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The most epic updates of the year!

The most epic updates of the year!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Jan 7, 2016, 16:1101/07/16

You guys should work more on the game itself. Its so lagging and has so manny  unresponsive plugin alerts and it's pilling so much memory at flashplayer program. All my years of playing  browser games never meet such a low quality of gameplay and btw i playd alot of browser games. you guys need to work alot on this game. This is the most unbalanced game betwin players that puts money in game and players that doesnt, atleast a better quality of gameplay we deserve knowing you made the game to empty the pokets of players. Wake up before you lose players.

with respect Gogu
Jan 8, 2016, 05:5201/08/16
Jan 8, 2016, 05:55(edited)

Most browser games use PhP, Java, etc.

Some use Flash for its easy animations, but are small sized.

This one is quite Huge, and Flash is clearly inappopriate. It's very unstable by nature, but here it's pushed to its limits, and we can see the results. ^^

If you try Stormfall, you'll notice it's twice as fast and reponsive. But it still crashes as often. :D

Jan 9, 2016, 18:1501/09/16
Oct 26, 2020, 12:00(edited)
Basileus Leonidas said:

Archons! The Ephors seek your judgment: below is a list of the most epic updates of the year!

Lay down your swords for a moment, and vote for the best update to grace Hellas in 2015:

New Units: advanced Roman Warriors you can hire with Denarii!

Resources and Items purchased or received as bonuses can now all be found in the Market interface!

Coalition Missions!

Global Tournaments!

Reduced Grain consumption for Champion Units!

Changes to Persian Position mechanics!

Units will no longer be dismissed when you lack the Grain to maintain them!

Relocation Pools!

Experience Points available for purchase!

New levels of Buildings (you can use Sketches to upgrade them even further and gain special bonuses)!

New Items (Auto Unit Hider, Offense and Defense Enhancers, Position Discovery, Instant Recall)!

The gods value your opinions! Make your voices heard!

"War separates the Men from the boys"
Jan 15, 2016, 01:1601/15/16

Is there a  list some where of other updates that one could even consider as being some sort of an improvement and that does not first require one to get a substantial increase in their credit card limit?

My choice. The ability to apply as many resource packets as one wants with the sliding selector scale as being something that actually made sense in the game by wasting less of our time playing it.
Feb 14, 2016, 16:4002/14/16
Feb 14, 2016, 16:57(edited)

hi again

im Alexander III of Macedon almost lvl 80, i play 9lose 8 month) to play this game, in beggning he see that im good 7 time top 100 pvp , best 5 place, and make 6 m off and 91 deff champ with army, about 9 mil for lvl 65, without spend money, baned me bcs i eat 120 political, he say that is strategy, and mine is strategy to treat and insult, his rulles say good if some bother only black list, block hhim. in world today how putin say to turkish and obama that is terorist and if 1 plain fly from turkish will be cut from s400 sistem, that is also treat ,strategy. ok unban me and lose all army, for 50 days i make 13 m army, and again ban, now forewer, alts??? im top 100 raiders, top 10 in coal with points , army lvl 19 nupgraded and i need alts.shame for plarium, how say one pole for few month few players, he always say me u are best for write us ideas, but he make it to take money, what i have with sketches? to give money, that is interesting, or improve 50% only for money, in his rulles who spit on him, not i him, he say no political under lvl 40, and with package for money and lvl 1 can buy political, this is shame plarium, u destroy good game, we all know your employer play with big forces only to make other to buy army, leave us to play on our way and unblock my acc, is 20 time baned, shame, 


Feb 14, 2016, 16:5902/14/16

I have edited your post to remove the obscenities, please dont use offensive language again 

If you have an issue with your account being banned I suggest you contact Plarium's support team as there is nothing the moderators here can do about that 

you can contact them here

Feb 14, 2016, 21:0502/14/16

Gentlemen, as I have already posted, contact Plarium support about this issue

this thread is for people to state which were their favorite updates, as such your posts were off topic and have been removed. I once again urge you to contact Plarium direct with a support ticket as per the link above as the moderators on this forum are not able to assist you 
Feb 18, 2016, 19:5402/18/16

I will once again remind people that 

1) to keep on topic

2) to stay polite

3) to NOT type in all caps!

posts that break these rules get deleted 
Feb 28, 2016, 03:3402/28/16

only good thing is coalition missions.

Now some things to fix.  Get rid of token and sketches all together and allow people to upgrade these building through resources alone.  Political attacks need to be removed they are way overpowered.

Feb 29, 2016, 12:1202/29/16
Legaeveth said:

Now some things to fix.  Get rid of token and sketches all together and allow people to upgrade these building through resources alone.  Political attacks need to be removed they are way overpowered.

New levels of the buildings give every player a lot of advantages, that is why it is not very easy to achieve this goal. 
Mar 2, 2016, 06:5903/02/16
Aleksandra Miroshyna said:

Legaeveth said:

Now some things to fix.  Get rid of token and sketches all together and allow people to upgrade these building through resources alone.  Political attacks need to be removed they are way overpowered.

New levels of the buildings give every player a lot of advantages, that is why it is not very easy to achieve this goal. 
That is correct it gives people who pay a huge advantage over those who don't.  I have given money so I fall on the side that benefits.  Now how about making them cheaper so those that don't pay don't have to save up for two years to obtain these items? 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 2, 2016, 10:4903/02/16
Legaeveth said:

Aleksandra Miroshyna said:

Legaeveth said:

Now some things to fix.  Get rid of token and sketches all together and allow people to upgrade these building through resources alone.  Political attacks need to be removed they are way overpowered.

