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A Fantasy Game set in medieval times, with lots of Fire bombs thrown in!

A Fantasy Game set in medieval times, with lots of Fire bombs thrown in!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Apr 8, 2018, 09:0404/08/18

A Fantasy Game set in medieval times, with lots of Fire bombs thrown in!

Ladies and Gentlemen of Stormfall Age of War

This is a fantasy game, do we no longer play it this way and in the manner of  Knight's with honour, who believe in codes of Chivalry.

I would ask you to take on board what it is to be that Knight.  Take from these two links what you wish to, but lets improve the game which others set out to change,  next we will have our own space dragons, that can take us to other boards and games... but please read :D Thanks alot.

If you feel as I do... I would ask you to wear the shield of Chivalry as an avatar.

The 10 Commandments of Chivalry

1.  Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches and thou shalt observe all its directions.

2.  Thou shalt defend the Church.

3.  Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them.

4.  Thou shalt love the country in which thou wast born.

5.  Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy

6.  Thou shalt make war against the infidel without cessation and without mercy.

7.  Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God.

8.  Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word.

9.  Thou shalt be generous, and give largesse to everyone.

10. Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.

I ask of Plarium please take this onboard

Apr 8, 2018, 13:5704/08/18

Knights doesn't go very well together with demons, dragons, etc etc etc....your argument is flawed from the get go -)

How Chivalerous was that knights of yours during the crusades? :p

Tabula Rasa, take from them everything, leave them nothing... now, that better -)

Apr 8, 2018, 15:2804/08/18

Lord Gadheras

I believe these English  ancestral Knights in the crusades worked within all the 10 commandments.... protect the church, and obviously Thou shalt make war against the infidel without cessation and without mercy. These modern days we think different and have rules of engagement, and peoples rights.

I understand they did not have Demons and dragons, obviously I prefer the version by John Cleese, that rabbit was worse that any dragon :D  However, we take into account the fantasy of the game, as it falls apart about us and leagues split. and more and more castles become inactive.

Now I hear about Castle Guards to protect against firebombs... improvements to benefit who.

i posted I mentioned take from this what you wish.

that post of mine has a target (My League)

Apr 8, 2018, 15:4504/08/18

onedoug902 said:

Lord Gadheras

I believe these English  ancestral Knights in the crusades worked within all the 10 commandments.... protect the church, and obviously Thou shalt make war against the infidel without cessation and without mercy. These modern days we think different and have rules of engagement, and peoples rights.

I understand they did not have Demons and dragons, obviously I prefer the version by John Cleese, that rabbit was worse that any dragon :D  However, we take into account the fantasy of the game, as it falls apart about us and leagues split. and more and more castles become inactive.

Now I hear about Castle Guards to protect against firebombs... improvements to benefit who.

i posted I mentioned take from this what you wish.

that post of mine has a target (My League)

The game is what it is... Internet bushido gaming is just a dream. Its about winning, and for some to win, others have to lose...

Apr 11, 2018, 10:1004/11/18
roadstar Pitbull said:

Um,, sorry,, did you get lost in your travels???

This is a fantasy game, do we no longer play it this way and in the manner of Knight's with honour, who believe in codes of Chivalry.

This is a fantasy mmo (at best), not RPG. Aside from a very few things (mostly graphics), it has nothing to do with medieval times, knights, honor, or chivalry.
It's a numbers game.  Whoever has the biggest numbers wins :P
Apr 11, 2018, 11:2104/11/18

BiohazarD said:

It's a numbers game.  Whoever has the biggest numbers wins :P

Balur has the biggest numbers, so he wins

Apr 12, 2018, 05:3104/12/18

Chivalry and Honor is for peasants and the meek. Why does everybody think there should be rules we are to follow.

Apr 12, 2018, 06:1304/12/18
Oracle said:

Chivalry and Honor is for peasants and the meek. Why does everybody think there should be rules we are to follow.

