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Share your troop building queue

Share your troop building queue

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Nov 8, 2016, 06:4711/08/16

Share your troop building queue

With recent updates i has hoping that i'll need once again to start upgrading my wood,bronze and grain production. Unfortunately it was not so. My light infantry troop building queue just reached over 51 days, others close to it too.

Whats your situation? Longer/shorted troop building times?

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Nov 8, 2016, 10:5211/08/16
That's a long line....
Nov 8, 2016, 17:0811/08/16

very nice, but u can look at my queue

 with 16% boosts from PHYLARC

Nov 8, 2016, 22:5411/08/16

Mystique25 said:

very nice, but u can look at my queue

 with 16% boosts from PHYLARC


How much did it all cost.. about a TRILLION in resources?? 
Nov 9, 2016, 00:0011/09/16

Mystique25 said:

very nice, but u can look at my queue

 with 16% boosts from PHYLARC

Impressive! And i thought that i had a problem.... :)

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Nov 9, 2016, 09:5711/09/16
Mystique25 said:

very nice, but u can look at my queue

 with 16% boosts from PHYLARC

205 days!!!
Nov 30, 2016, 23:4811/30/16

Hey guys, i guess you don't know what to do with your resources anymore^^

Just in case, I wouldn't spit on your offering me some   

No, but for real, I guess you are next to a very productive bots line, if you would be so kind as to tell me where it is so I can consider moving, it would be much appreciated...

Dec 3, 2016, 02:2112/03/16
I've said it before and I will say it again Forum Lady; Multiple troop producing buildings are needed.
Dec 3, 2016, 19:1712/03/16
lefeubleu said:

Hey guys, i guess you don't know what to do with your resources anymore^^

Just in case, I wouldn't spit on your offering me some   

No, but for real, I guess you are next to a very productive bots line, if you would be so kind as to tell me where it is so I can consider moving, it would be much appreciated...

In every neighbourhood there are good inactive farms. You just need to search your area well to find them. :)

Dec 3, 2016, 19:1912/03/16

Lockdown51 said:

I've said it before and I will say it again Forum Lady; Multiple troop producing buildings are needed.

Hello Archon,

There are already 4 buildings for building troops. What more buildings are needed in your opinion?

Dec 4, 2016, 03:2612/04/16

Xena said:

Lockdown51 said:

I've said it before and I will say it again Forum Lady; Multiple troop producing buildings are needed.

Hello Archon,

There are already 4 buildings for building troops. What more buildings are needed in your opinion?

Dear Warrior Princess,

Hi! It's me! Guy who writes long winded things on the forums.

If someone has a building queue of 208 days, I think it shows that even having all 4 buildings just isn't sufficient. 

I would propose 1 of 2 options.

A: Split the building queues into Off and Def queues that run concurrently. 4 buildings, 8 queues.


B: Allow multiple recruiting buildings to be built at the cost of drachmas. There is already a lot of space available in the city if you either get friends or pay drachma for it. Why not allow people to use that building space? I'm personally looking at a baker's dozen of free spaces AFTER I have built everything there is to build.

I know you guys want us to spend money on decorations to boost defense but that really isn't a cost effective way to get defense. A more cost effective way would be to spend those drachmii on resource boosts and use said resources on defensive troops. Which just leads to longer queue times.

As it stands, all the troops are already balanced in terms of cost of resources vs their stats. We invest said resources and then wait. And wait. Go make a sandwich. Maybe take a nap. Watch the game on TV. And then come back to find 1 troop has finished training and you paid for 10,000 troops. 

Okay that is admittedly an exaggeration, but the point still stands. I'm not complaining about training times per say, but I am complaining about the lack of options for troop training. Much like your beautiful Agreement tree, you choke things so hard, it's not even fun for either party anymore. 

Yes I've heard the argument about the "unfair" advantage it would give some people supposedly, but you can use that argument for every, single, thing in the game. Part of the problem with this game is the glacial pace of it. Sure you have tournaments to encourage resources to be sunk in murdering each other, but for non wallet warriors, the participation and recovery times for big tournes are few and far between. 

The guys that have money to throw at the game will always be at the advantage since they can revive troops at will. Their armies will always be stronger, will always bounce back faster, will always be on the top of the leader boards. They will always out produce everyone in troop numbers because they can afford to pay for the resources to keep all 4 troop buildings going.

