random, so studying them would yield absolutely zero information, and would be of no use in attempting to create a black hole. 

 If you didn't understand this, don't worry, almost no one does. 

I do understand it, but don't u think we also need Einstein's another equation to describe mass and energy equivalence more precisely?

The one I have in mind comes from the E=mc^2,  (Δm=E/c^2 (the lost mass that transforms into pure energy))

For example, if we take 1kg of charged (235) uranium and divide the atom, it would make a massive explosion considering the E(energy in joules)=m(mass in gramms)c^2(the speed of light in vacuum(300,000km/s) equation, but the second equation would exactly tell how much mass transformed into a pure energy and in this example, it would be 0.915 grams of uranium.


I know it's beyond the point of what you explained Bio, sorry for being a smartass, just wanted to show that I'm a physics nerd too xD