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Who hates the  current  ratio on position rewards ??

Who hates the current ratio on position rewards ??

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Apr 24, 2017, 05:5604/24/17

thank you Tonaya  for the spreadsheet ... have a lot to  catch up there ....will  how will be going's a lot  to asimilate :( 

from what i understand to  get full payout i should  do in my case an  57 position  ...wich i need like  600 k offense do to it ...will try this  today to  see what happens  :) 
Apr 24, 2017, 06:0204/24/17

Wy San Luis said:

Tonaya said:

i play 1 bar system,i send troops to die on positions,but i dont finish positions,i leave 1 or few persians alive there,until my bank is full+20% interest,then i go for payout,when i get big payout,i finish all other 1 bar positions and get more troops,but to play 1 bar system you must have a lot troops you can loose,you must be patient and build troops for a long time,or to put money in game and buy troops or revive(that is what plarium wants,to make profit).if you play from 1 hit,you can easy loose all troops and after you dont have enough troops to play any position,and you will delete your account^^

I thought they changed the mechanics of Persians and they said this strategy is no longer working that's why I stopped using it. Can you give me a sample track of your losses and gains? 

plarium said there were a bug,before,and some players who play 1 bar system,got more troops then they should,and thats why they changed pp system.i talked with some players after that,and they said they got double payouts,i didnt see any screenshot from that double payouts,so i dont know about that.

i play 1 bar system,i cant loose all troops with 1 bar system,because i have double more off then my last big payout is,i was patient and builded troops for months.then i see Leonidas post:

developers it is important to finish position before you start next one......

and i play 1 bar system,and i get big payout,with 5,6,...10 burned,opened,unfinished  positions with only 1 or 2 persian alive there?

so i dont claim anything,you play like you think you should.

1 bar system=you cant loose all troops

1 hit system=you can loose all troops

thats it from me,i dont want to argue or to waste my time on forum anymore :)


Apr 24, 2017, 06:1204/24/17

Zsolt Antal said:

thank you Tonaya  for the spreadsheet ... have a lot to  catch up there ....will  how will be going's a lot  to asimilate :( 

from what i understand to  get full payout i should  do in my case an  57 position  ...wich i need like  600 k offense do to it ...will try this  today to  see what happens  :) 

you didnt understand anything!look info in persian calculator first,learn how to use it,type in all troops you did loose,in left column,and all little payouts in right column,then see how much you are in,then look how much you can get from different positions:


when you see how much you are in,then go for payout on that lvl of position which can you give you similar or little more.

but i tolded you first,to build troops and to burn top off position and 1 under top position,then type all troops you lost in calculator,and see how much you are in,then go for payout,but never on top lvl.and you cant go 10 lvl's higher for payout from your last payout,then few lvl's higher,each time....first read info,then play again+build high cost troops all the time:pikeman,numadian archers,golden warriors,phalanax,horses...and fill the bank,then go for payout


Apr 24, 2017, 06:4204/24/17

Tonaya said:

 i think imperial troops have no value on pp,

i am adult too,maybe you can give us some proof where we can see  imperial troops value?

.. and I think that now you're getting my point.. I don't have any proof that Imperial Troops have any value in PPs any more that you have any proof that they haven't..

BTW.. if I had a dollar for every time you said you're leaving the forum.. hehe
Apr 24, 2017, 06:5604/24/17

Kakos said:

Tonaya said:

 i think imperial troops have no value on pp,

i am adult too,maybe you can give us some proof where we can see  imperial troops value?

.. and I think that now you're getting my point.. I don't have any proof that Imperial Troops have any value in PPs any more that you have any proof that they haven't..

