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problems plarium play

problems plarium play

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Apr 30, 2019, 14:1304/30/19

problems plarium play

-The platform:  - plarium play beta 

-The server The Glorious Valley

-The feature that causes the issue (plarium play beta app)

-The exact steps you performed before the bug arose; just playing

-Any special conditions that caused the bug to appear (active events, applied bonuses, etc.); just playing

-What should have happened; it should had work instead it stopped working. blocking me of game and not let me enter back again.

-What actually happened. it stopped working and blocked me of game and did not let me enter again. By the time i went though browser was late.I will be willing to pass any screenshots by private of the actions and losts due to the error of the app that you launched

Could someone support me? ... Plarium Play beta has stopped working ... in the middle of a battle ... and it has not let me access the game ... when I entered through the browser ... I had already destroyed everything ... without being able to put it in Acropolis ... can someone support me help? ... plarium play does not work yet ...

Apr 30, 2019, 21:4704/30/19

perfect explanation and exposition of the facts, if you need captures we will tell you.

Step the incidence

perfecta la explicación y exposición de los hechos, si hacen falta capturas ya te diremos.
Paso la incidencia

May 10, 2019, 15:1905/10/19

Hello! Please, try to completely delete your desktop application and download the latest version of it from

As for the losses, please, contact our support team on this matter. 
May 10, 2019, 20:4405/10/19
May 10, 2019, 20:45(edited)


if he does, he gets rerouted to forum, .... here

could you please explain how he can contact support about that? and not being rerouted here to forum?

May 29, 2019, 11:5305/29/19
May 29, 2019, 11:54(edited)

elias, te puedes creer que soporte todavía no le ha contestado? que verguenza, encima que meten una aplicación que no funciona a la fuerza sin avisar y no hacen anda con los problemas que ocasiona

boris, is very irresponsible from plarium to have a bug report system that brings you here, you report the matter and no tech support at all, community manager answers 11 days later sending him to support, and support till this day HAS NOT ANSWERED (and even worse when the problem was while using a beta app that was buggy)


May 29, 2019, 14:5305/29/19

hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

elias, te puedes creer que soporte todavía no le ha contestado? que verguenza, encima que meten una aplicación que no funciona a la fuerza sin avisar y no hacen anda con los problemas que ocasiona

boris, is very irresponsible from plarium to have a bug report system that brings you here, you report the matter and no tech support at all, community manager answers 11 days later sending him to support, and support till this day HAS NOT ANSWERED (and even worse when the problem was while using a beta app that was buggy)


On the 26th I spoke with THE WARLOCK and told me that every day he looks at his mail waiting for support answers, I already despair and sometimes I doubt my words but I tell him that patience will sometimes stand to answer.

el dia 26 hable con THE WARLOCK y me conto que todos los dias mira su correo esperando contestacion de soporte, yo ya desespero y a veces dudo de mis palabras pero le dige que paciencia alguna vez soporte se dignara a contestar.

Fortuna creo que me estoy suicidando como moderador pero ........
May 31, 2019, 06:5705/31/19

todavía nada Elias, es vergonzoso por parte de plarium este trato a los clientes y usuarios. 

tu eres el unico que viene por aquí y se molesta y preocupa, los otros pillan dracmas y callados como p....

May 31, 2019, 10:1105/31/19

TE felicito elias por tu comportamiento y las respuestas que das .. con lo poco que puedes hacer.

por lo que leo por aqui eres el unico que intenta soltar las cosas o al menos no andas con mentiras y dando largas.

