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Best units for persianss positions?

Best units for persianss positions?

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May 21, 2016, 23:3405/21/16

Best units for persianss positions?


Like to know what the best units are for persians. I understand the concept but as example:

to defend against light infantry do u still use javeliners who give most defense per day or the numidian archers who gives less defense per day but has better stats.

Are the stats on the units even important or should i just look at total defense.

The numidian and spikeman seem good since they have alot of defense against all units but build slow.

So im wondering whats the most optimal units to use for defending and attacking each position.

May 22, 2016, 00:3105/22/16
The best units for doing the Persians are : Sidonian Pikes, Numidians and Carthagians :)
May 22, 2016, 01:3505/22/16
swords, javs and myrmidon
May 22, 2016, 05:4205/22/16


if you wants to hit as many positions, you can use all units. only strength decides this.

The best units for filling the bank or dipping on Persians are the following..

Numidian Archers

Sidonian Pikeman

Golden Shield Warriors

Carthagnian Horsemen

but you will need a lot of Thureophoroi too...
May 22, 2016, 18:2005/22/16
May 22, 2016, 18:22(edited)

okay, but lets say 

576 javs per day = 15552 defense

192 numidian archers = 8500 defense

so while the numidians will fill up the bank faster, the javs will do more defense and thus kill the posiitions easier?

or does the +30 defense stats from numidian makes them die harder and still come out ahead..

or the cretan archer vs the numidian archers.
May 22, 2016, 18:4805/22/16

its more of 16k vs 11k if they both properly upgraded and have scrolls

more killed positions will give more points during tournaments and that's it

to get big reward, it doesn't matter how many positions u kill, but when u fill up bank.

resource cost for jhaveliners per day: 65k

numids: 121k

pikeman: 212k

May 22, 2016, 19:4905/22/16
May 22, 2016, 19:50(edited)

okay, following that logic why not the cretan archers

which uses 136800 resources for 72 units per day which fills bank faster then numidian archer and also gives more defense 15336.

May 22, 2016, 22:4905/22/16

they are different unit type

I gave option to train in light infantry slot

but ofc everyone who raid properly train 24/7 in all 4 buildings, so u expand this logic to each slot

May 22, 2016, 23:2905/22/16
May 23, 2016, 00:36(edited)

okay, thx for info, yes didnt watch the other one was heavy infantry.

for horses defense the counter part for Carthagnian Horsemen, i guess is the mounted peltast or is there any other unit better to defend against horses.

Or do people use phalanx vs horses.

Also i presume the pikeman and numidian are only used when u need to attack with light infantry to counter the persian right. Or would they still be decent enough against the other units.

Also when u attack the persians with the counterunit, do u only use that unit or also use some fodder in other types of units or only purely the counterunit.

thank you

May 23, 2016, 03:3305/23/16

u can use any units u wish for xerxes, but these very expensive units as mentioned will fill bank twice as fast to get big payout: pikeman, golden shield, cartharians (numids are expensive as only one defensive variant but not as expensive as pikeman)

there are no other defensive expensive units, but u can use any other normal units, but preferably lower tier as u better to keep MPs and stuff for pantheons etc

or u can simply just load positions with offense and when u close to payout, then kill 1 defensive position with defense to get defensive reward

if u play offense, u should attack with unit types that xerxes has smallest amount of defense vs them. also click on xerxes units to see their increase defense vs same type unit. I think horses will have like 80 defense vs your army, but 240 vs your horses, its goes to each class of units, just click on his units and have alook.

if u do defense its easier, xerxes army has simple offense numbers, if for example most of his army is light infantry its bad idea to defend with MPs as u know MPs have low defense vs lights, in this case click on your own units and choose ones who will counter xerxes units best way, focus on units which he has most off.

May 23, 2016, 03:5905/23/16
May 23, 2016, 04:03(edited)
lekkerdje said:

Also i presume the pikeman and numidian are only used when u need to attack with light infantry

Numidians -like all defensive units- are supposed to be used in defense only. 
May 24, 2016, 08:4705/24/16
May 26, 2016, 06:32(edited)

It depends on your strategy.

You may decide you want to get the full payout ASAP.

Or you may want to collect as many partial payouts as possible on the way to enhance your total reward.

I admit the latter was working much better before they reduced the said partial payouts to almost nothing.

However, I'm still in favor of using the fastest units to produce in huge quantities to get enough combat points to take positions down, and it doesn't work that bad. :)

I also avoid using the very kind of units I want to get in the end, meaning I avoid using phalanx and cavalry, except when I can't do otherwise because of the position's high level (and huge Persian opposing force), but even then I'm still using as much fodder as possible, as I don't want to just waste as many good troops as I could hope getting in the end : this would be quite ridiculous, right ?
May 24, 2016, 17:0905/24/16

Another thing im wondering are the gains worth it to hit higher levels positions.

Lets say i want to hit weekly payout at level 45 position. While going higher increases the reward but takes longer to complete. So has any math been done, that higher levels positions are better then getting faster lower level positions?
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 25, 2016, 08:4605/25/16
lekkerdje said:

Another thing im wondering are the gains worth it to hit higher levels positions.

Lets say i want to hit weekly payout at level 45 position. While going higher increases the reward but takes longer to complete. So has any math been done, that higher levels positions are better then getting faster lower level positions?
It's all up to you. You can choose any strategy you like.
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