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Why r tournaments and its prizes getting worse and worse !?

Why r tournaments and its prizes getting worse and worse !?

Dec 21, 2017, 08:0812/21/17

Why r tournaments and its prizes getting worse and worse !?

I will go strait to the point :

The tournaments are getting worse and worse and prizes from those tournaments r so pathetic and are basically insolting - you need 30 k points for 2 fucking dragons ? 

I know you r trying to get people to spend as much money ad they can and this is the way you earn your money but what is too much is really to much...

Listen to the players please...everybody is very unsatisfied except a few credit card guys who don t give a shit about anything...

You r killing the game and you r makinh it worse anf worse...insteaf making it better anf better you r making it worse...

Another isue is offers you people create...again it is for the people with lots of money - I get it but offers are also getting worse and worse...

I used to buy with you and I can afford it to buy even more if I want buy I will not di it because offers r really getting insulting...

Instead meaking better offers and giving better prizes for the tournaments ( xp ,pvp and so on...) you are giving less and less...I will tell you why this a mistake is - with better prizes people will be more involveld in tournaments and will have also more army ( the ones that play tournaments) ..another thing more anf more people will join and you would have a monster game in the future...this current way it is going to go into shit...

Amazing how you don t understand this...noone is attacking anymore and game is becoming boring while you r pushing people into buying...more pople would buy but in this current way they feel cheated and will not buy on purpose...


take care ! :)

Dec 21, 2017, 13:2912/21/17

Hello, my Lord!

Welcome to the Forum and thanks for taking time and sharing your feedback.

Let's start with the Tournaments. 

The main thing we should remember about them is that they're based on the in-game activity players are doing in terms of the usual gameplay no matter whether the Tournament is running or not. It means that the Rewards you receive in the Tournament are some additional bonuses.

Plus, we have really a lot of Tournaments with the different set of Rewards, you can choose the one you like most of all and concentrate on it. You don't have to take part in the Tournament you don't like.

As for the Offers, there are also a lot of them and they are changing constantly. 

If you don't like the current Offer, you can just wait for a more suitable one and sooner or later you'll receive it.

Dec 30, 2017, 06:2512/30/17


Ok...since you don t understand - example : you need 20 k points for 2 wyverns ! For just 2 !!! Then it s getting better and better - next you need 30 k for another 3 wyverns etc...

You don t get additional bonuses from tournaments if I have to spend 1 m offense to get lets say 15 k pts which gives me back 200 k off in lets say necros - my los is 800 k want people to play tournaments ? - start giving good prizes....the prizes are really pathetic

I understand that you what people to buy and buy saphirres and army but it no one plays tournaments the game is getting boring and people are quitting it more and are killing the game instead trying to involve s a piece of advice....

You greedy bastards 

Jan 2, 2018, 11:4701/02/18

Hello, my Lord! I got your point, but we're discussing different points of view on these events.

The main thing you need to remember, Tournaments are optional events and to get the more profitable result you need to join Tournaments which is similar to your daily actions in the game. If you attack the Castles every day, you can join PvP Tournaments, and in this case, you'll do your daily actions and receive extra bonuses without spending the resources and time. But, for example, if you don't attack BGs and you want to receive the reward for the BG's Tournament, of course, it won't be profitable. You'll need to spend time and resources to get the higher results.

Also, keep in mind, all events in the game are optional and you don't have to join all of them. If you think you're not ready for the event or you know it won't bring you some good rewards, you can skip the event and focus on high-priority tasks in the game. Only you can choose the way you'll play. 

I hope this information will be useful! 

Happy Holidays! 

Apr 22, 2018, 05:3904/22/18
Alina, for active players are daily gaming is based on rewards.  We don’t generally pvp unless there’s a tourney on.  BGs are different because there’s always rewards, but pvp without a tournament means 100% troop loss.  If we earned more rewards we would participate more.  Active players would be rewarded.  I understand you don’t want to hand huge amounts of sapphires, but more troop rewards would mean more activity.  I’m only here because I’m realizing that people are not participating any more.  Look at the average beacon level.  I love BGs, but it’s not enough if everybody loses interest in pvp.  & the idea of a beacon massacre without beacon downgrades is backwards.  We need more incentives for pvp not fewer.
Apr 22, 2018, 06:1904/22/18
Apr 22, 2018, 06:56(edited)

Aan'allein said:

Alina, for active players are daily gaming is based on rewards.  We don’t generally pvp unless there’s a tourney on.  BGs are different because there’s always rewards, but pvp without a tournament means 100% troop loss.  If we earned more rewards we would participate more.  Active players would be rewarded.  I understand you don’t want to hand huge amounts of sapphires, but more troop rewards would mean more activity.  I’m only here because I’m realizing that people are not participating any more.  Look at the average beacon level.  I love BGs, but it’s not enough if everybody loses interest in pvp.  & the idea of a beacon massacre without beacon downgrades is backwards.  We need more incentives for pvp not fewer.

I agree with you that pvp cannot cover all our losses & some may be lesser rewarding than others, but the rewards in the Tournaments are not supposed to cover all the losses. Champions and other boosts can help lower your losses, which you will be aware of already. I personally like to train and wait for 2.2x pvp which offer best rewards.

