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Set Beacon default view  My Units instead of All Units

Set Beacon default view My Units instead of All Units

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Mar 28, 2019, 15:1503/28/19

Set Beacon default view My Units instead of All Units

So having recently been promoted in my league to a rank that allows me to see how many units are in beacons I have noticed my ability to Darken units has slowed down drastically. 

I know to darken the actual units, you only see your units.  However, if you want to recall the newly darkend units, or if you want to send more units to the beacon, either with the drop down view, or the beacon statistics button, you end up displaying every unit, from all players.

After some back and forth testing between ranks, it has become apparent that being able to see all of a league units when you go to a beacon slows the game down and makes using the beacon interface very slow.

Most times, unless you are a leader, I cannot see any need to see all at a beacon, you more than likely will want to see what you have there, and if there are any units that need to be darkened.

My suggestion is to set the default view to "My" units, rather than "All" of the units at the beacons.  I think this would lessen the burden for each user, as well as the application as a whole.  Less having to be displayed on the screen would utilize less resources.

Just a thought!

Mar 30, 2019, 00:1103/30/19
Hi there Jaichim24, this one is a good idea, i will forward it to my CM and hope it will be implemented