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Pack prices remain the same after more than 6 weeks

Pack prices remain the same after more than 6 weeks

Dec 9, 2018, 01:4312/09/18

Pack prices remain the same after more than 6 weeks

I've played the game long enough to know that if you're  patient and can wait packs can get very good for little cash.  I've have 129.99 packs for 6.49 (Cdn), and yet its been a minimum of 6 weeks since I last purchased any packs and yet my best packs are still 6.49 for 12.99 (9.99 for 4.99 USD). Normally I'd have had at least had some offers of 49.99 packs for 4.99.  My offers seem stuck, anyone else ever had this issue and if so how'd you fix it ?
Dec 9, 2018, 04:4512/09/18

Been there, done this. :(

Including, taking too long to buy at the lowest priced / highest offered pack, and having everything go back from CDN$6.49 to CDN$12.99.

(Note to self ... when at this level, buy!)

Always buy every pack you can when you get to this lowest priced / highest offered level.

It takes 12 - 14 weeks for such offers to come back around again. [So no worries on your 6 week wait, you have 2 months more to go.]

From what I've seen $12.99 packs contain twice the materials (or sufficiently close enough) of $6.49 packs. But NOT twice the gold. It is arguable to forego the gold to be able to 'pack-up' twice as often. (? Guessing on twice as often - certainly it takes less than 12 -14 weeks to return to the same level of $12.99 packs.)

The 'normal' 'base' pack price you see matches the cost of the last pack you purchases. So -always- purchase the least expensive pack last.


There seems to be 3 real pack sale points: Black Friday, Boxing Day, and May Day (?) [Easter?]. Buy. Moderated with the above. i.e. Buy all packs that may sense, least expensive last.

e.g. Last Black Friday Sale had a pack containing 1,000 Adrian and 1,000 Sixtus candles for CDN$25.99. In one pack you get close to max'ing out your Adrian and Sixtus. [Leveling them up is another story. Thus lots of errands needed.]

Correspondingly, packs had 1,000 candles for militant Inquisitors. Same idea.

Dec 9, 2018, 05:5412/09/18
thanks for the advice. Its just frustrating to see such crappy offers when my son bought packs after I had stopped and is already getting 129.99 offers for 6.49 and yet mine strangely are exactly the same as they were when I last purchased.
Dec 10, 2018, 03:0412/10/18

Ignore the 'sale' prices. They are sleight of hand. See Test's guide on this. (RSS, IIRC.)

Watch, instead, content for price. Thus, for example, my observation above that $12.99 packs have twice the contents as $6.49, but the same amount of gold.

My yardstick was 'Time to Flourish: Gold Discount!' hitting 3M gp to indicate reaching offers as good as they are going to get. [So, note to self, buy soon, as noted above.]  Seem that 3M is now 3.6M.

The $12.99 equivalents went to 4.8M, or something, adding further confusion to it all.

GL&HF! :)