New levels of the buildings give every player a lot of advantages, that is why it is not very easy to achieve this goal. 
That is correct it gives people who pay a huge advantage over those who don't.  I have given money so I fall on the side that benefits.  Now how about making them cheaper so those that don't pay don't have to save up for two years to obtain these items? 
Those players who don't pay real money, can gain free Drachmas in the game, so they also have an opportunity to obtain new Items and upgrade their buildings.
Mar 2, 2016, 11:0203/02/16
Mar 10, 2016, 04:06(edited)

Actually, the price question is a bit complicated.

Since paying items give huge advantages, the programmers have thought they would keep their price high so people wouldn't abuse.

I've even read people asking for more expensive political units for this same reason, for instance.

You can't deny this opinion makes sense.

Actually, maybe the key to both being more affordable and advantage paying players less, would be to make cheaper items, but with lower bonuses...

But then you'll have to admit it would be quite equivalent. :)

The problem is actually more about some rare people being so rich that those high prices aren't high for them, so they can have LOTS OF EXPENSIVE items, where ordinary people would rather have few expensive, or lots of cheap ones.

However, those people are so rare you can all name them... So yes, it can be a problem, especially if you unfortunately went at war with them... Otherwise, you shouldn't be botherd too much by normal people.

And in the very case you would be bullied by one of those rich coiners, then I hope you could ask Plarium, or at least one of us, to try and talk to them... Anyway, it's rare you get bullied without a reason, so sometimes it's better to admit defeat and not trying to get after them, so they leave you alone.

As I always explain to players we have to retaliate because they attack our pantheons, yes, our armies are bigger, because we're older on the game. It doesn't meean we love bullying people. It only means we have to discourage people from hassling our pantheons. We're not going on a personal war agaisnt them. If they leave us alone, we'll leave them alone.

I have to explain this, because lots of so-called bullied players have actually started hostilities and are even going at it again and again, and it's perfectly normal that their victims use the army they've gathered from their efforts, rather than doing nothing. Else what would even be the point of playing to get an army, if you can't use it ?

Mar 2, 2016, 19:1603/02/16
I change my mind. Persian Position is the best thing that could have happened. BTW, where is primeguardian? Im getting lonely without his presence on the forums :/
Mar 2, 2016, 19:1803/02/16
ThatBloke said:

Actually, the price question is a bit complicated.

Since paying items give huge advantages, the programmers have thought they would keep their price high so people wouldn't abuse.

I've even read people asking for more expensive political units for this same reason, for instance.

You can't deny this opinion makes sense.

Actually, maybe the key to both being more affordable and advantage paying players less, would be to make cheaper items, but with lower bonuses...

But then you'll hve to admit it would be quite equivalent. :)

The problem is actually more about some rare people being so rich that those high prices aren't high for them, so they can have LOTS OF EXPENSIVE items, where ordinary people would rather have few expensive, or lots of cheap ones.

However, those people are so rare you can all name them... So yes, it can be a problem, especially if you unfortunately went at war with them... Otherwise, you shouldn't be botherd too much by normal people.

And in the very case you would be bullied by one of those rich coiners, then I hope you could ask Plarium, or at least one of us, to try and talk to them... Anyway, it's rare you get bullied without a reason, so sometimes it's better to admit defeat and not trying to get after them, so they leave you alone.

As I always explain to players we have to retaliate because they attack our pantheons, yes, our armies are bigger, because we're older on the game. It doesn't meean we love bullying people. It only means we have to discourage people from hassling our pantheons. We're not going on a personal war agaisnt them. If they leave us alone, we'll leave them alone.

I have to explain this, because lots of so-called bullied players have actually started hostilities and are even going at it again and again, and it's perfectly normal that their victims use the army they've gathered from their efforts, rather than doing nothing. Else what would even be the point of playing to get an army, if you can't use it ?

I highly recommend increase in the price of PA. And I think we need to adjust the acropolis in a way which leads to more action. 
Mar 7, 2016, 18:0503/07/16

leonidas, is not epic , is collecting money, when u will make some without to pay for that?

1 caduce 2500 or 4000 drahma, 1 tower lvl 5 1000 drahma , and why we cant build like pan, with ress? for tower we need  timber and bronze, so why dont build it, 

is all for cash, 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 9, 2016, 10:3303/09/16

AlexandeIIIMKD said:

leonidas, is not epic , is collecting money, when u will make some without to pay for that?

1 caduce 2500 or 4000 drahma, 1 tower lvl 5 1000 drahma , and why we cant build like pan, with ress? for tower we need  timber and bronze, so why dont build it, 

is all for cash, 

You can always earn free Drachmas in the game. It will take some time and efforts, but you will be able to use them for any purpose you wish.

All basic buildings and functions can be obtained with Resources, but there are some extra beneficial buildings which can be built only with Drachmas. 

You still can play this game for free and earn Drachmas for them.

Mar 24, 2016, 12:1503/24/16
What would be nice, is if we could get the option to take the bonuses from the special offers in they're value of actual drachmas.  I see it say bonus value 65,000 drachmas.  Well I'd rather have that than 60 relocation pools! lol
Apr 4, 2016, 16:2404/04/16
Dec 29, 2018, 16:40(edited)
Apr 28, 2016, 14:2004/28/16
Dec 29, 2018, 16:44(edited)
your units don't disappear when don't have enough grain had to pick this one
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