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political attacks removal

political attacks removal

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Jun 26, 2016, 23:0906/26/16
Rob May said:

Dracos said:

Who cares if defense gets less compared to attacker? They already get more when fighting another army so some way for the attacker to make more is good. Also you still need to find out if the enemy has defense out so your alternatives just work with using assassins unless you're some idiot who sends politicals blindly, then that's where tucking works and they waste. If people really want balance than they should ask for the points gained through all actions to be the same and not just outright remove a feature. 
yes and you assume we are all cry more kids who chunking them randomly and don't know who to use them, ofc we bloody know how to use them and abuse them, am using them as well... but I rather they not in game as more cities will be defended more and other tactics, more normal ones would be open for gameplay I like that better than stupid assassins
No need to get hostile. I speak from experience, people do toss them around like they don't know how to use them. I've been hit by polits hundreds of times with some in batches of ten when my city was empty. Removing something shouldn't be the answer to every issue, better to work with it. You admit you use them yet don't want them in the game. Hypocrite much?
Jul 1, 2016, 18:2107/01/16
Drag said:

There is always Full Protection :)
more advices like this and I will learn how to play this game.
Jul 2, 2016, 13:5707/02/16

You're right, such mass bombings can earn you much more PVP points than sending a regular raid for cheaper than reviving your losses, for instance...

... Provided your target actually defend his city. Else you would just lose lots of drachmas for no result. :p

Jul 2, 2016, 19:1407/02/16
lets face it, love them or hate them, Assassins are here to stay and players need to learn to adapt to them 
Jul 3, 2016, 04:3507/03/16
There's nothing to adapt to. No matter how powerful you are everyone keeps their defenses in their Acropolis for that reason. 
Jul 3, 2016, 09:2707/03/16

Go attack an emporia, capital, or pantheon if you're hard up for pvp.

Jul 5, 2016, 13:0207/05/16

Yeah, so you'll get PVP brought to your door by angry avengers ! :D LMAO

Jul 5, 2016, 17:2507/05/16
Drusilla said:

There's nothing to adapt to. No matter how powerful you are everyone keeps their defenses in their Acropolis for that reason. 
actually there are lots of ways around them, one is a defence wall from your coalition or even better your alliance stacked with scout units, the damage is spread out so no one loses much and the one throwing the PA's wastes muchos dollar lol 
Jul 6, 2016, 06:5707/06/16

Come now Bloke, unless you have an acropolis buster then avenging doesn't work unless you target someone who's easily beaten and Mortee the whole argument is that PAs do too much damage to defense. Stacking doesn't magically make it all go away, damage is still dealt but spread out. Whether used on one person's army or an entire team's army the PVP and damage dealt will be the same. Only counter to a PA is either hiding or having mix of offense and defense out since offense gives very little PVP.

Jul 7, 2016, 04:3707/07/16
Jul 7, 2016, 04:38(edited)

Must disagree. Political attacks can be very useful (and strategic). They can be used as a warning, or they can be used to gauge the strength of someone's city defense as a prelude to a full-on assault. 

Also, they are great for sniffing out defensive traps.

Jul 7, 2016, 06:5307/07/16
Drag said:

aDiomed said:

Must disagree. Political attacks can be very useful (and strategic). They can be used as a warning, or they can be used to gauge the strength of someone's city defense as a prelude to a full-on assault. 

Also, they are great for sniffing out defensive traps.

Totally agree!! PA is one of the BEST features of the game for me!!!
Jul 7, 2016, 12:1907/07/16
Jul 10, 2016, 09:19(edited)


Yes, they're mostly used for that use. :)

Or to throw crazy money away, as some people do send 10 bombings at the same target. ^^

Jul 9, 2016, 09:2807/09/16
Just thought I would add my thoughts, one of my coalition team mates was just raided by some high level UN2 members and since they failed there early spy/raids they decided instead of actually trying to break his defence they just sat back and spammed PAs for the next 2 hours before he was weak enough to be raided by a small force. How is this fair? they showed no skill or even tactics in what they did yet they still came out on top.
Jul 9, 2016, 12:1907/09/16

Littlebiscuitz said:

Just thought I would add my thoughts, one of my coalition team mates was just raided by some high level UN2 members and since they failed there early spy/raids they decided instead of actually trying to break his defence they just sat back and spammed PAs for the next 2 hours before he was weak enough to be raided by a small force. How is this fair? they showed no skill or even tactics in what they did yet they still came out on top.

If one of your coalition team mates had couple hundred million offence acquired by the exploit and used them to brake the siege, would that have being considered "skill" or "tactics"?

But this aside, they actually did  use a great tactic..

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

Sun Tzu

Jul 10, 2016, 09:3007/10/16
Jul 10, 2016, 09:30(edited)

Kakos said:

But this aside, they actually did  use a great tactic..

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

Sun Tzu

... Except in this case they threw 500 drachmas bunches at them.

I'm not sure it has much to do with Sun Tzu's psychological moves to undermine an ennemy... :p

Kakos said:

If one of your coalition team mates had couple hundred million offence acquired by the exploit and used them to brake the siege, would that have being considered "skill" or "tactics"?

Well, the difference is 2 1/2 years old players built such armies over time and it has nothing to do with buying hundredths of bombs...

Now once they've accumulated this, I guess they'd want to use it...

Jul 10, 2016, 12:2807/10/16

I was replying on the point that there was no skill or tactics involved in their attack by using PAs.

Even if someone had a huge -legitimate- army, where exactly is the skill or tactics in attacking and killing the opponents army.. is just brute force.  

On the other hand, minimizing losses in any way possible and winning a battle, is the essence of the Art of War!

The siege could have been broken without any fighting whatsoever, just using PAs.. 

Assassination/subterfuge/sabotage is I believe what Sun Tzu is talking about!  

Jul 10, 2016, 12:4607/10/16

Sorry, I am not sure what you mean by "the final blow to my fellow coalition members city was 84 million from 1 player."

Jul 10, 2016, 13:2907/10/16

He deleted his message...

Anyway, 84 M is a small offense nowadays. That's somehting than can be gotten from about 1 1/2 years playing Persians, actually from the last 9 to 12  months, since the first year should be used to grow up first.

Jul 10, 2016, 13:3907/10/16
ThatBloke said:

He deleted his message...

Anyway, 84 M is a small offense nowadays. That's somehting than can be gotten from about 1 1/2 years playing Persians, actually from the last 9 to 12  months, since the first year should be used to grow up first.

You are KILLING me.. today is exactly one year I have been playing for and I only have just over 36m offence.. GRR.. LOL
Jul 10, 2016, 14:0307/10/16

ThatBloke said:

He deleted his message...

Anyway, 84 M is a small offense nowadays. That's somehting than can be gotten from about 1 1/2 years playing Persians, actually from the last 9 to 12  months, since the first year should be used to grow up first.

Dont know why my message was deleted by anyway, I messaged the guy afterwards and he said that was only a quarter of what he had, if thats the case then god help the other players. 
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