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Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Mar 5, 2016, 10:0203/05/16


i write 3 month same, to that andrew and only promise, nothing more. i have same problem, player almost lvl 80, 7 time pvp top player , best 5 place, more than 13 milion army, a learn all from wiki sparta, and what?

all coal, and very lowest, play like is alexander or napoleon, or now putin.

ALL polemarch is lvl 71-72, who still search taras, not opened phalanx,

and he is pole and me toold me traine????

my army is biggest than all army on some coalition, and is upgraded to lvl 18 now lvl 19 will start.

not fair, all treat u like a garbage. 3-4 people make a clan and nobody can be bigger, and he is poor, one pole lvl 67 search mirmidon to open and is in top 10

for that i search to give us to play alone, i dont like coal, to be dog, like in mayhem, heg sleep ", other lose 15 milion and then heg make 100 points to take reward, not fair.

make same mission, raid if is 7,5 mil for 150 players for 1 to be 7.5/150=50k

so not 50 k, to be 300 k, divine 4 time, 40, train, 3000 points for 150 players, for 1    500,

malke something, i speak yesterday with a lot players all is dissapointed, and today see, only first 10, other especially guardians of sparta, have before to ban me, 150+ now only 19, also sparta 300 , 160, now 101,

people dont like to be treated like a dog,

one told me u must have 20 mil only deff to enter in our coal, and he poor his city dont have door, and not fortification or tower

really is unfair. i really speak, if is not make some better all army will send to oracle, make lvl 80 and leave, some kid from 10 yr steal credit card open coal, and now blackmail us

think, i didnt expect to lose a lot players,

and when u see that 50+% is fake, then , like in ilirik , zarka played 13 accounts, and noboody told her

regards and i hope u will change some, this is not good


Mar 5, 2016, 12:5403/05/16

Well I can assure you that whether you have 1 million defense/offense or 100 million def/off your starting out at the bottom of any good coalition.  You earn your rank and play by that coalitions rules. Sure some people are not very nice and have god complexes or want to be everyone's personal Jesus but there are also players who have been in 20+ coalitions in just mere months.. I would think in that case, perhaps the issue is with the person and not the teams.

And from what I've seen, there are some freaking insane psychopathic people playing this game that stalk and cause nothing but girl drama throughout hellas
Mar 5, 2016, 13:4703/05/16

how i know ancient history, in that time only macedon was kingdom, all other was city state, so and here will must be single, philip the second of macedon with his son Alexander the third of macedon, when beat athens and thebans on chaeroneqa 338 bc, and make unit with all cityes, only to take army and to be sure that nobody will attack macedon, when will go to attack persia. in 335 bc theba liked to release from now alexander and start fight, .olimpia alexanders mom, send messenger, he return ruin theba and kill 6000 kids, women , man and sold 30 000 other.

also when iliria didnt like to go in war, alexander destroy it.

so before alexander all was city state, and first greek state is from 1830 yr from german monarch oto, , before was all city state, and here all must fight like city state why to be dog to someone, and with 1 or 100 mil, u can play, i will make fun for me, and under siege i will play oracle, even siege is 1 juv, 
Mar 5, 2016, 16:1603/05/16
Dec 29, 2018, 17:03(edited)

I'm not the hege of a coalition, and wouldn't want to be. Too much work, too much heart-ache for what is, after all, just a game. But if I were, i would ask the same 4 questions that i have asked when interviewing job applicants.

1) Why are you here?

why our organisation, why  not another? or are you window-shopping, hitting on every who you meet, just hoping to get a yes anywhere?

2) What can you do for us?

well a big army helps, but how will you use it? Will you use it when and as we need it? Will you stay out of the way when a big army isn't the answer? Will you help other players in other ways?

3) What kind of person are you?

are you the kind of person who fits into our organisation, who will get along with other workers? who will help us accomplish our organisation's goals? The kind of person team-mates are happy to have with their backs?

4) How much are you going to cost me?

This has, in my time, cost me about a dozen girlfriends. Yup, everything else fit together, but sometimes a perfect partner is too expensive, In this game, it is possible that what a high level player wants is beyond the reach of 2 dozen low and middle level players. Time to call it an evening and a couple of cabs in opposite directions
Mar 5, 2016, 23:2403/05/16

From what I have heard some coalitions do treat new members like garbage and expect them to nothing more than follow orders,

Others are happy for their members to do as thery please.

