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The game for me is over

The game for me is over

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Dec 5, 2016, 21:3512/05/16

The game for me is over

Really the game I liked a lot before, but lately the game is nothing, I say it just became boring, something that the game should be on the contrary be entertaining, but it's a pity, I hope bring a new exciting game and not they kill

Dec 6, 2016, 04:3712/06/16
FastReD said:

Really the game I liked a lot before, but lately the game is nothing, I say it just became boring, something that the game should be on the contrary be entertaining, but it's a pity, I hope bring a new exciting game and not they kill

Sorry to hear about that fastred. I know you're not an ordinary player.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 6, 2016, 12:2712/06/16
Maybe you have some ideas on how we could improve the game, Fastred? 
Dec 6, 2016, 13:1112/06/16
FastReD said:

Really the game I liked a lot before, but lately the game is nothing, I say it just became boring, something that the game should be on the contrary be entertaining, but it's a pity, I hope bring a new exciting game and not they kill

I Feel you pain.  You were a huge contributor to the forums and it is sad.

Maybe you have some ideas on how we could improve the game, Fastred?

You never listen to us.  All the good suggestions get declined. I don't know how many times we must say this to you. You entertain silly things like:

And decline stuff that makes sense!  Like these

Dec 6, 2016, 16:1512/06/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Maybe you have some ideas on how we could improve the game, Fastred? 

I would like that from time to time just to implement things free from time to time, to have opportunities to win something in the tournaments, to be able to compete again with the big ones, those that put money, it is very sad to enter to play and to know that any Things you need drachmas to buy something and play, please receive good suggestions, try to revive the game, do not kill it 

Dec 6, 2016, 16:1612/06/16
Wy San Luis said:

FastReD said:

Really the game I liked a lot before, but lately the game is nothing, I say it just became boring, something that the game should be on the contrary be entertaining, but it's a pity, I hope bring a new exciting game and not they kill

Sorry to hear about that fastred. I know you're not an ordinary player.

Dec 6, 2016, 22:1812/06/16

Fastred,you are first moderator who said the truth here.we all think like you and thats why we complain so much on forum,tryed to make game fun like it was before,but you cant change anything,when we get answers:DECLINED,famous game BALANCE ISUES,and basic NO from Alyona and her moderators friends

Tonaya  >:(

Dec 6, 2016, 22:2412/06/16

msg for other moderators,mighty Alyona,game developers:you cant take drachmas and money on the other world,you can only inhale sulfur,try to be smart and do something good before it is too late....if not.....SULFUR is waiting for you all   >:)


Dec 6, 2016, 23:5112/06/16

First good corporate step for make game better would be for sure releasing dear Alyona from her duties, as a one of the reason players stop giving a d mn about the game enviroment and relations users<->game management&mods. 

Consumers can't feel comfortable with product if they have to accept an ignorance upon 'em.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 7, 2016, 10:5712/07/16
Dec 7, 2016, 10:57(edited)

gideonnord said:

First good corporate step for make game better would be for sure releasing dear Alyona from her duties, as a one of the reason players stop giving a d mn about the game enviroment and relations users<->game management&mods. 

Consumers can't feel comfortable with product if they have to accept an ignorance upon 'em.

Too bad that you feel like that, gideonnord. If you have any concerns or issues regarding my work, you can share share in PM.

Dec 7, 2016, 11:5512/07/16

I quit the game months ago. Making money is fine, but nobody enjoys pay2win games, thats not why people play a game. When u cant compete in normal ways then game just bleeds dead.

They totally went the wrong way with drachma, the most succesfull game in the world thats free makes 2 billion. However all this money comes from cosmetic items that dont give advantages to spenders. Also with 20 euro u come along way further then here. U can totally play the game without spending money and earning most items just by playing.

Problem with sparta is that they changed the core gameplay of game to be unfair. Succesfull games will always keep the core gameplay clean. U make your money with extras.

If u calculate all the extra stuff to pay for in sparta and play this game for two years then its just a joke. Pretty normal most people quit after some months, the game is fun and addictive for a while, then becomes very boring and reptitive.

