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What the Players would like from you Plarium

What the Players would like from you Plarium

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Oct 30, 2016, 06:1810/30/16
What people seem to forget is all these new things they add is to get you to part from your money. As long as people keep spending, nothing will change. I haven't spent in a long time and do not see any reason to spend more...It is like throwing money into a blackhole. Money is the only concern here no matter what they try to sell/tell you. Your best voice is to not SPEND more. I used to love this game , but anymore I only build troops and do nothing else...
Oct 31, 2016, 10:0610/31/16

I like most suggestions by all, but with a couple of reservations. Increase gps rewards...yes, trade them individually in market for other things...yes, trade to other players... no, as they could just help power up heavy alt user. Free move... not sure, again could be helpful to bunch a lot of alts together.

New agreement levels...I think a maxed lvl32 opposite(normally bad) stat will be brought up to approx 1/3 stat of lvl20 similar opposing unit type, so not as big difference as originally thought. Still, too sketch pricey and long completion times considering the extra queue item is in certain packages and only last 7 days. I only plan to max out a portion of units. My only consoling thought of these new agreements is now many alts maybe unable to equal max stat power as before and might have difficulty upgrading numerous accounts.  All things considered, I still don't like these new agreement levels.

A few other points...

The scroll academy is now redundant before its completion, scrolls not in rewards as much as before, and now ampitheatre to add to the tedium of res icon clicks, elixir clicks, tribute clicks, divine quest clicks etc. If you're lucky and click things deliberately slow, you might not get the 'you do not have enough resource' message and have to refresh page when you try to administer aquired res from tributes or buildings. Plus the ampitheatre bonuses only last for 3 hours a shot, and 16% signing speed reduction only cut a running 12hours down by approx 30 minutes(just even temporarily I take it, as time would revert back once 3 hour activation expired). The general would have been ok was it not for coffers without keys and tedious piece braking times which were unnecessary.

Persians, I would like more transparency from plarium, instead of the usual 'classified' line. Having a bank meter and/or giving information would benefit all players of any level and would result in higher PP activity, so good for plarium and any level of player.

Bug fixes should be given bigger priority, bug fixes help all players also, no bias to coiners or not. I sure would rather see bugs fixed and wait a few more weeks for the next new update thing that will cost drachma/sketches.

Some of the special offers are not so special with the same offer at 60% or 70% discount, it can be the 60% one that has more bonus items and so the 70% is not such a better deal. I would like to see low-med-high recurring payment plans 10$/20-30$/50$ a month with the latter being 100kdrachma per month with bonus items, with other 1 hit offers available for non subscribing players that don't want to pay monthly. Either way players would have a max spend limit and would have to budget what they have.

Stop overloading tournaments, you say 'be patient' to players when they ask to quicken troop queues, but having multiple tournaments same time/back to back is not patience from your side plarium. PVP would be better with less torneys with bigger rewards. Do you realise that doing the same things over and over is equally as boring as doing nothing, difference is doing nothing doesn't put player at a loss compared to their gains.

Dynamics of game has changed in the time I've been here, everything before could be had without money, just extensive time needed instead. Agreements could be complete without money. Building levels could be complete without money, speed up things such as artisans were permanent instead of 7 days, money just boosted timescale and could buy more troops. Now certain things are not possible to have without spendage and a lot of things are only temp bonuses. The first introduction of sketches was the killer point, as everything added since has had a tie in with cash, while bug fixes and server improvement get put on the backburner. I really don't like it that money was used on a new server that could have improved server1.

Oct 31, 2016, 11:5910/31/16
Oct 31, 2016, 12:03(edited)

After seeing Alyona's post about what Plarium replied i was thinking to not even waste my time to write again.... then again.... i could write a few pages in explain once again why all those points are simple a try to talk down the whole issue with the latest changes....

But i will summ it up into this comenting the part where it says : "We do, however, want all of our players to have more real and epic battles, where both sides gain Experience and agree that fights are fair."

Lol , yeah right ..... the only thing thats gonna be more "epic" is the money amounts we will all have to throw to plarium to revive our loses ....