BTW.. if I had a dollar for every time you said you're leaving the forum.. hehe

you would have 5 dollars^^

for me it is enough that imperial troops are not made with resources+they are not in persian calculator+abu said that+i lost all my imps from missions,thinking they have same value,that is why i dont use them anymore.i have 25k regular promachos,its double then my bank is and its enough to play persians with.

you play like you want,i am not telling you how to play,you are not low lvl player,all i wanted is to help that Antal who lost his troops and ask for help here on forum,so i told him how i play and sended him calculator.

i didnt say i'm leaving forum,i dont like to argue,and i wont argue anymore with anyone :)

have fun

Apr 24, 2017, 16:0304/24/17
Apr 24, 2017, 16:05(edited)
today went with 220 k offense  and left again with 50  k  offence .   i lost 170 k offence ..till i reached level 39 positions ...this it's getting tired :( ...and you guys said it's isn't rigged .. this in the third day in a row i  went on minus  :( ... and only two days  in the last  two weeks i got an payout :(
Apr 24, 2017, 19:3304/24/17

Zsolt Antal said:

I'm  the only one wich thinks that those positions are rigged  that us  normal players to invest  more and more money  ?  

After i lost 120 agema  ,200 macedonians  ,250 imperial prom , 60 imperial horsmen  ..and a lot of other offensive troups i only recived like half i lost in the next days ..and had to spend  drachmas to revive my army  :( 

there is a growing number of players who would agree that the game (especially PP) is rigged in order to either prompt more spending or/and getting rid of those who refuses to spend, after being infuriated by Plarium MO. 

. I am not sure what exactly happens in your case, though. If you are spending real money and are not arguing too much with staffers, you might receive your payout. After all, well developed "military buildings" alone would provide you with 100k troops a day. So you will have enough "to invest".

Apr 24, 2017, 19:3704/24/17

Xena said:

As it has been said so many times PP are an optional feature of the game.

If you think that you will sustain severe loses then don't play for your own good.

There are guides for PP, there are also experienced players who can help you understand the system and there are pages explaining how PP system workds.

If you want to play then I suggest you learn a few things so you can understand how this whole feature works.

Nothing is certain since those are advice shared from players to players and they are not confirmed by Plarium.

For example some say imperial units don't count while others say they do count.

But no one has proved that they don't count or that they do count indeed. 

System treats different players different way - and that has nothing to do with particular player's' "skills".  I have documented proofs to that. 

"Optional feature" does not mean you are OK to invent the ways to deliberately hurt players.  
Apr 24, 2017, 20:5504/24/17

Zsolt Antal said:

today went with 220 k offense  and left again with 50  k  offence .   i lost 170 k offence ..till i reached level 39 positions ...this it's getting tired :( ...and you guys said it's isn't rigged .. this in the third day in a row i  went on minus  :( ... and only two days  in the last  two weeks i got an payout :(

Antal,you must be patient and build troops and invest in bank,you cant get back troops for few minutes.take a screenshot from oracle,for all positions you have and send me by msg,then i'll tell you what to do,but for that you'll need to be patient and to build troops.

a lot of players lost all troops,20+mill off 10+mill def and deleted their account,listening to Leonidas,Nikita and moderators tips to play from 1 hit,and against all of them you have Tonaya,who said:dont play from 1 hit,play 1 bar system,build and invest and be patient,and dont use imperial is your choice who you gonna listen,when you put money in game,money go to plarium,not to me :)

send me by msg screenshots of your positions,what lvl are you and what was your last big payout and on what lvl,and i'll tell you what to do

btw i complain all the time on forum,i am always against plarium,thats why they dont like me at all >:)


Apr 24, 2017, 21:2104/24/17
Apr 24, 2017, 21:23(edited)

Tanaya, no strategy will help, if Plarium targets you as an unwanted element, then you will lose no matter what. 

I also leave very small amount of Persian troops, before finishing positions. Sometimes hit lvl 150+ - and they would give you 66 phaanx as "payout". Lsst time hit 24 positions, until none of MY troops left - payout was OK, but not as much as they owe me. And "developers'" confirmed that payouts may be "delayed". They refused to tell how much delayed, days, moths or years. Cheating never ends in Palruim  
Apr 25, 2017, 01:2204/25/17

knigochey said:

Tanaya, no strategy will help, if Plarium targets you as an unwanted element, then you will lose no matter what. 

