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Minimap lagging during towers phase of KvKR

Minimap lagging during towers phase of KvKR

Nov 5, 2021, 17:2011/05/21

Minimap lagging during towers phase of KvKR

Heya guys & girls

During the towers phase of the KvKR, the minimap seems to be lagging hugely.  I watched one of our opponents pull together a raid for a tower that I couldn't yet see on the minimap, then start loading a second raid for the next tower, which appeared on my minimap as their raid was heading to target.

Even a 20-30 second delay makes the towers phase unplayable, it is very frustrating watching some orders take advantage of the huge bonus they seem to get, while everyone else is complaining in main/enemy chat that they can't see any of the towers either.  On most of the tower rounds, 2 of them were already destroyed by the time the 3 towers were visible on the minimap.

Without being racist/xenophobic, it is the Russian orders who appear to get priority map updates; for the past few tower phases of the past 2-3 KvKR's, there's someone with a cyrillic name running raids before anyone else can even see the towers.  I have a silly fast internet connection, do I need to use a VPN that ends in a russian address?

I understand the minimap usually updates every minute or so.  This isn't an acceptable refresh rate when a well organised order can put 3 raids together in a minute, and finish all the towers on the map before anyone else can even see them.  Towers are usually done inside of 10 minutes, perhaps Plarium can improve the map refresh rate for 20 minutes/day during the 2 day event.

Roger, I've sent this in as another support mail, please don't suggest I do that, or imply this isn't a known problem.  I'm interested in the opinions of other players, to sanity check myself.

Look forward to hearing from you all, unless this is confined to Gortestar (K118) and the kingdoms that get drawn with us.

Nov 5, 2021, 19:4211/05/21

Hi Greystar! Please note that we do not provide our players with the technical support here in our official community. Please forward this information to our specialists through the in-game feedback form (Menu > Ask a question) or through the "Ask a question" button on the home page of our official Game Guide by the following link:

Please note that Plarium is an international company. We respect the players of all nations, and we don't have any preference for players because of their nation and we don't profit from the victory or defeat of a certain group of players.

Have a nice day! 🤗