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Crimson Tide 'rise to the top'

Crimson Tide 'rise to the top'

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Mar 14, 2015, 04:2603/14/15

Crimson Tide 'rise to the top'

Crimson Tide

Do not play a petty game of sparta!!!Rise like a tide, and be the best..articles, resourses never a problem....join the Crimson Clan..Thee most active a wonderful strategy game with a lifetime of battling, meet people and interact, have fun and play smart. join the Crimson tide team and be apart of something majestic.....'''Together we stand Devided we fall'''take everything give nothing back'''


General ranks availible for guys who knows what they are doing.....


THIS IS SPARTAAA!!!!!arrruuuu!!!aarrruuuu!!!

Mar 14, 2015, 04:2803/14/15

Hello everyone this is killer.we are a clan of mix diversities, culture and likings,with respect for our allied clan, and a good game play,,,but when it comes down to it.we are all one..CRIMSONS WARRIORS....

we believe in a game of clanship,,nothing beats loyalty!! so join this  team of elite Warriors!! and be apart of something amazing...


Mar 14, 2015, 04:4103/14/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:47(edited)

I will be looking for an alliance that has fun and works together. I'll send an invite. Please consider me, I'm a team player, on daily and look forward to learning various aspects of the game and strategies. 

Mar 14, 2015, 20:0803/14/15

well you would have that here and more maximus...

Mar 29, 2015, 19:0503/29/15

Well, as a member of CT I can only agree with previous messages. CT is a coalition of strong membership and fun. So if anyone feels free to join our coalition, please contact our leaders.

CT forever !!!



Mar 31, 2015, 06:5603/31/15

its true my fellow comrades, join us and lets build our armies together, experience a coalition union like never before..we are a unbreakable clan..

Apr 10, 2015, 20:1704/10/15

Scrag said:

Whats On Your Resume? 

These our great recruiting posters love them 

Apr 19, 2015, 02:2404/19/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:53(edited)

Rise To Fall and Fall to Rise! Stand strong and Repel against to all enemies! Hold your head up,because we got a battle to fight.

 Also accept me as your ally


                          Yours Truly,


Apr 20, 2015, 14:1304/20/15

Thou maketh nice excuses for not sieging me, but it convinces no-one. Stratan threatened GLADIATOR with a siege he could never break, he would put SO much defense in it the GLORIOUS GLADIATOR could not break it. This was just another empty threat as Stratan is quivering in his city, hoping GLADIATOR forgets about him. I am waiting for that siege which I can not break, empty threats by Stratan.......

GLADIATOR kicks around the whole of Crimson Tide and you all say yes and amen GLADIATOR, you know the godlike ALPHA CHAMP has it in his power to break all your sorry cities. 


GLADIATOR rules supreme and you better like it. GLADIATOR has spoken mortal.

Apr 21, 2015, 10:2304/21/15


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Apr 21, 2015, 22:3304/21/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:06(edited)

Gladiator you are just a kid wanting attention , you obviously  don't have friends so you will do anything to get attention so most of us experienced players don't waste time with little kids , your are level 49 and not part of any coalition the amount of resources in your city is not worth even touching and all you can do is talk.

i have raided and besieged your city several times now and you have done nothing in return so don't harp on if you cannot raid and besiege yourself, you need to prove yourself before making statement of being a champ and so far you have proved to be a lame duck. 

Apr 22, 2015, 01:1604/22/15

Gladiator is pleased you sent him an assassin Stratan. It shows you are hurting becasue I keep raiding and raiding you, it must be stressful for you.

Furhtermore Gladiator is still waiting for that siege which he will never be able to break ;) Empty threats Mr. Stratan, empty threats....


Your Master,



Apr 22, 2015, 03:0804/22/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:06(edited)

shows you what a lair you are, you don't realize that if you raid a city then whoever that person has as friends and allies they can see who raided and when and you have not raided my city not once so stop boasting on things that you have not done , everyone knows that you are a just a kid that just wants attention.

I have better things to do that lay siege on your small city , your resources are not near enough to make it worth while  so stop thinking that you are some great player in this game and stop with the lies , if you cant tell the truth then you don't belong to an online community 

Apr 22, 2015, 05:1504/22/15

Gladiator said:

Thou maketh nice excuses for not sieging me, but it convinces no-one. Stratan threatened GLADIATOR with a siege he could never break, he would put SO much defense in it the GLORIOUS GLADIATOR could not break it. This was just another empty threat as Stratan is quivering in his city, hoping GLADIATOR forgets about him. I am waiting for that siege which I can not break, empty threats by Stratan.......

GLADIATOR kicks around the whole of Crimson Tide and you all say yes and amen GLADIATOR, you know the godlike ALPHA CHAMP has it in his power to break all your sorry cities. 


GLADIATOR rules supreme and you better like it. GLADIATOR has spoken mortal.


Apr 22, 2015, 05:1604/22/15

whats all this commotion in here? a troll trying to be important in hellas?! begone peasant! alt, for the only thing thats of interest to Crimson is surely not you. 

Apr 29, 2015, 21:0004/29/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:46(edited)

player that holds the name Sparky and is part of the crimson tide coalition is a pure bully.


Apr 30, 2015, 12:2904/30/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:09(edited)

A chance? i spoken with Sparky no reply, spoken with ur Hegemon he says that there is no diplomatic agreements of peace or aliance so we need to go to challenge and after... what in hell a member of him is being harrasing other like every day and he wants even to scale more? 

Crimson tides forges agreements via challenges, its hilarious.

Theres only one way to speak with u.

You guys in Crimson tide don't wanna stop, its clear like water.

Your just one of those bulling supporters, next time dont come acusing me of no taking the proper diplomacy to try finding a solution because i did and got ignored by ur leadership and Sparky.

Coming to the forum was the only way, Sparky is the worst kind of player in this kind of games, enjoy having fun on the bulling coalition of Crimson tide.

May 20, 2015, 21:5905/20/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:57(edited)

Thanks for the invite. Honored to be part of this crew!



Jun 5, 2015, 16:5706/05/15

crimson tide is the best coalition in sparta

Jun 5, 2015, 16:5906/05/15
Jun 5, 2015, 17:00(edited)

Michael Brooks said:

crimson tide is the best coalition in sparta



after" honour " coalition ;-))

Jun 7, 2015, 11:0106/07/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:07(edited)

A good friend said..We sleep with one eye open and a sword to our hands..