I also leave very small amount of Persian troops, before finishing positions. Sometimes hit lvl 150+ - and they would give you 66 phaanx as "payout". Lsst time hit 24 positions, until none of MY troops left - payout was OK, but not as much as they owe me. And "developers'" confirmed that payouts may be "delayed". They refused to tell how much delayed, days, moths or years. Cheating never ends in Palruim  

i am not sure about that.if anyone is unwanted element,its Tonaya :)

each position have limit how much it can give if you got less then you'v invested,they are still there in the bank,next time you'll need to burn less and get big payout,but if you play 1 bar system,like me,after big payout i still have 5,6...10 positions with only 1 or few persians alive there,and when i finish them too,i got 5,6...10 little payouts(150-300 horses,250-400 phalanax from each)and after all i finish top position,and when i do calculations i see i got more all together.but after,and before,playing persians,i build a lot troops and send them on top position,5-10k lights,few k heavy's,1-2k saris,500-1k macs....1,2,3 months just build and burn....and most important i write each troop i'v burned,then before starting to play persians again,i type all in calculator,i see how much is it in resources,and how much more i need to invest in bank,then i burn proms or macs from last big payout,or burn top def position,then i calculate again,and when i invested my last big payout+20% interest or little more,i have 5,6..10 high lvl positions with only few persians alive there,then i finish one of those positions,if i dont get big payout,then i get 500 phalanax,i just send them back on other position,and burn little more troops,then i try again...and i get big payout,then i finish all 1 bar's positions,each time get little payouts,and at the end i finish top position,and i stop with persians,and return to build-burn mode.

important is this,when plarium changed system last time,i stop to play persians for few months,i just build troops and make pvp points(10k)and coleckting rewards,if rewards are regular troops,if imperial i skip that i have double more troops then my bank is,so i cant loose all troops on pp,but if i start to hit blind positions from 1 hit i can loose all for few hours,that is why i play like i play,1 bar system,build and burn.

1 or 2 months ago,i got 17k proms,and i stop with persians,i build and burn,after 2 burned positions,less then 50% from last big payout,17k proms,i sended by mistake few troops more and finished position which i wanted to leave with few persians alive,and i got big payout again,i dont know how,i think there was in bank from before,because some times you dont profit as much as you want,if you get saris payout,or macs,proms and agema's are better,with resources and power value.

now i have this:

so i need to build and burn a lot def troops and its gonna be much more time then for off positions.

patient is the key^^


May 25, 2017, 04:0605/25/17

Tonaya said:

knigochey said:

Tanaya, no strategy will help, if Plarium targets you as an unwanted element, then you will lose no matter what. 

I also leave very small amount of Persian troops, before finishing positions. Sometimes hit lvl 150+ - and they would give you 66 phaanx as "payout". Lsst time hit 24 positions, until none of MY troops left - payout was OK, but not as much as they owe me. And "developers'" confirmed that payouts may be "delayed". They refused to tell how much delayed, days, moths or years. Cheating never ends in Palruim  

i am not sure about that.if anyone is unwanted element,its Tonaya :)

each position have limit how much it can give if you got less then you'v invested,they are still there in the bank,next time you'll need to burn less and get big payout,but if you play 1 bar system,like me,after big payout i still have 5,6...10 positions with only 1 or few persians alive there,and when i finish them too,i got 5,6...10 little payouts(150-300 horses,250-400 phalanax from each)and after all i finish top position,and when i do calculations i see i got more all together.but after,and before,playing persians,i build a lot troops and send them on top position,5-10k lights,few k heavy's,1-2k saris,500-1k macs....1,2,3 months just build and burn....and most important i write each troop i'v burned,then before starting to play persians again,i type all in calculator,i see how much is it in resources,and how much more i need to invest in bank,then i burn proms or macs from last big payout,or burn top def position,then i calculate again,and when i invested my last big payout+20% interest or little more,i have 5,6..10 high lvl positions with only few persians alive there,then i finish one of those positions,if i dont get big payout,then i get 500 phalanax,i just send them back on other position,and burn little more troops,then i try again...and i get big payout,then i finish all 1 bar's positions,each time get little payouts,and at the end i finish top position,and i stop with persians,and return to build-burn mode.

important is this,when plarium changed system last time,i stop to play persians for few months,i just build troops and make pvp points(10k)and coleckting rewards,if rewards are regular troops,if imperial i skip that i have double more troops then my bank is,so i cant loose all troops on pp,but if i start to hit blind positions from 1 hit i can loose all for few hours,that is why i play like i play,1 bar system,build and burn.

