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Unable to make Top Ten in Daily League Quests.

Unable to make Top Ten in Daily League Quests.

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Nov 28, 2017, 23:2011/28/17

Unable to make Top Ten in Daily League Quests.

Why has the time of our League daily quests moved to and stayed near scroll drop. That means it is impossible to make or claim top ten being that close to scroll drop. Please continue moving it or make the time something other than within 10 minutes of scroll drop.
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Nov 29, 2017, 09:0011/29/17

Hello, Lord!

Please provide us with the more detailed information about the issue. Here is an instruction how to report bugs.

Nov 29, 2017, 11:3211/29/17

That happens because your league Marshall has not tinkered with his league settings. 

By default, league time either is set to universal central time (UCT +0) or according to the location of the Marshall. 

These is the best way to set it, first have a Marshall/captain make a Google questionnaire and ask each league member to state his UCT. 

If more players in your League live in America, then he should set his UCT to +8. If most league members live in Europe then set it to +3/+2. If it's 50/50. then Set it to -8 UCT. 

Nov 29, 2017, 16:0711/29/17
Nov 29, 2017, 16:08(edited)

The time for daily league quests changes daily its a few minutes later each time - in the past 10 months it has changed for my league from morning (my time) to the middle of the night (my time)

It would make more sense to start it at reset time daily when most members log in rather than have it change every day

It has nothing to do with league settings I have never changed mine
Nov 30, 2017, 00:4811/30/17

This is a screenshot showing that currently our league must complete the Daily quest at 22 minutes after scroll drop but all the standings are calculated at scroll drop or when completed. If we as a league do not complete the quest before scroll drop we cannot have anyone make a top ten. It is understandable that the time may shift a few minutes every day but this is ridiculous. Request moving time to a different time. This is totally unfair to the entire league.