+ no te auguro mucho tiempo como moderador pues no te pones de lado y pasas palabra..... no se ni que en coa juegas si es que juegas incluso. pero si los moderadores al menos fueran sinceros y dijeran que no tienen ni puta idea o mejor aun .. que no son nadie fuera de este foro que sirve para bien poco al menos los jugadores tendriamos claro que no merece la pena leer ni un post.

pd: una cosa beta no se impone. se puede ofrecer a cambio de ""gratificaciones"".... si no fuera por que aun podemos jugar por el navegador.. un 70% de los jugadores ya no jugariamos.
May 31, 2019, 11:3705/31/19
May 31, 2019, 11:39(edited)

KaZaN HBG said:

TE felicito elias por tu comportamiento y las respuestas que das .. con lo poco que puedes hacer.

por lo que leo por aqui eres el unico que intenta soltar las cosas o al menos no andas con mentiras y dando largas.

+ no te auguro mucho tiempo como moderador pues no te pones de lado y pasas palabra..... no se ni que en coa juegas si es que juegas incluso. pero si los moderadores al menos fueran sinceros y dijeran que no tienen ni puta idea o mejor aun .. que no son nadie fuera de este foro que sirve para bien poco al menos los jugadores tendriamos claro que no merece la pena leer ni un post.

pd: una cosa beta no se impone. se puede ofrecer a cambio de ""gratificaciones"".... si no fuera por que aun podemos jugar por el navegador.. un 70% de los jugadores ya no jugariamos.

The principle of every good moderator is: not having a country or a flag, not being a member of any coalition, not being a football team.

That is the way to be impartial.

If you look at my profile I am easy to find and although many say that I do not play I am here for a lot, about 5 years.

And yes, it is worthwhile to enter the forum and read as we will always find some help that there are very good players and eager to help.



El principio de todo buen moderador es : no tener ni patria ni bandera, no ser miembro de ninguna coalicion, no ser de ningun equipo de futbol.

Esa es la manera de ser imparcial.

Si miras mi perfil soy facil de encontrar y aunque muchos opinan que no se jugar estoy aqui desde hace un monton, como unos 5 años.

Y si, merece la pena entrar en el foro y leer pues siempre encontraremos alguna ayuda que hay jugadores muy buenos y con ganas de ayudar.



May 31, 2019, 13:3705/31/19

elías no tiene que ver con imparcialidad  ni con que coa juegas, sino con la persona. tu te lo curras por como tu eres, no tiene que ver estar o no coa, sino en ti. y no me hagas decirte piropos que al foro vengo con la escopeta cargada pa´l boris :p no me cambies el chip (bromaaaaaaaaaaa jejeje)

recuerdo a fastred que se fue quemado, el también intentaba ayudar en lo que podía. por lo que me alegra y me siento orgullosa de ver que los moderadores de habla hispana no están de moderadores solo por cobrar dracmas sino por ayudar (no como otros).

kazan, lo de navegador yo lo he dicho en mi coa, que se dejen de la app que da cantidad de problemas., siempre que alguien de la coa tiene algun problema, es por la app... hay navegadores mejores o peores pero hay opciones. 

el caso es que mi compa tuvo un problema por la app, hace mas de 30 dias y a dia de hoy, ni siquiera un mensaje diciendo, estamos mirando el problema.... total silencio

Jun 13, 2019, 22:5506/13/19
elias, do you know why supportdesk or the support agents of the forum are ignoring this problem?
Jun 13, 2019, 23:0606/13/19

hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

elias, do you know why supportdesk or the support agents of the forum are ignoring this problem?

Buenas noches Hijadelafortuna, en vista de que los unicos que leemos esto somos tu y yo CREO mejor en español que me espreso un poco mejor.

En el foro y en el messenger seguimos sin contestacion, es como muchas veces dices " parece que soporte no existe .... ".

De vez en cuando pregunto y hasta me hizo la traduccion al ingles una profesional ;) pero sigo esperando contestacion.

Tenia esperanzas pues ahora entraron 2 nuevos CM pero ......
Jun 20, 2019, 20:5306/20/19

elias, cuando necesites traducciones de lo que sea, ya sabes donde estoy. no solo por mis jugadores. 