1 or 2 months ago,i got 17k proms,and i stop with persians,i build and burn,after 2 burned positions,less then 50% from last big payout,17k proms,i sended by mistake few troops more and finished position which i wanted to leave with few persians alive,and i got big payout again,i dont know how,i think there was in bank from before,because some times you dont profit as much as you want,if you get saris payout,or macs,proms and agema's are better,with resources and power value.

now i have this:

so i need to build and burn a lot def troops and its gonna be much more time then for off positions.

patient is the key^^


Based on the things you are saying - you are still buying the Plarium narrative at face value. Thus, they need you - so you are not most "unwanted" -  maybe that is the reason you did not experience all their evil acts

Speaking of Imperial troops, how do you know they did not change the "calculator" 
May 25, 2017, 04:3205/25/17
It's not necessary to revive troops with drachmas. It's cheaper to build more with ordinary resources even if it takes longer. I don't know whether big coiners receive more payouts on positions. If they do it may be just that they have paid for more troops and so can play more positions giving them a bigger probability that one or more positions will give a good payout. You can also build a bigger army by playing positions less often and waiting till you build up enough troops to play a lot of positions.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 25, 2017, 07:3405/25/17
Eroica said:

It's not necessary to revive troops with drachmas. It's cheaper to build more with ordinary resources even if it takes longer. I don't know whether big coiners receive more payouts on positions. If they do it may be just that they have paid for more troops and so can play more positions giving them a bigger probability that one or more positions will give a good payout. You can also build a bigger army by playing positions less often and waiting till you build up enough troops to play a lot of positions.
Sounds like a good strategy!
May 25, 2017, 23:4005/25/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Eroica said:

It's not necessary to revive troops with drachmas. It's cheaper to build more with ordinary resources even if it takes longer. I don't know whether big coiners receive more payouts on positions. If they do it may be just that they have paid for more troops and so can play more positions giving them a bigger probability that one or more positions will give a good payout. You can also build a bigger army by playing positions less often and waiting till you build up enough troops to play a lot of positions.
Sounds like a good strategy!

Sound like lack of understanding what is going on. :) 

When you are playing more often, at least you have a chance to earn some prizes. You will never build enough troops, unless you are a coiner.  Those who want to play safe, should not do PP at all. The most crashing would be to build an army for years and lose it in instant, especially because of being inexperienced. And how can you become experienced, playing one-2 times a year?  

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 26, 2017, 07:4505/26/17
knigochey said:

Sound like lack of understanding what is going on. :) 

When you are playing more often, at least you have a chance to earn some prizes. You will never build enough troops, unless you are a coiner.  Those who want to play safe, should not do PP at all. The most crashing would be to build an army for years and lose it in instant, especially because of being inexperienced. And how can you become experienced, playing one-2 times a year?  

You mostly build Infantry, right? But they consume more, and not always effective against stronger Units. So why not send them to PPs from time to time to get some Phalanx or Cavalry?
May 28, 2017, 13:3705/28/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

knigochey said:

Sound like lack of understanding what is going on. :) 

When you are playing more often, at least you have a chance to earn some prizes. You will never build enough troops, unless you are a coiner.  Those who want to play safe, should not do PP at all. The most crashing would be to build an army for years and lose it in instant, especially because of being inexperienced. And how can you become experienced, playing one-2 times a year?  