Rewards keep changing, so hopefully you may see some suitable tournament.

Plarium is collecting feedback from players regarding Massacre. 

If you have any feedback or good ideas for improving beacons strategy you may please suggest on a separate thread post here 

And thank you for sharing your concerns here. 
Apr 29, 2018, 12:1104/29/18
I think what my fellow players are trying to explain is stormfall has changed. People don’t seem to be attacking on a daily basis for the sheer fun of it anymore they aren’t even waiting for pvp they are waiting for x2 even then If rewards are not good they give it a miss. This I believe is down to the cost in time and money to train/revive new units.  My current paragon run is 1003 days I have never missed a day logging in since I started but even I am now beginning to feel let down. I myself am not a rich person but admit I have still invested a lot of time and money in this game and I disagree strongly with you statement that we should wait for a better offer to come along that unfortunately is not happening when i was a lower level you could get a decent pack for a reasonable amount of money.  Now the decent packs offered are way out of my price range. It seems your philosophy is the longer a person has played the more they are  willing to pay as they have already invested so much and let’s be honest if you have played this long are already hooked. Wrong!!  Stormfall has become boring  and money orientated. There are lots of good games out there. Sort it out plarium give more to the little man and stop designing new aspects of the game for coiners. 
Apr 29, 2018, 18:5004/29/18


Apr 29, 2018, 18:5204/29/18

More than 2 years and this is the first time I have enter forum and apperantly I'm an Elder too.

NeversmilexCommunity Manager
Apr 30, 2018, 10:3804/30/18

judy.allinson12 said:

I think what my fellow players are trying to explain is stormfall has changed. People don’t seem to be attacking on a daily basis for the sheer fun of it anymore they aren’t even waiting for pvp they are waiting for x2 even then If rewards are not good they give it a miss. This I believe is down to the cost in time and money to train/revive new units.  My current paragon run is 1003 days I have never missed a day logging in since I started but even I am now beginning to feel let down. I myself am not a rich person but admit I have still invested a lot of time and money in this game and I disagree strongly with you statement that we should wait for a better offer to come along that unfortunately is not happening when i was a lower level you could get a decent pack for a reasonable amount of money.  Now the decent packs offered are way out of my price range. It seems your philosophy is the longer a person has played the more they are  willing to pay as they have already invested so much and let’s be honest if you have played this long are already hooked. Wrong!!  Stormfall has become boring  and money orientated. There are lots of good games out there. Sort it out plarium give more to the little man and stop designing new aspects of the game for coiners. 

Hello, my Lord!

First of all, I would like to thank you for coming to our Forum and sharing your opinion with us! It's always a pleasure to see new members here :)

You're right, there are times when the game is becoming a bit slower. On the other hand, there are times when the game has so many activities, that some of the players don't even have time to participate in all of them.

We're striving to provide players with the interesting content, new in-game activities, and mechanics. There's not so much time left to wait until the new League Duels challenge. I do hope that you'll find it exciting. And the rewards will make it worth participating.

Stay tuned, and may the force be with you, Judy! 

Aug 8, 2018, 13:3608/08/18
What the hell did you guys do to league duels?  Please explain to me why  rewards are worse?
Aug 8, 2018, 14:2208/08/18
Foot Therapist said:

What the hell did you guys do to league duels?  Please explain to me why  rewards are worse?
You can do BG instead and still get some rewards. Rewards are not fixed and will keep varying.
Aug 8, 2018, 20:0508/08/18
Foot Therapist said:

What the hell did you guys do to league duels?  Please explain to me why  rewards are worse?
They appear to have dropped the amount of rewards but I think it might just be because of all the bg players doing duels and getting so many troops and making it harder for others to keep up. I will ask though to get an answer, but the rewards have always changed in events over time. They always have different amount of rewards per events.
Aug 9, 2018, 11:4708/09/18

Foot Therapist said:

What the hell did you guys do to league duels?  Please explain to me why  rewards are worse?


If we compare the balances of the Tourney versions, you can see that the League rewards weren't changed positively, indeed.

Still, there are plenty of bonuses a player can get during the extended event version individually.

There are more Units, more items, and resources that may come in handy.

So, it could boost the gameplay regarding individual effort. Moreover, the players have more time to win those additional rewards regarding personal effort.

Aug 9, 2018, 18:1908/09/18

i see that this step is going for two days, so rewards need more points.

Aug 10, 2018, 19:1608/10/18
Chascon said:

i see that this step is going for two days, so rewards need more points.

Yes this event is different from the last. They changed the rewards given based on length of the tournament.
Aug 11, 2018, 02:4808/11/18
Aug 11, 2018, 02:49(edited)
I was quite saddened by this change too. But it is what it is... If you want to grow your army just don’t do tournaments. Rewards don’t justify the loss nearly ever
Aug 13, 2018, 19:0108/13/18
Trent Kestin said:

I was quite saddened by this change too. But it is what it is... If you want to grow your army just don’t do tournaments. Rewards don’t justify the loss nearly ever
It boosts your army at a rate, if you hit outside of an event you wont get any rewards. If we got huge troop payouts from events then everyone would always have the same army and only get bigger which would hurt smaller players or ones who dont build as fast.