If i for example achieve to catch my enemy's offense what would cost me for example 100 $ to revive the loses on my own offense for doing it will now be a nice 400 $ for plarium.....

Go on guys !!! Great job !!!! You left only 1 realistic part in this game.... A big army needs lots of money to maintain and the arms dealer (in our case plarium) is selling to both sides as in real life too .... The rest has 0 realism... 0 strategy .... 0 need for skilled gameplay.... Even a retard could play this and win as long as he will be willing to shovel money on it.... 

Congrats for destroying your own game. I really doubt you will see 1 real strategy gamer appreciate your game much... But as said before. The goose with the golden egg is your to klill if you wish to do so out of your greed.

Personaly i am done participating in something that looks like a social experiment with the title: Lets see how much we can make those dummies spend on a game. Used to love this game... Now i dont really find any motivation to bother with it anymore. Great job Plarium and thanks !!

Oct 31, 2016, 22:2410/31/16
dxr250 said:

Personaly i am done participating in something that looks like a social experiment with the title: Lets see how much we can make those dummies spend on a game. Used to love this game... Now i dont really find any motivation to bother with it anymore. Great job Plarium and thanks !!

So long dxr250, I'm sure you'll find a game more to your liking.
Nov 1, 2016, 14:4411/01/16
Nov 2, 2016, 10:26(edited)

boisdejustice said:


Thanks I needed that. You really think that because Tania doesn't spend money on the game that their opinion isn't valid? Wow. Just how conceited are you? There will always be another whale that will come and take the place of anyone of your that leave. And for people that claim to hate the game so much you do spend an awful lot of time on the forums bashing the game and those that enjoy it.

Just a heads up, just because someone pays money for something does not make their opinion any more valid. Especially in a Free to Play game. 
Nov 1, 2016, 16:5311/01/16
Nov 2, 2016, 10:26(edited)

Lockdown51 said:

boisdejustice said:


Thanks I needed that. You really think that because Tania doesn't spend money on the game that their opinion isn't valid? Wow. Just how conceited are you? There will always be another whale that will come and take the place of anyone of your that leave. And for people that claim to hate the game so much you do spend an awful lot of time on the forums bashing the game and those that enjoy it.

Just a heads up, just because someone pays money for something does not make their opinion any more valid. Especially in a Free to Play game. 

I must admit it made me laugh too :) And Í do spend money just not very much.

But the remark is nothing more than a sign of frustration since Plarium made it very clear they have no intention to give in to the silly demands.

And guess what, nobody is leaving and everybody is still buying, surprise surprise  ....;);)

If anything Boisdejustice, they don't care whatsoever about Your opinion and the other cry babies here.

They Do care about my opinion very much in fact. I love this game, I think it's fair and one can get all kinds of great things for Free.

You really think Plarium doesn't care about how I feel? :)

Take a chill pill and have a happy :)

Nov 1, 2016, 18:2411/01/16

Oh dear,

Tania - when are you going to enter the real world and see what's going on around you?

You are welcome to your opinion - but really??? Open your eyes!!

Nov 1, 2016, 19:5511/01/16
Nov 2, 2016, 18:59(edited)

lets focus on what is importent: try to change the game so we all finally can enjoy it again,  lol

regards DES

Nov 1, 2016, 23:1811/01/16
Nov 2, 2016, 10:31(edited)

boisdejustice said:

Thank you boisdejustice but i want to add something to that. I never said anyones oppinion dont count regardless if they buy or not... i actually said the opposite. My disagreement with Tania is simply anout the fact that she s comenting against something most people see it is a bad change for all.... and its a change that makes this game pure pay to win. I would have no problem to actually teach Tania or any other player about how this game's mechanics work... as i been teached tricks by other veterans when i first joined.... Issue is though Tania preffers to just disacree on something i am sure she dont really fully understand. In any case it doesnt matter.... it is what it is and this is no longer a game of strategy and skill.... Now if i complain about it with putting money on it,,,, just imagine a moderate buyer.... And in the end it doesnt really matter if or how much you put on it... Point beein its a game and it should be fun.... It should be something you log forward to log in and play and get satisfaction if a good strategy plan works out and you manage to brign in a victory.... Now this isnt the fact here anymore. No need for plan,,,, no need for strategy.... simply click pay,,, click kill, click rebuy .... where is the actuall challenge?I never bullyed smaller then me players in this game. Never attacked unprovoked so Plarium now gives me two chances to go about it in future. Either bully smaller players with my troops.... to achieve easy victory or if i go after a stronger one try to outbuy him by spend more then he has till now.... You take your pick but for me neither of those two ways is fun or a way i want to follow....

