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Assailants Jewels tab

Assailants Jewels tab

May 16, 2020, 16:0705/16/20

The translations may differ from the terms used ingame.

Suggestions and help to improve the translations are very welcome!

...Please note that I speak German and some English and French. Only understandable hints and exact information are useful to me (including capitalization and accents).


Die Übersetzungen können von den ingame verwendeten Begriffen abweichen.

Anregungen und Hilfe, die Übersetzungen zu verbessern sind sehr willkommen!

...Ich bitte zu beachten, dass ich Deutsch und etwas Englisch und Französisch spreche. Nur verständliche Hinweise und exakte Informationen sind mir nützlich (Gross-/Kleinschreibung und Akzente eingeschlossen).


Les traductions peuvent différer des termes utilisés dans le jeu.

Les suggestions et l'aide pour améliorer les traductions sont les bienvenues!

...Veuillez noter que je parle l'allemand et un peu l'anglais et le français. Seuls des indices compréhensibles et des informations exactes me sont utiles (y compris les majuscules et les accents).


Le traduzioni possono differire dai termini utilizzati nel gioco.

Suggerimenti e aiuto per migliorare le traduzioni sono benvenuti!

...Vi prego di notare che parlo tedesco e un po' di inglese e francese. Mi sono utili solo suggerimenti comprensibili e informazioni esatte (comprese le maiuscole e gli accenti).  


Las traducciones pueden diferir de los términos utilizados en el juego.

¡Sugerencias y ayuda para mejorar las traducciones son muy bienvenidas!

...Por favor, tenga en cuenta que hablo alemán y algo de inglés y francés. Sólo me son útiles los indicios comprensibles y la información exacta (incluidas las mayúsculas y los acentos).


Переводы могут отличаться от терминов, используемых в ингейме.

Предложения и помощь в улучшении перевода приветствуются!

...Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что я говорю по-немецки, а также по-английски и по-французски. Мне полезны только понятные подсказки и точная информация (включая заглавные буквы и акценты).

May 17, 2020, 16:4705/17/20

Merci à ta secrétaire que tu fais travailler pendant ses vacances, remarque tu as raison nous sommes en confinement alors autant qu'elle serve à quelque chose.

Je me permets de te répondre en français vu que tu le comprends.

Thanks to your secretary Umbra and you're right to oblige her to work on holydays 
May 18, 2020, 08:0905/18/20

Hello, UMBRA!

Thanks so much for your work! We are very pleased that you are helping us improve our community!

Have a nice day! 

May 18, 2020, 12:4905/18/20

Thank you Roger!

I wish you a nice day too.

Jul 4, 2020, 01:0607/04/20
Jul 4, 2020, 07:11(edited)


The graphics were updated.

Now the bonus values of the juwels in legendary qualitity are displayed and the names of assailants were corrected in all 6 languages.

Thank you to Plarium for the help with the translations.

Enjoy and have fun


Jul 21, 2020, 17:1507/21/20
danke , du hast mir mein leben gerettet! 
Jul 22, 2020, 09:1407/22/20
Jul 22, 2020, 09:16(edited)
Fritz Stauffer said:

danke , du hast mir mein leben gerettet! 

Nov 20, 2021, 10:3111/20/21

Note the new juwels and some extended bonuses after the updade Nov. 15. 2021 ...


  • Three upgrade levels for legendary jewels 

Some legendary jewels can now be upgraded to levels I, II, and III.
To do so, you will need to fuse the main legendary jewel with various
quantities of other jewels. Use a filter to find jewels with specific

Read more about this in the "Fusing jewels" subsection of the Jewels section.  

  • Three Adomi jewels 

These are special jewels that each provide four military bonuses.
They don't have any classes or levels, and you cannot receive them as a
reward or find them as drops — you can only create them from different
jewels, including upgraded legendary ones. 

Read more about this in the "Fusing jewels" subsection of the Jewels section.

Dec 6, 2021, 17:1112/06/21

Any Idea How to Upgrade them to the 30% etc that they're showing as a potential after the last update ?? 😉

Dec 6, 2021, 17:1212/06/21

ah Above ROFL 😂😂😂