A good coalition will expect some rules to be followed like respecting agreements, sending defense to pantheons and supporting other members when they need you, and In return you recieve the same support

There are coalitions out there where all members who support each other are respected and valued, regardless of level, troop power or how long they have been in the coalition.

You can find them if you really want to.

Mar 6, 2016, 00:5603/06/16
Mar 6, 2016, 01:01(edited)


u good say is a game, why u now speak like manager? and im manager in private life , 

to ask, u say here your rulles, but if u see very good worker in other company, u will give him bigger salary and better treatman, same in socer why have managers and a couple team fight for 1, and he will play or will be in public? here is same if u find good player fck the rulles, i will put him heg if know to organize all

but u must i will told from sport, some is runner, some is brain, one with 1 move finish game, one will run all time and nothing. 

how to say lvl 50 is heg, its a fake from sky i see, and he didnt open stil mirmidons, and i have a lot milions and all open and lvl 19 army, and he will treat me like a schollar, go away

i play in a lot big coal, and lvl 90 dont know how to raid or use how much orich from pan, this is buyer game, buy army and u will be boss, 

i ask other, why must coal, i like to play alone, single if im sieged my problem, not in one coal, come from caffe heg and drunk say we go in war, and all night we didnt sleep make war, and he go to sleep, people lose 20 milions some, and he nothing

so , im not dog to someone, 10 lvl im bigger from my pole, and army 5-10 times, persia all lvl 30-40 i 107+, best raider, best off deff in coqa and to be traine, 

who say that rulles?

ronaldo before go in real, first told him will be in public, then in second team, ? is look only quality, but here some healt comples from real life and spend a lot to show, what???? that is spartan, ? ha, 

i play for myself, i dont careanymore, , before i learn a lot players, now dont told nothing, some without athens open will be before me, for that only few coal have players , other is all fake

Mar 6, 2016, 10:3303/06/16

You can play the game without being in a coalition. 

But if you are not in a coalition , you shall attrackt more attackers/raiders at your city, because most would think you are an inactive player, that has been kicked out by a coalition. 

In my area, there is one player that isn't in a coalition and surprisely , he's doing verry well. 

I self I'm hegemon also of a coalition. I don't work with orders that the members has to follow. I don't even work with standards in my coalition. Every member may play the game like they wish. They only have to respect the agreements we have with other coalitions. 

The only time they have to follow orders, is in time of war. And even then, they only follow the orders when they understand the reasons for it or you can convince your members that it works because you are winning. 

So the only thing by my coalition is; play the game like you wish, because it's after all your game. And only when in situations the whole coalition is involved or has influence on it, then you have too respect the direction the coalition (-leaders) made at that moment. 
Mar 6, 2016, 11:1803/06/16

Hello Archons,

Playing in a coalition is mostly another level in the game.

You access collective goals (conquer a territory and get ranked) and targets (pantheons, with coalition attacks).

You goals are not indvidual anymore, but collective, so you have to communicate and co-operate, and use diplomacy.

It certainly helps not getting bored after your main individual goals are reached...

Mar 6, 2016, 20:1203/06/16


respect to  u and your coal, but that is like in world some tipe of democracy but is mess. all to work what he like, i will give all from  me and some will  open 5 min and take reward. im in coal only for poits and mision rewards, 7 days 21 cav, 

but in "big"coal, is diferent, 

i was laugh a lot when  one pole told me fiund some with 50 mil, no mather lvl, will be polemarch ???

that is strategic?

all  play with dominion, with buyed points and army, to be big lvl, and what?? i write 1 time, lvl 85+ask me how is raid with ships, or how to use orich, one player first time watch pan and is lvl 84, and take all orich 24 000 . all for him.

for that i told, u must be player not buyer, 

i receive treat to be sieged, i like to be sieged, i will make army other will defend me, he will not go in my bedroom. to defend and lose 5-6 milion, u know how much need money or time for that army?

sieged or not u will raidd, make army, attack other, but to be dog to some drunker, to warm all coal, we3 stupid all night to 7 am attack, he go to sleep, we lose a lot one player 15 milions, and bcs we have 5 place he make only 100 points? that is leader? leader is like alexander the great, he lead his army and attack, not wait other to make points he to take drahma.

today we finish raid mission, i from 7 raids raid 615,  k, other 880, and he will take like me reward, for that i like single, all to take how will work.
Mar 6, 2016, 22:4503/06/16

Huh ? Would the amount of troops be the only criteria to select a polemarch ?