Nov 1, 2016, 23:4511/01/16

dxr250 said:

 try to outbuy him by spend more then he has 

If it comes to that, it's who can throw the most money down the drain just to win and a very happy plarium...

Nov 2, 2016, 02:0611/02/16
Time to move on.  This is the last MMO i'll ever play.  they burn out and close within 3-5 years and everyone is left scratching their head.
Nov 2, 2016, 10:0511/02/16
This just sounds like another bs excuse from the site admin obviously Plarium dont take any of us seriously and dont care about anything other than their bottom line well I think its time to find a new game and tell plarium where to go. Nothing more than money hungry grubs and if the site admin wants to send another message do it to someone that cares. I have and will always speak my mind wether its in this forum or in another chat room so I wont be silenced by your idle threats of being banned. You can stick up for them as much as you want but for gods sake start listening to your customers what happened to customers are always right (not if plarium are making more money then the customer is wrong right). Persians have been totally screwed with where you dont seem to win anything any longer the server is so slow still have showing of new messages but nothing there. Fix the bugs leave the game alone stop expecting more people to spend the big money give rewards that are fair to all coiners and non-coiners
Nov 2, 2016, 16:5511/02/16
the first thing plarium is listen to us then we can talk straight others thing
Nov 2, 2016, 18:5611/02/16

"We do, however, want all of our players to have more real and epic battles, where both sides gain Experience and agree that fights are fair."

But your achieving exactly the opposite. In order for a free player to matter , as he/she is marginalized by these changes you need to limit your losses more than ever, and only do things that will increase your force value. This limits the frequency of engagement. To maximize your strategy your pushed to quietly build up over a longer period of time for a one shot pop at contributing to your coalitions effort (and you will need to be part of a good coalition to be more relevant than a speed bump in the face of any individual coiner let alone enemy coa).

The whole point of stressing the divide between the free player vs the paid in relation to agreement levels was to highlight that it was the primary pathway whereby a free player could be relevant.

That said , lets also address the concerns others have brought to you about being unhappy people can use this 'trick'. That a strategy can be used for leverage is not in itself an exploit every time. A coiner lacking the temitry to recall their troops and use their acropolis in fact , deserves to be punished. This is the essence of strategy games: ignore the strategy to your peril. As all pathways are shut down and closed , the divide is lengthened and the overall value derived from playing free declines, it WILL have an impact in quality even for your paid players, as the quality of the game for the paid player DEPENDS on the quality for the free one at least facilitating enough draw to participate.

Ignoring this means the future of the game will be fleeting plebian free and moderate coiner masses going quickly inactive around a few high paying individuals to lord over the desolation that will become this game. It will get boring , then stark , then bleak as they come to sit alone in the vast desert that will be your server.

Ive participated in 3 major populous MMOs prior to coming to Sparta. All but one is in the same decline for the same reason. Pay to win killed the dynamic. The remaining one , EVE, is still huge in no small part to the fact that a player can 'go free' by EARNING their place with activity properly applied. The work allowing them to earn their place keeps them interested and relevant. This begets a feeling of real worth.

Linking economy and allowing more earning of a currency, or otherwise making free players relevant or giving them more pathways to use strategy to effect outcomes is NOT a negative thing.

