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Troops profiles (multilingual)

Troops profiles (multilingual)

Aug 2, 2020, 10:0708/02/20

Troops profiles (multilingual)

Multilingual profiles of troops types in graphic format

Displayed are: 

  • Needed Assailants (for gear production) and Apostates (for supporting Rune bonuses)
  • Needed materials (for gear production)
  • Strength (weakness) compared to other troops
  • Special properties and requirements

Visit also: Assailants and materials, Assailants Jewels tab, Assailants profiles (multilingual), Apostates profiles (multilingual)













Aug 2, 2020, 12:5908/02/20
very good work 
Aug 3, 2020, 07:3108/03/20


Fantastic! Thank you!

Bookmark the OP people, when other languages speak troops to you and you have no idea which they're talking about, see here. And vice versa.
Aug 3, 2020, 14:2908/03/20

Very cool and informative! Thanks a lot for your work, Umbra! 

Thank you for being with us!

Aug 3, 2020, 21:1108/03/20

Thank you! 

I am glad you like it and its a pleasure to me that you find it useful. 

Aug 18, 2020, 17:0208/18/20
Oct 29, 2020, 21:40(edited)

Speed versus Capacity

The difference of troops march speed is higher on lower tiers.



In opposite, the difference of capacity increases on higher tiers.


  • Scouts (spies) have zero capacity
  • Spearmen T6 value 80 is estimated (interpolated from row), eliminate the wrong value T6 = 50 (equal for T5 and T6 in Throne-Help)



Source of data: Fan site Throne-Help.

Aug 19, 2020, 11:2608/19/20
Aug 19, 2020, 11:27(edited)




What would be interesting is yield time vs capacity. Say, on an Alpha.

Since people will be looking for the magic number of entire tile yield just under both 1h and 3h - the time of single safe conducts.

Granted, each player's yield time will be different, but the baselines will be the same, as will the impact of equipment, studies, jewels, and runes.

Thank you again - it is an interesting chart.
Aug 19, 2020, 15:0808/19/20
Aug 19, 2020, 15:48(edited)

Thank you WWO, you're welcome!

The yield time depends on whether the hero and the inquisitor march along (and their equipment and upgrades), as well as on the camp and ressource type, used boosts and currently active bonuses (personal, order, kingdom, etc.).

The base is always the same (and uninteresting), there is no "magic" value.

Its more a long chain of dependencies (for wich a nice overview would be helpful, esp. regarding alpha camps and camps level 7 to 9, sure).

And this doesn't really belong in the "troop types" theme since troops have the same yield effectivity.

Aug 20, 2020, 05:3608/20/20
Sep 20, 2020, 01:28(edited)

Ressource requirements of troops for training (T1)

Needs for higher Tiers

Example Cavalry

Logarithmic scale

Decimal scale

Example Spies

Logarithmic scale

Decimal scale

Aug 20, 2020, 05:5908/20/20
Aug 20, 2020, 06:00(edited)

Umbra said:
> The yield time depends on whether the hero and the inquisitor march along (and their equipment and upgrades), as well as on the camp and ressource type, used boosts and currently active bonuses (personal, order, kingdom, etc.).

Both are known, and were said with:
>> Granted, each player's yield time will be different, but the baselines will be the same, as will the impact of equipment, studies, jewels, and runes.

> The base is always the same (and uninteresting), there is no "magic" value.
The base rate is, but not the base capacity. Thus the reference deadline of 1h vs 3h to entirely yield an (alpha) tile (under 1 safe conduct) - herein, the "magic" values.

> Its more a long chain of dependencies (for wich a nice overview would be helpful, esp. regarding alpha camps and camps level 7 to 9, sure).
Thus the posing of the question:
>> What would be interesting is yield time vs capacity. Say, on an Alpha.
>> Since people will be looking for the magic number of entire tile yield just under both 1h and 3h - the time of single safe conducts.

> And this doesn't really belong in the "troop types" theme since troops have the same yield effectivity.
As capacity is a troop characteristic, it is definitely an element of 'troop type'. Especially as capacity changes by troop type.

Aug 20, 2020, 16:3108/20/20
Aug 20, 2020, 16:37(edited)

How to define the troop size for farming a camp with safe conduct?

Send 10 K troops ('test_size') to a specific camp and note the duration ('test_duration').

60 minutes / test_duration * test_size = Troop size for 1h safe conduct


Test duration: 10 K troops will farm for 8m 30s

  --> In decimal minutes = 8.5m (or in seconds: 8m*60s+30s = 510s)

Formula: 60 / 8.5 * 10 K = 70'588.2352941

Result: Troops to send for maximal 1h farming duration: About 70 K


You can use seconds for calculating with same result (to avoid decimal minutes).

Example in seconds: (60*60) / (8*60+30) * 10 K

@WWO: Good idea! - Just show us the magical value...

Aug 20, 2020, 21:4808/20/20
Aug 20, 2020, 21:54(edited)

Nice post, but you'll want to update the first line with 'farming' to 'farming for a particular duration'.

Whereas what I meant was to entirely yield the tile. I suppose a corresponding question would be how long to entirely yield such a tile. e.g. 4h would be 1 3h + 1 1h safe conduct.

I suppose, to start, we need to gather the types and contents of each tile, and how much they typically contain. I would suggest we start with Ass. & APO 6, Alpha's, and farm tiles of 6 and higher. (Maybe 5.)

Honest - nice post. A good and timely reminder of how to about figuring this out.

You could even update it to note how much one can expect to acquire. e.g 'About 70 K', 'and result in about #.'
- so if you're looking for x amount of something, you'll know you'll need to do with y times, using y safe conducts.

This is probably worthy of its own thread!

Aug 21, 2020, 13:5708/21/20
Excellent work, thanks
Sep 29, 2020, 06:4909/29/20

Excellent reviews, thanks a lot!