If it's only about leading coalition attacks, lower ranks are allowed to do this as well.

And in a serious coalition, polemarches would rather be chosed among players having time to dedicate to the coalition. Selecting upon brute force only looks like an error.

Of course, everybody choses their own way...

Mar 7, 2016, 13:0703/07/16

so thatbloke, yes , criteria is army, in exilibrium tpold me 20 mil for pole, in mayhem maker 50 milion for pole, in lost soul same, so no mather of level, this game can play people who never play games, only buy army and send to raid and wait. 

for that he like army . 

so seriously coal search that. so i call game now pay for play, 

is same for me now do im schollar or pole, i know the game a lot, all ask me for persia, bcs i destroy persia, and all army is from there, but now i will not tell .

when know to buy, can open wiki and learn some for game

Mar 10, 2016, 03:5503/10/16

I was talking about serious coalions... The one you'll find in the top 4. ;)

No, army size is not what's asked to a polemarch there. Of course having a weak army wouldn't allow them to join the coaliton anyway, so their armies can't be weak to start with ! lol

Mar 10, 2016, 12:2503/10/16


do i speak all time for weak coal?

that told me serious coal, and heg

....... call some with 50 milion , will be pole, no mather lvl, , that say pole from top coal, 
Mar 11, 2016, 08:2703/11/16

I understand some may ask for this. I don't think we do, and we're doing perfectly well with polemarches who are essentially dedicated to the coalition, without even caring for their army size. ^^

Maybe it's the difference between us and some 1.5 years old coalitions who are still under 500th ranking... :p

Mar 11, 2016, 13:1903/11/16
ThatBloke said:

I was talking about serious coalions... The one you'll find in the top 4. ;)

No, army size is not what's asked to a polemarch there. Of course having a weak army wouldn't allow them to join the coaliton anyway, so their armies can't be weak to start with ! lol

Hey hey not just the top 4 ! -_- lol
Mar 12, 2016, 03:1503/12/16

I was taunting a bit... ;)

But seriously, if some coalitions are still considering brute force over dedication, they have still some work ahead before reaching the top... ^^

Mar 12, 2016, 12:4103/12/16
Haha I remember this guy, you applied to terminators and asked for a polemarch rank, when we told you that commandant and polemarch positions are not awarded but earned with loyalty, you were insulted. Those who ask for rank will not get it, those who earn it will.
Mar 12, 2016, 13:2103/12/16

Uncle Junior said:

Haha I remember this guy, you applied to terminators and asked for a polemarch rank, when we told you that commandant and polemarch positions are not awarded but earned with loyalty, you were insulted. Those who ask for rank will not get it, those who earn it will.

Couldn't agree more.  I love when recruits ask me how fast we move ranks.  My favorite is when someone says they meet the minimum requirement for force but don't realize we can see it.  So right off the bat, you lied to get into the coalition and trust cannot exist. I then punt a field goal with their booty. LOL

Mar 13, 2016, 04:2803/13/16
RIX said:

I then punt a field goal with their booty. LOL

Hahaha :D
Mar 14, 2016, 06:2203/14/16
to be honest anything above Citizen and Below Commandant is just a name anyway, my guys arent bothered about ranks, all they want is points, PvP and Ori lol
Mar 15, 2016, 06:1603/15/16

You all are have right to talk in this way cozz all of you dont know nothing how i see all of you who think si strong with 100 or 200 milion army and need to be polemarch

no one is strong with largest or biggest army here the army is not inmoratl here if you win from persian or buy them with money

so dont make ilusion to yours selfs to be superior with army or cash money

knowledge is the power

no yours arrogance or ambition to be here to win for glory like a sick cozz in real life you dont have realise nothing and here is the only place when you all can show your force to weak

more of you strong player fear to play persian to loose army they have buy hahaha

is the game to play against persian of xerxe or between us

or to make rich the plarium with some idiots like you all who hav put money 60 70 age old to win glory in virtual gamne items and to tell his wife i have attack 1 guy he never come back here in my citty hahahahaha

only you complain all of you cash player have destroyed this game and plairum normal is more smart azz from you dumb donky he have a chance to be smart from your arrogance and take all of your money and now you come to forum to cry like baby so shame for you stupid player hahaha
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