I will hope this drives the point that your proceeding in the OPPOSITE direction under your current pro-offered course of action detailed by your forum emissary.
Nov 2, 2016, 19:0111/02/16

I have edited out the personal insults that are contrary to forum rules and deleted the off topic response,

You are more than welcome to post your opinions etc about the game on here but personal insults are a no no

play nice please people 
Nov 3, 2016, 09:1511/03/16
ar_cav said:

When i raid with 5mil offence and the defender damn near wipes out my off with very little def

It takes a lot more than a "very little def" to "dam near wipe out" a 5m offence.. that's plain silly.. 
Nov 4, 2016, 17:3911/04/16
Nov 7, 2016, 11:10(edited)

 As a lower ranking coalition, we have been asking Big 10 for changes and mercy for some time . .. Now that Plarium has made it fair for non-coiners, the big guys now want to act like they care about all . . . To get us to help their cause . . To dominate all . . If I was not removed from site, I would post conversations to prove, they are not interested in us . . . Just their Powerin Sparta, which they feel they paid for . .

Nov 5, 2016, 00:5211/05/16

Melchizedek LOP

Do you really feel these latest changes improve non-coiners chances?  I am not a coiner and I feel its the opposite... Less skill required if the unit stats are more alike.  There is less and less dependence on strategy in the game so the impact of spending more can no longer be balanced by smart play.

I understand your feelings about the coiners and the mega-coalitions but not sure that it is only them complaining.  I don't like the changes and I am a little guy who spends nothing and belongs to an insignificant coalition :)

I feel Plarium has just asked me to spend much more time on the game without any improvement in the mechanics and enjoyment.  The new amphitheater is a nightmare to manage... really slow loading and bad mechanics.  The "knowledge tree" is horrible... takes up to 5 minutes to load up on my machine and they expect us to access every three hours.  I hate it! 
Nov 7, 2016, 11:2711/07/16
Nov 7, 2016, 11:36(edited)

Louisxiii said:

Melchizedek LOP

Do you really feel these latest changes improve non-coiners chances?  I am not a coiner and I feel its the opposite... Less skill required if the unit stats are more alike.  There is less and less dependence on strategy in the game so the impact of spending more can no longer be balanced by smart play.

I understand your feelings about the coiners and the mega-coalitions but not sure that it is only them complaining.  I don't like the changes and I am a little guy who spends nothing and belongs to an insignificant coalition :)

I feel Plarium has just asked me to spend much more time on the game without any improvement in the mechanics and enjoyment.  The new amphitheater is a nightmare to manage... really slow loading and bad mechanics.  The "knowledge tree" is horrible... takes up to 5 minutes to load up on my machine and they expect us to access every three hours.  I hate it! 
In my opinion there is no such thing as insignificant coalitions or insignificant players.... we all here populate plariums map. But to have a game that is 0 strategy and pure pay to win or better say a simple money contest is a big deal. If some feel that this change things towards better chances to non coiners... well, maybe you should do your homework in the game dynamics a bit more and have more monitors (javs) out there to see what armies are around lol 
Point beeing these changes are bad for everyone. Non coiners stand 0 chances to strategize... moderate buyers cant stay competitive and big spenders will only need to shovel more money on this for "as alyona called it " : "more epic battles" yeah right.... more epic spending i would say...
Now if anyone really happy to shovel real money on this in thousands of $$$ so be it, it is what it is.... You will realize sooner or later what those changes are really about. I am (or better was) in this tio have fun in my free time amongst good friends and for tht didnt mind spend some $ too.... BUt to shovel money on a money grinder with no skills and/or strategy requered while Plarium chase my friends out one by one? NO thanks .... Was fun while it lasted... Time to look for another game to have our free time fun WITH our friends...
BY THE WAY : Really impressive work !!! SO many updates focused on get more money .... but the bug of 1 msg showing while there is none and the same bug with reports is still there and not fixed!!! Seems to me only the "get more money" issues are fixed fast all the rest is simply ignored. Kinda like the days when dns servers where down.... Was impossible to play and only once out of 10 times you could actually manage to log in. However to buy packages was working 100% correctly and i know as i managed to buy two off them in seconds even when it was impossible to play!!! Great job plarium !!!! Respect !!!