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PUB - A Legendary League among Ordinary Leagues

PUB - A Legendary League among Ordinary Leagues

Jul 31, 2018, 02:1707/31/18

PUB - A Legendary League among Ordinary Leagues


Hello Stormfall Players.  My name is BlackStarVega (a.k.a. BlackSkyPhoenix, a.k.a. *Starless).

I am a Captain of a league called PUB.

I have some questions for you all and perhaps...a proposition.

  1. Are you tired of being in an inactive league?
  2. Are you tired of being bullied?
  3. Are you tired of not placing in the top 5, 10, 25, 50?
  4. Are you tired of putting all your hard earned Defense in Beacons instead of protecting your castle or your league mates castles?
  5. Are you tired of Not getting the League rewards?
  6. Do you need a change in scenery/atmosphere?
  7. Do you want to have fun with no Rules/Regulations?
  8. Do you need help with Battle grounds?

Well, please do not look any further then PUB.  A league that has 124 members.

Our league Activity is 100% and has been at 100% for Weeks.

THIS is our achievements.

OF Course we are still growing and we are moving up in the ranks.

We have the ability to compete with leagues who are in the top 20 and we have beaten them all in the past.

1 tournament we came in first place in a Tournament that wanted all the leagues to Build as many buildings and discover as many lost arts as possible.

It was a battle to win, and it was a close call but we beat out Hundreds of leagues! Leagues who have over 15 beacons and boasts of of great Offense/Defense as well as a level 20 Fort.

PUB has beaten them all. We have Potential that has only gotten stronger, and all recognize us as a very Formidable league.

For any who's interested, please contact me or another Captain of PUB. We would be happy/honored to have you.

If you think your league is also interested in a "Merger" please contact a captain as well.

Any questions please send me an e mail. My castle coords are  (-64 -36).

Oh behalf of PUB, I thank you all for your time.

Have a great day/night!



Aug 1, 2018, 19:5308/01/18
BlackSkyPhoenix said:


Hello Stormfall Players.  My name is BlackStarVega (a.k.a. BlackSkyPhoenix, a.k.a. *Starless).

I am a Captain of a league called PUB.

I have some questions for you all and perhaps...a proposition.

  1. Are you tired of being in an inactive league?
  2. Are you tired of being bullied?
  3. Are you tired of not placing in the top 5, 10, 25, 50?
  4. Are you tired of putting all your hard earned Defense in Beacons instead of protecting your castle or your league mates castles?
  5. Are you tired of Not getting the League rewards?
  6. Do you need a change in scenery/atmosphere?
  7. Do you want to have fun with no Rules/Regulations?
  8. Do you need help with Battle grounds?

Well, please do not look any further then PUB.  A league that has 124 members.

Our league Activity is 100% and has been at 100% for Weeks.

THIS is our achievements.

OF Course we are still growing and we are moving up in the ranks.

We have the ability to compete with leagues who are in the top 20 and we have beaten them all in the past.

1 tournament we came in first place in a Tournament that wanted all the leagues to Build as many buildings and discover as many lost arts as possible.

It was a battle to win, and it was a close call but we beat out Hundreds of leagues! Leagues who have over 15 beacons and boasts of of great Offense/Defense as well as a level 20 Fort.

PUB has beaten them all. We have Potential that has only gotten stronger, and all recognize us as a very Formidable league.

For any who's interested, please contact me or another Captain of PUB. We would be happy/honored to have you.

If you think your league is also interested in a "Merger" please contact a captain as well.

Any questions please send me an e mail. My castle coords are  (-64 -36).

Oh behalf of PUB, I thank you all for your time.

Have a great day/night!



Great job PUB!!! You guys did amazing in the last event!