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About claim league activity reword, about scrolls from House of Scroll and about Flag fortress event

About claim league activity reword, about scrolls from House of Scroll and about Flag fortress event

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Apr 30, 2019, 08:0404/30/19

About claim league activity reword, about scrolls from House of Scroll and about Flag fortress event

1. About claim league activity reword in this moment need click on, apear league window and click claim, and then click ok and then click to close window league.

Simplifie this whit just one click and aditional to apear for few seconds a box to inform player what claim.

2. About scrolls from House of Scroll in this moment player sell any scroll one by one.

Make posibility to player to decide how many scroll to sell in one single operation. For example if player want to sell 3 scroll set on 3 and sell, not to sell 3 times one by one.

3. About Flag Fortress event. In this moment nobody atack any fortress betwen lvl 9 to 20 to take flag because all this fortress have defence. Only atack for this event is against fortress lvl 5 or 8, only fortress dont have any defence.

Is a useless and non-practical event. My sugestion is to give up to eliminate this event from game.

May 13, 2019, 13:2005/13/19
Hi there Lord Safir, I will pass this onto the CM, suggestions no 1 and too look good but I do know suggestions number 3 won't be considered as many enjoy the flag tournament
May 14, 2019, 08:5605/14/19
May 14, 2019, 08:56(edited)

About nr. 3. In generaly any reword of event supose peaple to do samething. For Flag event is enough to do nothing to take a litle reword, nobody atack fotress, just keep the flag. Personaly i never sacrifice troup to take flag, and i am sure most of peaple do same. Is just an empty event. Maybe is better to release enggine game and replace whit other new atractive event, or make more of an existing event that is popular. Of course is my opinion.

May 19, 2019, 09:1105/19/19
with no 3, I know a lot of leagues who attack safe level forts which are rarely defended to gain flags easily for no troop loss