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Skill bonuses only apply to marches with hero or inquisitor?

Skill bonuses only apply to marches with hero or inquisitor?

Jun 9, 2018, 21:5706/09/18

Skill bonuses only apply to marches with hero or inquisitor?


I see such things as 'Resource Yield' and 'Troop Capacity' within the Inquisitor Doctrines - do such bonuses only apply on marches that include the Inquisitor, as such bonuses only do on marches that include the Hero?

Resource Yield and Troop Capacity boosts only apply to marches that include the Hero, making them useless. (One out of many simultaneous foraging marches.)

As opposed to resource, production, build, study, train, which have no restrictions.


Jun 10, 2018, 22:3506/10/18

they aren't useless, just apply different. As you get higher levels, and different gear, etc you might start using hero profiles, which let you save and switch skillsets/equipment for your hero for different circumstances. You might have an attack profile where your gear/skills are for doing damage to tiles/enemy cities. You might have a training profile for when you want to train up more warriors then throw a training boost up also. You might have a general construction/study/yielding profile, for downtime when you need to study and build for events and reduce time. 

Later you might also get yielding gear, so your hero/inquisitor group can yield tiles very fast, extremely useful when doing the highest level of alpha tiles or special tiles. You will be suprised on how fast you can yield those locations with your hero group. Also good for enemy territory where you might just use 1 hero group to yield when you are on, to protect from being tile hit, so you can keep a watch on them.  There are many profiles you can set up with your skills/gear, all depending on how much gold you want to spend. 

Combat skillset, training skillset, building/construction skillset, resource production skillset if your going offline for 8-12 hours so your loaded up when you come back, yielding skillset, and others you might think of. I currently have my attack, training, and general purpose study/build/yield. 
Jun 11, 2018, 11:4406/11/18

jamesfriel06 said:

> they aren't useless, just apply different ...

So, you seem to be confirming: Resource Yield and Troop Capacity boosts only apply to marches that include the Hero.

> As you get higher levels, and different gear, etc you might start using hero profiles ...

Sorry, IIUC, profiles are completely irrelevant to the stated premise: (One out of many simultaneous foraging marches.)

> You will be suprised on how fast you can yield those locations with your hero group.

The speed difference is not significant enough to be worth the skill points. Whether about 8 hours is reduced to 4 or 4.5, when most will be away from the game for more than 8 hours during that time, the impact is misleadingly pointless. An extra few M of RSS per day is irrelevant - it is so little you will be taking other measures to get more than that in a timely manner.

I do take your point of a Battle Profile where these points would permit you to carry away more loot in one go, but those points will be better spent elsewise. Particularly as the gain is so little, and you can usually send your march a 2nd time. Which will gain you far more than the addition from skill points would.

In any case, the question remains:

>> "I see such things as 'Resource Yield' and 'Troop Capacity' within the Inquisitor Doctrines - do such bonuses only apply on marches that include the Inquisitor, as such bonuses only do on marches that include the Hero?"

Jun 14, 2018, 20:3206/14/18
Troops without Hero/Inq only get bonuses from your knowledges so they kinda weak wihout Hero/Inq
Jun 15, 2018, 22:3306/15/18
Jun 15, 2018, 22:34(edited)

But for multiple marches / foraging tiles or empty towns, no strength is needed. So expending skill points on Yield or Capacity remains useless, as said.

Since one can almost always send a 2nd march. And if ~ 16 hours between gaming sessions, whether a yield completes in 8 hours, or 9, is irrelevant.

For battle, better to use skill points on health or defense, than yield or capacity. In order of:

Defensive:Reduced Enemy {x} (50%), Army II {x} (85%), {MilitaryP} II {x} (53%), Army I {x} (15%), {MilitaryO} I (50%)

Offensive: {MilitaryP} II {x} (53%), Army II {x} (85%), Reduced Enemy {x} (50%), Army I {x} (15%), {MilitaryO} I (50%)


{x} = Health, Defense, Offense, in that order.

{MilitaryP} = Prime troop type - Spear, Cavalry, Ranged, Knight, Siege, or Scout

{MilitaryO} = Other troop types - ALL other non-{MilitaryP} troop types.

e.g. Even max'ing out Marching Speed will provide a happier usage experience than using skill points on the Hero/Inq applicable only Resource Yield or Troop Capacity entries.

Or so seems to be the consensus of the participants of this thread.

Even if the above is maxed out and skill points remain to be spent, max'ing out Treasury Capacity is probably a more universally useful expenditure of the skill points.