Agent roma, could you be so kind to check why this player problem has not been dealt through here or support? thanks in advance for your time.
Agent RomaTechnical Support
Jun 24, 2019, 15:2306/24/19
Jun 24, 2019, 15:24(edited)

The WarlocK T.I.A. said:

-The platform:  - plarium play beta 

-The server The Glorious Valley

-The feature that causes the issue (plarium play beta app)

-The exact steps you performed before the bug arose; just playing

-Any special conditions that caused the bug to appear (active events, applied bonuses, etc.); just playing

-What should have happened; it should had work instead it stopped working. blocking me of game and not let me enter back again.

-What actually happened. it stopped working and blocked me of game and did not let me enter again. By the time i went though browser was late.I will be willing to pass any screenshots by private of the actions and losts due to the error of the app that you launched

Could someone support me? ... Plarium Play beta has stopped working ... in the middle of a battle ... and it has not let me access the game ... when I entered through the browser ... I had already destroyed everything ... without being able to put it in Acropolis ... can someone support me help? ... plarium play does not work yet ...


Could you please let us know if the app reinstallation option worked for you?

Also, I would like to ask whether you tried to contact the Support regarding your compensation query. Unfortunately, I did not manage to find any request associated with your Portal ID.
Jun 24, 2019, 19:1106/24/19
Jun 24, 2019, 19:19(edited)

he is not anymore using the app, most my coalition players decided to use only browser after all the bad experiences of some players and the lack of answer of support. 

he send letter to support after boris told him to do it even if he did not tell him how to do it...  and no one has answered (he confirmed yesterday when i asked, his answer was that the only person that has bother answering is elias, the only decent moderator in this portal) . maybe support has cancelled after longer than a month not dealing with it, or cancelled with no answer....

if support even deleted his support request, that would be incredible wrong of plarium. specially as it was a plarium problem

can he contact you privately with the details?

anyway, the problem here is not if the app works now or not, the problem is the lost troops for a problem in the app, that first day the app was working really bad, and booted people of game constantly (in my case i was lucky i did not loose troops, but those that did had been ignored) ... this is a problem caused of wrongdoing of the app, and plarium should be giving back the troops he lost for plariums error... 

Jun 26, 2019, 09:1306/26/19

no answer agent roma?

Jun 26, 2019, 17:0206/26/19

Hello, thank you for answering, finally, I appreciate it, it has been almost two months since it happened, and until now the only one who had worried is Elias (moderator), as Fortuna said, I tried it, but still had problems, so Until you gave me a solution to the problem caused by the new application (beta), I have been playing through the browser not by the application, recommended by many people, you will understand, that I am blocked the application (several hours) and thanks to I lost about 2000 Macedonians and 2000 other spies, Elias (your moderator) is aware of everything, if you want to know more.

I do not understand how you have not been able to find any associated request, I promise you to send it, through the means you told me (Boris), I did it on May 17, I have a copy of everything that I send, but in doing so it did not give me no number of complaint.

Jun 26, 2019, 17:0506/26/19
Jun 26, 2019, 17:12(edited)

these are the data and how they told me to put the complaint ... also attach a text sheet explaining everything (I have a copy)

How can we help you?: Stuck Units

Please select the game you are playing: Sparta: war of (ENG portal )

----Glorious valley

Your game ID or coordinates: uid 5731675 / pp28319070 / The Glorious Valley / segment01

Your email address:    

Jun 26, 2019, 17:0806/26/19

please .. I hope answer ... to see if we could solve it .. thank you

Jul 4, 2019, 17:0007/04/19
no answer?
Jul 4, 2019, 19:4107/04/19
Jul 4, 2019, 19:41(edited)

Hijadelafortuna lo siento pero creo que CRI-CRI-CRI.

perdonar por la ironia pero hace ya tiempo que realice la pregunta, ahora a otro CM, y estoy en espera de respuesta.

Forgive me for the irony but I have been asking the question for a long time, now to another CM, and I am waiting for an answer.