All an increase to troop buildings would do is encourage more mayhem. With more troops being built, players will need more resources. So they raid more. Raiding will result in more fights. More casualties. Some of those troops might get rezed, so YOU make money. Some might buy resource packs. Again, YOU make money.

This isn't an insane or foreign concept. I'm playing another game where not only have multiple build queues, they also have COLONIES! Colonies, which is something the Greeks were sort of famous for setting up. In fact that is what sparked off tensions with the Persians that led to Xerses trying to invade Greece. And Rome colonized as well in addition to murderhoboing their way to glory and riches.

Anyway, more build queues and troop buildings. It wouldn't kill the game.


Guy who might have gotten off track.

Dec 4, 2016, 03:5512/04/16
Lockdown51 said:

Guy who might have gotten off track.

Ya think!?
Dec 4, 2016, 18:0612/04/16

have to admit, more troop building facilities would be top of my christmas wish list

I love the above idea of seperate buildings for offence and defence 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 5, 2016, 12:2712/05/16
morteeee said:

I love the above idea of seperate buildings for offence and defence 
It was declined. Because 1 queue is an important part of the game balance. Players need to choose either Offense, or Defense.
Dec 5, 2016, 12:3912/05/16
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

morteeee said:

I love the above idea of seperate buildings for offence and defence 
It was declined. Because 1 queue is an important part of the game balance. Players need to choose either Offense, or Defense.
That's fair enough I guess but what is the reason for not having the ability to change to queue order??
Dec 5, 2016, 13:5612/05/16
Dec 8, 2016, 08:51(edited)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

morteeee said:

I love the above idea of seperate buildings for offence and defence 
It was declined. Because 1 queue is an important part of the game balance. Players need to choose either Offense, or Defense.

Think about it. If i have hundred million offense now but very weak defense, of course I will train lots of defensive troops now. But what if someone trapped me and lost all of my offense and I have 5 months queue full of defense? I have to wait 5 months before my newly clicked offensive troops appeared? I think it would be more strategic if we're allowed to change queue order like what kakos suggested. A good tactician changes strategy as he see fit so we should be allowed to change the queue order.

Dec 5, 2016, 17:1312/05/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

morteeee said:

I love the above idea of seperate buildings for offence and defence 
It was declined. Because 1 queue is an important part of the game balance. Players need to choose either Offense, or Defense.

"Balance." You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it does.

Kidding aside, how is a 200+ day queue time balanced? It's resources sucked out of the system instantly that will trickle back in over 200 days. That's more than a school year. And I've already pointed out before that the game is already balanced in terms of resource cost per unit per point of strength. I'd really tired but rest assured I'm not done with this topic. Just done for now. Good night all!
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 6, 2016, 12:4412/06/16
Kakos said:

That's fair enough I guess but what is the reason for not having the ability to change to queue order??
The same - game balance. It was suggested before, and was declined, because it's very important for players to make the right choices, and plan their in-game activities in advance. Which means you need to plan your Unit production too. You can't just fill the queues somehow and then just swap them to produce the Units you need right now. We have put a strategic component to Unit training process as well. 
Dec 6, 2016, 14:4612/06/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Kakos said:

That's fair enough I guess but what is the reason for not having the ability to change to queue order??

The same - game balance. It was suggested before, and was declined, because it's very important for players to make the right choices, and plan their in-game activities in advance. Which means you need to plan your Unit production too. You can't just fill the queues somehow and then just swap them to produce the Units you need right now. We have put a strategic component to Unit training process as well. 

"Malum est consilium, quod mutari non potest." Publilius Syrus

Dec 6, 2016, 15:3512/06/16

I'm honestly happy that we can't train more units at the ame ime, since I wouldn't be able to, and the game balance has been already destroyed enough...

But I understand that some of you would like to, for sure
Dec 7, 2016, 19:2012/07/16
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Kakos said:

That's fair enough I guess but what is the reason for not having the ability to change to queue order??
The same - game balance. It was suggested before, and was declined, because it's very important for players to make the right choices, and plan their in-game activities in advance. Which means you need to plan your Unit production too. You can't just fill the queues somehow and then just swap them to produce the Units you need right now. We have put a strategic component to Unit training process as well. 
My post above Alyona..