You mostly build Infantry, right? But they consume more, and not always effective against stronger Units. So why not send them to PPs from time to time to get some Phalanx or Cavalry?

you have to build everything you are able to. Moreover, for PP you need pikes and Golden Shields, but for good PVP, you need javs and swords. That means your barracks work for PP only halftime. Thus, without spending tons of gold, you can only build enough infantry in 6 months to hit 2-3 top positions. That is why you spend everything, any conventional units but those you reserve for raiding as you need to hit many hundreds positions. That is how you participate in tournaments and collect pieces  

May 28, 2017, 19:5005/28/17
knigochey said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

knigochey said:

Sound like lack of understanding what is going on. :) 

When you are playing more often, at least you have a chance to earn some prizes. You will never build enough troops, unless you are a coiner.  Those who want to play safe, should not do PP at all. The most crashing would be to build an army for years and lose it in instant, especially because of being inexperienced. And how can you become experienced, playing one-2 times a year?  

You mostly build Infantry, right? But they consume more, and not always effective against stronger Units. So why not send them to PPs from time to time to get some Phalanx or Cavalry?

you have to build everything you are able to. Moreover, for PP you need pikes and Golden Shields, but for good PVP, you need javs and swords. That means your barracks work for PP only halftime. Thus, without spending tons of gold, you can only build enough infantry in 6 months to hit 2-3 top positions. That is why you spend everything, any conventional units but those you reserve for raiding as you need to hit many hundreds positions. That is how you participate in tournaments and collect pieces  

You can build carthage cav and golden shields to give your barracks free space for pvp by building swords and javs
May 28, 2017, 23:1905/28/17
Dracos said:

knigochey said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

knigochey said:

Sound like lack of understanding what is going on. :) 

When you are playing more often, at least you have a chance to earn some prizes. You will never build enough troops, unless you are a coiner.  Those who want to play safe, should not do PP at all. The most crashing would be to build an army for years and lose it in instant, especially because of being inexperienced. And how can you become experienced, playing one-2 times a year?  

You mostly build Infantry, right? But they consume more, and not always effective against stronger Units. So why not send them to PPs from time to time to get some Phalanx or Cavalry?

you have to build everything you are able to. Moreover, for PP you need pikes and Golden Shields, but for good PVP, you need javs and swords. That means your barracks work for PP only halftime. Thus, without spending tons of gold, you can only build enough infantry in 6 months to hit 2-3 top positions. That is why you spend everything, any conventional units but those you reserve for raiding as you need to hit many hundreds positions. That is how you participate in tournaments and collect pieces  

You can build carthage cav and golden shields to give your barracks free space for pvp by building swords and javs
Then you have even fewer Infantry for PP. I was arguing that we cannot do PP only by infantry. You suggestion reduces the infantry use even more. You do not address my point. 
May 29, 2017, 05:3205/29/17
knigochey said:

Dracos said:

knigochey said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

knigochey said:

Sound like lack of understanding what is going on. :) 

When you are playing more often, at least you have a chance to earn some prizes. You will never build enough troops, unless you are a coiner.  Those who want to play safe, should not do PP at all. The most crashing would be to build an army for years and lose it in instant, especially because of being inexperienced. And how can you become experienced, playing one-2 times a year?  

You mostly build Infantry, right? But they consume more, and not always effective against stronger Units. So why not send them to PPs from time to time to get some Phalanx or Cavalry?

you have to build everything you are able to. Moreover, for PP you need pikes and Golden Shields, but for good PVP, you need javs and swords. That means your barracks work for PP only halftime. Thus, without spending tons of gold, you can only build enough infantry in 6 months to hit 2-3 top positions. That is why you spend everything, any conventional units but those you reserve for raiding as you need to hit many hundreds positions. That is how you participate in tournaments and collect pieces  

You can build carthage cav and golden shields to give your barracks free space for pvp by building swords and javs
Then you have even fewer Infantry for PP. I was arguing that we cannot do PP only by infantry. You suggestion reduces the infantry use even more. You do not address my point. 
My suggestion is a solution to your need for PVP and PP. Using carthage cav and golden shields fills bank more than pikes do thus granting a bigger payout. You need to look at PP by resource to power point ratio not simply unit types. Doing what I said gives you more to fill the bank and the needed light infantry for PVP.