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Forum is NOT usable.

Forum is NOT usable.

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Sep 6, 2016, 11:3509/06/16

Forum is NOT usable.

Message parsing and form and manner of inter communication is a dished grace too similar to a chouchesko beaurocratic runaround, or a populist governmental wannabe message site with all mails send into the noreply bin, or in that case of 'can not find' the information bin, because overal 'I'm too lazy to have to do some real work'.

And of those there are way too many outside of this website in the real world.

Fix it or trash the whole lot and start again (in case your prime programmer walked out in disgust for having a 'boss' with the mind of a peppermint breath freshener).

How about moderators collecting real data that is usefull to fix a problem, and sending a 'ticket' to support, instead of practicing Wannabee isms.

PS: Remove the inline word/dictionary spell checker, it's slowing down MY computer and making it impossible to write a message.

IE> Be more user friendly instead of inhouse friendly, TCP/IP not being giga inhouse broadband.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Sep 6, 2016, 12:2909/06/16
Thank you for your suggestions. I will pass them to our Forum development team.