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KvK-r stats by round, please.

KvK-r stats by round, please.

Oct 6, 2018, 09:2010/06/18

KvK-r stats by round, please.

Could the stats displayed during KvK/r, Event, Kingdoms tab, v tournament statistics, please show the stats by round, not by total?

Or, rather, could an additional tab be displayed please, "All", leaving the Round tabs to be just that?

Round 1, we were over-matched by something like 12B. Seems like they caught a lot of t4, t5, t6, unshielded.

With Round 2 on now, we get another kick at the can. Currently we are down by about 600M.

However, because the tournament statistics are totals for the event, not for the round, even though I am on that round's tab, we cannot get a sense of where the bleeding is coming from, to try to stem it. Stats by round (on this tab) rather than by event, would help us discern that.

(Have a 4th tab, "All", to display the stats as currently.)
