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Difference between Dark, Imperial, Eldritch and ussuall units ?

Difference between Dark, Imperial, Eldritch and ussuall units ?

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Oct 9, 2016, 11:4210/09/16

Difference between Dark, Imperial, Eldritch and ussuall units ?

Hello everyone, as i'm new to this game i'm little confused on Dark, Imperial, Eldritch and ussuall units. Whats the difference between them ? Why is there so much different (and at the same time the same) unit tipes?

If i'm not wrong there is a resource bank when doing battlegrounds to gain the biggest reward. Lets say golem will count to this resource bank, but will others - dark golem, imperial golem and eldritch golem will count too ?

Oct 9, 2016, 11:5910/09/16
Oct 9, 2016, 12:14(edited)

hiya mate

-imperial: has the same power whith the normall units but  to buy imperial units you spent some saphires and some recourse

to buy a normall units you spent ONLY recources but no saphires,you just have to spent more recources than the imperials but the reason you spent less recources to buy an imperial is cause you spent and some saphires at the same time

-eldrich:is a category of units you win,you CAN NOT make ,buy or build you just win them from the tournament and battleground quest anyway you can just win them.this units is 

  1. stronger than than normall units
  2. consume less food than normall units
  3. move faster than the normall units

so eldrich dragon is better than normall dragons

eldrich knight is better than normall knight etc

-dark units:dark units again is better than normall units they eat less food and they are stronger than the normall units BUT their speed is the same whith the normall units so eldrich units instead of stronger is faster than the normall units somethink dark units dont have.

so the conclusion:

  1. imperial is same whith normall units about the abilities just diferrent way to buy them,
  2. dark units is stronger than normall units eat less but dont move faster something eldrich can do so eldrich is the faster units

between eldrich and dark units you probably ask who is stronger,eldrich is faster than dark units their power is almost equal ussualy eldrich have better balance but keep this the dark dragon is better than eldrich dragon all other kind of dark and eldrich units is almost same if you check their statistics.

how you can find dark units you probably ask

dark units can make only leagues whith beacons,thats the role of beacons to make dark units.

Beacons is some buildings that capture leagues and they need protect them once there is a war whith beacons,let me tell you that it is a silly war once many leagues sometimes lose more than take on the try to capture beacons only coiner leagues dominate :p forget it all this is another story if you need somethink else to explain or dont understand let me know

Oct 9, 2016, 14:3010/09/16
Oct 9, 2016, 14:30(edited)
interesting is that the different versions of troops cover your legendary units different to. leg units have a fav for eld units, then dark units, imperials cover better than the normal units (even with same stats)
Oct 9, 2016, 16:3110/09/16

Lord Sison

nice answer provided

thanks for ur help, sometimes it has an incalculated value

Oct 9, 2016, 17:5010/09/16
Oct 10, 2016, 00:38(edited)

nps juglar :)reaper completed my answer once i did nt talk him about legendaries

i will  add it here so he can read

legendaries:it is a category of units you can take only if you spent saphires.

This units has a characteristic they have maximum power and minimum power.

To find out how you can reach the maximum power of your legandary you need to open the special bonus box as you see in my screenshoot whith the green arrow ,

this box will show you which units you need to sent toghether whith your legendaries to take the maximum bonus,so this units in the special bonus box is the units you need to sent toghther whith you legendary if you want to reach the maximum power of your legendary

Oct 9, 2016, 22:4710/09/16
how much for the eldritch paladin?

Oct 9, 2016, 23:1210/09/16
Oct 9, 2016, 23:13(edited)

great answer Sison

I would try not to use Eldrich, Dark or Imperial units in bg but use regular units only if you can

just for information sake Renegades offer the best bonus with The Fallen these units are made with amulets
Oct 10, 2016, 00:3710/10/16

yep jezebel of course not for bgs this categories,just normall unitsl it is somethink we could add here once he is young player,good thought :)

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Oct 10, 2016, 08:0110/10/16
Oct 10, 2016, 08:01(edited)

sison said:

hiya mate

-imperial: has the same power whith the normall units but  to buy imperial units you spent some saphires and some recourse

to buy a normall units you spent ONLY recources but no saphires,you just have to spent more recources than the imperials but the reason you spent less recources to buy an imperial is cause you spent and some saphires at the same time

-eldrich:is a category of units you win,you CAN NOT make ,buy or build you just win them from the tournament and battleground quest anyway you can just win them.this units is 

  1. stronger than than normall units
  2. consume less food than normall units
  3. move faster than the normall units

so eldrich dragon is better than normall dragons

eldrich knight is better than normall knight etc

-dark units:dark units again is better than normall units they eat less food and they are stronger than the normall units BUT their speed is the same whith the normall units so eldrich units instead of stronger is faster than the normall units somethink dark units dont have.

so the conclusion:

  1. imperial is same whith normall units about the abilities just diferrent way to buy them,
  2. dark units is stronger than normall units eat less but dont move faster something eldrich can do so eldrich is the faster units

between eldrich and dark units you probably ask who is stronger,eldrich is faster than dark units their power is almost equal ussualy eldrich have better balance but keep this the dark dragon is better than eldrich dragon all other kind of dark and eldrich units is almost same if you check their statistics.

how you can find dark units you probably ask

dark units can make only leagues whith beacons,thats the role of beacons to make dark units.

Beacons is some buildings that capture leagues and they need protect them once there is a war whith beacons,let me tell you that it is a silly war once many leagues sometimes lose more than take on the try to capture beacons only coiner leagues dominate :p forget it all this is another story if you need somethink else to explain or dont understand let me know

A really good answer, thank you, Sison!

I've credited you 200 Sapphires. Thanks for the help!
Oct 10, 2016, 11:0710/10/16
oh alyona thanks ,i guess to some players like help when they have time :)
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