I disagree with the honor part, as it usually takes a great deal of willpower to not stoop to underhanded tactics, often at a cost to yourself, but the special cookies who think their rules should be followed by everybody? Sweet baby back Jesus ribs, THEY ARE DELUSIONAL. We all decide what is important to ourselves and only ourselves, and attempting to force rules on others simply subverts their autonomy, although we are certainly allowed to react in whatever manner we see fit to the actions and/or words of another, and vice versa.
Apr 12, 2018, 07:1204/12/18

Insanity Talisman said:

Oracle said:

Chivalry and Honor is for peasants and the meek. Why does everybody think there should be rules we are to follow.

I disagree with the honor part, as it usually takes a great deal of willpower to not stoop to underhanded tactics, often at a cost to yourself, but the special cookies who think their rules should be followed by everybody? Sweet baby back Jesus ribs, THEY ARE DELUSIONAL. We all decide what is important to ourselves and only ourselves, and attempting to force rules on others simply subverts their autonomy, although we are certainly allowed to react in whatever manner we see fit to the actions and/or words of another, and vice versa.

Try play EVE for 15 years, see what that does to your game morals :p Only thing that matter. Is yourself, your friends and whatever allies you connected to. Everyone else is worm food, I don't care about you and your gaming. I can swoop in and attack someone that is attacking someone else, just to ransom the attacked party for whatever he got to let him go. If your "ingame" house is bulging with riches, I will ponder how I can get my hands on it. If you can't protect it, you don't deserve it.... I don't care about how you play your game, just as you got no right to tell me how to play my way. Everyone should be entitled to play the game how they see fit according to what the game allows you to. 

Apr 12, 2018, 07:5104/12/18
Gadheras said:

Insanity Talisman said:

Oracle said:

Chivalry and Honor is for peasants and the meek. Why does everybody think there should be rules we are to follow.

I disagree with the honor part, as it usually takes a great deal of willpower to not stoop to underhanded tactics, often at a cost to yourself, but the special cookies who think their rules should be followed by everybody? Sweet baby back Jesus ribs, THEY ARE DELUSIONAL. We all decide what is important to ourselves and only ourselves, and attempting to force rules on others simply subverts their autonomy, although we are certainly allowed to react in whatever manner we see fit to the actions and/or words of another, and vice versa.

Try play EVE for 15 years, see what that does to your game morals :p Only thing that matter. Is yourself, your friends and whatever allies you connected to. Everyone else is worm food, I don't care about you and your gaming. I can swoop in and attack someone that is attacking someone else, just to ransom the attacked party for whatever he got to let him go. If your "ingame" house is bulging with riches, I will ponder how I can get my hands on it. If you can't protect it, you don't deserve it.... I don't care about how you play your game, just as you got no right to tell me how to play my way. Everyone should be entitled to play the game how they see fit according to what the game allows you to. 

Amen and hallelujah! I refer to players who have engaged me in a hostile manner as a "thing" and an "it". They are not people, at least not according to my mind (and my conscience). Those that I have had no interaction with are thought of less insultingly, when thought of at all, and barely exist, except in my peripheral awareness. Way I handle not being overwhelmed with indecision. I do try not to harm others who have not harmed me and mine, and be polite unless treated poorly (and if I'm in a great mood and my patience is at an optimal level, I'll be polite even when treated bad [okay, occasionally, I do it to watch an angry thing's fury increase at its inability to rattle me, for my own amusement]), but that's just what I value. Golden, dying rule, and whatnot, yet truly a person's preogative whether to follow it. Of course, I will associate as little as possible with those that don't, seeing as how we take on the habits of the behavior encountered most frequently, but, again, personal choice. PERSONAL CHOICE, ALWAYS FOR THE WIN.
Apr 13, 2018, 08:4204/13/18
Juglar del Viento said:

BiohazarD said:

It's a numbers game.  Whoever has the biggest numbers wins :P

Balur has the biggest numbers, so he wins

Yep, that's why some of us ditched Oberon and sided with Balur instead XD
Apr 13, 2018, 09:3504/13/18

BiohazarD said:

Juglar del Viento said:

BiohazarD said:

It's a numbers game.  Whoever has the biggest numbers wins :P

Balur has the biggest numbers, so he wins

Yep, that's why some of us ditched Oberon and sided with Balur instead XD

I so wish we would be able to siege Oberons castle. To show him how loyal subjects we are.... right Plarium? :p

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