Most likely because all updates are made to try get more drachma then improve the game. Most energy from developpers is wasted on finding new ways to ask for drachma, then increasing the fun of the game. So u end up with a game that hasnt improved at all and become stale.

Maybe try making your game as advertised as an mmo strat game. There is no strat in this game because your units dont work as a real strat game should. Cheap units should defeat expensive units and every unit should have a hardcounter. So small player can kill big players with a smaller but counter unit army.

Besides that there is not enough combat since u cant build enough units fast. So your only fighting once a week or once two weeks. Which is a joke.

There is no way to outplay your opponent which is the fun of strat game, spending money is not outplaying, losing 100 eur vs  150 eur is not idea of fun. Combat advantages should never exist in a fair game. There are enough ways to make money without needing to give unfair advantages.

Besides that other developpers treat their players with respect and share info about certain changes and are more open, always being secretive about everything when players can clearly notice small cheats like reducing rewards and other things that change makes it that your not very trushtworthy.  Your best customers get the worst deals because system gives good deals to people who dont spend. It makes sense in a rational way to do this,, but it doesnt show respect for people who pay u. Because this game is more casino where u trying to be cheated every step of the way.

Other games gives biggest reduction for spenders, here its the other way around. If this game was succesfull, nbody would accept this fact.
Dec 7, 2016, 17:3212/07/16


I couldn't have said it better. 

Dec 7, 2016, 17:4212/07/16

I see that  ALYONA KOLOMIITSEVA say the samething everywhere make me wonder if people really can truly understand one another or is something keeping you from saying whats on your mind.  GREED here is very very ugly here and people that leave isnt coming back I feel sorry for anyone that started the game when it was fun and somewhat balance but now its whats in you wallet.. ALYONA KOLOMIITSEVA if you want ideas send me a pm i run it through my team and we can give you some pointers even though we know what will happen anyway

Dec 7, 2016, 17:5512/07/16

I did not want to cause any debate on the subject, although I think it already causes it, in any case what I look for or what everyone is looking for, is a balance in the game something that is not, you are killing the game very fast, Are implementing things that are not necessary, please try to be in the future to bring good things please, listen to us at least or read...

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 8, 2016, 12:4112/08/16
Nefer Nefergod said:

ALYONA KOLOMIITSEVA if you want ideas send me a pm i run it through my team and we can give you some pointers even though we know what will happen anyway

I would be happy to hear your ideas. But there's no need to contact me in PM for that. You can use the Suggestions thread. 
Dec 8, 2016, 20:1312/08/16

gonna be sad to see you go FastRed :)

dont be a stranger :) 
Dec 8, 2016, 23:0512/08/16

i'v write'd one big post,and 2 days i'm searching where is it......forgot Alyona have satisfaction to delete my posts :(

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 9, 2016, 10:4012/09/16
Tonaya said:

i'v write'd one big post,and 2 days i'm searching where is it......forgot Alyona have satisfaction to delete my posts :(

In which thread did you create it? What was the title?
Dec 9, 2016, 16:4412/09/16

morteeee said:

gonna be sad to see you go FastRed :)

dont be a stranger :) 

Maybe someday come back, if there is a more balanced game on their part, but for now you can not play as desire, thanks

Dec 11, 2016, 22:2712/11/16

RIX said:

FastReD said:

Really the game I liked a lot before, but lately the game is nothing, I say it just became boring, something that the game should be on the contrary be entertaining, but it's a pity, I hope bring a new exciting game and not they kill

I Feel you pain.  You were a huge contributor to the forums and it is sad.

Maybe you have some ideas on how we could improve the game, Fastred?

You never listen to us.  All the good suggestions get declined. I don't know how many times we must say this to you. You entertain silly things like:

And decline stuff that makes sense!  Like these

The issue with a 'delete all' button on the page where it lists 'invite players into your coalition' is a valid one. As there are many dead cities around you don't know if the players you invite are still active or not so you invite as many as you can rather that do it one at a time. After a given time if there has been no response and you want to delete them so as to invite more, you have to delete them one by one. This of course is very time consuming and tedious. Hence the 'delete all' button. Logical really.

Dec 11, 2016, 22:2912/11/16
It was used as an example for the items they are willing to entertain, it wasn't a dig at the actual suggestion.