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Persian Position Chart

Persian Position Chart

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Feb 13, 2016, 05:1402/13/16

Persian Position Chart

Is this chart still effective? TIA

Feb 13, 2016, 06:2402/13/16

Archon the most up to date information can be found on this facebook group, they are also excellent at helping people gain success. The group is public so you can view it even if you dont have a facebook account, Persians are a tricky thing :)

Feb 13, 2016, 19:0302/13/16
Dec 29, 2018, 16:58(edited)
Archon Morteee is quite correct, this is the best place to get the information you asked about and to learn more; it is an excellent resource.
Feb 16, 2016, 11:2902/16/16
Feb 16, 2016, 11:57(edited)

@ morteeee > You need a Facebook account to access this link. There's no way I'd ever get into this.

@  Nuno Paiva > The Wiki is mostly obsolete. Weakening many positions first isn't a good strategy anymore, for 3 reasons :

1) Collecting partial payouts on the way will help you regrowing troops to be able to go on

2) Paying back the bank without collecting any partial payout on the way will give you a  small new bank allright ; however, once you're out of positions to hit, you'll have to finish the ones you chipped, thus colecting partial payouts without paying back almost anything, leading to a huge next bank.

I advise you balance each cycle by collecting partial payouts on the go, so all banks to follow approximately the same size. Of course it's up to you. This is just a warning.

3) Tournaments don't require to finish positions anymore. Instead, they require to kill Persians. Of course you can weaken positions during tournaments and finish them off later. Just never do the opposite...

Other than that, the scouting strategy and other generalities are of course still valid.

Feb 16, 2016, 14:3702/16/16

ThatBloke said:

@ morteeee > You need a Facebook account to access this link. There's no way I'd ever get into this.

@  Nuno Paiva > The Wiki is mostly obsolete. Weakening many positions first isn't a good strategy anymore, for 3 reasons :

1) Collecting partial payouts on the way will help you regrowing troops to be able to go on

2) Paying back the bank without collecting any partial payout on the way will give you a  small new bank allright ; however, once you're out of positions to hit, you'll have to finish the ones you chipped, thus colecting partial payouts without paying back almost anything, leading to a huge next bank.

I advise you balance each cycle by collecting partial payouts on the go, so all banks to follow approximately the same size. Of course it's up to you. This is just a warning.

3) Tournaments don't require to finish positions anymore. Instead, they require to kill Persians. Of course you can weaken positions during tournaments and finish them off later. Just never do the opposite...

Other than that, the scouting strategy and other generalities are of course still valid.

Can you explain a little more your second point, I don't quite understand the thing with partial payouts and several banks...

Thank you very much

PS : I saw you are from Noumea, so if you speak French it would be even easier for me to understand :)
Feb 17, 2016, 12:0802/17/16

LOL then why aren't you attending the French forum, then ? ^^ Just click on the French flag on top of this page... ;)

I didn't say anything a bout several banks...

It's just that, once you've gotten a full payout, you're starting a new cycle with a new bank. This bank is the sum of all your payouts, partials + full.

Chipping positions without finishes them will pay back the current bank, but give you no payout. Then there will be a time to finish them off, right ?

If you get your full payout from this strategy, then fine : your next bank will be just this value, as in the old times.

However, you can't do tht forever. Sooner or later, you'll have chipped all the available positions, right ? So you'll have no other choice than finishing them off to unlock fresh new positions.

This is where it gets complicated. Since your positions are almost finished already, you'll get lots of payouts, only partials becasue you'll sometimes finish them with just 1 sword or 1 jav... Meaning you'll be paying back nothing, and be just collecting payouts.

But you'll enver get the full one this way. You'll still have to invest (lose) troops to pay back your prevous full payout (= your new current bank), and you'll not do this with just a pinchful of swords !

So you'll have to fight complete new positions to invest enough troops, and finally get your full payout.

Up to there, all is still fine. But your next cycle will take a long time, as now your next bank will be added all the partial payouts you've collected, so you'll have to hit even more positions next time.

As i said above, it's somewhat equivalent in the end. it's just you'll get a short cycle followed by a long cycle, instead of getting mostly average cycles. It's up to you anyway.

Mar 24, 2016, 10:2503/24/16

Oh, finally found this again by chance...

Yea I found the French forum since then, as you already noticed^^

Anyway thanks for this, roger that 
Mar 24, 2016, 12:1003/24/16
Mar 24, 2016, 12:11(edited)
Mar cus if you are still around, that chart is still very accurate with about a +/- of 5-8%
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