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Update 6.40 Highlights

Update 6.40 Highlights

Greetings from Plarium!

Update 6.40 is all but ready for release, and we’re here once more to highlight its most important features. You will get to enjoy the 4th Anniversary Titan Event - merely an appetizer for Raid’s 4th Anniversary, but it will be huge in its own right! - and try the brand-new Plarium Program with its rewards and benefits. Furthermore, we’ll introduce a new type of Reward Chest, a couple of QoL adjustments, a cohort of new Champions, and some balance changes to the old ones. All in all, there’s no lack of things to enjoy this January! 

And if you want to find out more, you just have to keep reading.

4th Anniversary Titan Event

This time, we will do everything in our power to celebrate Raid Anniversary on time, and we’ve even prepared a vast 4th Anniversary Titan Event to give you a taste of what’s to come. It will encompass several elements: Hero’s Path Events, Tournaments, and a few of your garden variety game Events to boot. Participating in these activities will earn you Anniversary Points, though their overall number is limited and you’ll need to keep an eye out to see exactly when and how you can increase your score! In turn, those Points will let you claim rewards from the Titan Event interface, thus giving you more shiny stuff for doing the same amount of heroic legwork in Raid. 

Those rewards include various resources, Random Chests (we’ll discuss that in a separate subsection below), new and unique Player Avatars, and even resources you’ll need for Champion Awakening. It should be a fairly straightforward experience, but we’ll add a dedicated Titan Event guide in its info tab when the first Event goes live - check it out for additional details!

Random Chest

This new type of Reward will be featured in the 4th Anniversary Titan Event and elsewhere (some existing Events and Tournaments, for example). The Chest itself will contain an item or resource randomly chosen from the predetermined reward pool. Random Chest comes in 5 tiers:

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Diamond

Naturally, Random Chests of higher tiers will provide greater rewards. Everything else is simple - you win the Chest, open it, and claim your prize. Done!

Plarium Points Program

This new feature will be available across all platforms, but it will be especially useful to Raiders who favor Plarium Play. By earning a new type of resource called Plarium Points in various game activities (Hero’s Path Events, Deck of Fate Events, Tournaments, and more besides), claiming them from Playtime Rewards and Advanced Quests, or getting them along with in-game purchases, you’ll get access to additional rewards. 

To access the Plarium Points Program tab, you’ll just have to open the menu on the lefthand side of your Bastion screen and tap the icon. That will take you to a new tab, where all your hard-earned Plarium Points unlock various goodies. First you’ll see Special Cards - the most important rewards of the Plarium Points Program. These include a powerful Champion, Artifacts and Accessories most suitable for them, and resources to Awaken that Champion. On top of that, you can get a unique avatar, Legendary Champion Fragments, Split Souls, and extra Artifacts or Accessories.

Furthermore, a progress bar with multiple reward slots will be active, and it will yield additional rewards as you earn Plarium Points. Again, we’ll add a comprehensive guide to the info tab to describe the nitty-gritty details when the Plarium Program goes live!

Quality of Life Adjustments

There are two minor but rather convenient QoL upgrades to look forward to as well. First, you’ll be able to shuffle your team directly on the Tag Team Arena Battle Selection screen. Needless to say, that will be a lot faster than having to manually swap each Champion out.

Secondly, you’ll get to end an ongoing Multi-Battle right in the middle of it. There will be two options to do so: 

  • End Current Battle, which just stops the battle immediately.
  • Stop Multi-Battle, which will let your Champions finish the battle but stop the current Multi-Battle sequence after that.





Jan 3, 2023, 15:2901/03/23
Jan 3, 2023, 15:5201/03/23
Jan 3, 2023, 15:58(edited)

Stop Multi-Battle, which will let your Champions finish the battle but stop the current Multi-Battle sequence after that.

This is actually a REALLY nice update. I am still pretty new to the game but this is a really helpful and thoughtful QOL update. Thanks!


Another nice update would be if you could sort heroes by name. This will make it easier to find duplicate heroes. Scrolling through a few hundred heroes to look for duplicates all at different levels is getting difficult as my hero roster expands. This would make it really nice to figure out who is safe to feed and who needs to stay.

Jan 3, 2023, 16:1101/03/23

The buffs are honestly appreciated, honestly well done Plarium. Teela's finally getting some dancin' shoes. But for QoL of life changes all I was hoping to see was you guys drop the dirty "ascend an artifact" advanced quest that no one wants to do, and just maybe give back one of the very few energy refills afforded to us... y'know, instead of forcing us to essentially spend at least half that refill only to fuel another round of RNG on our artifacts, after already overcoming so many rounds of RNG in order to finally get our artifacts to a state we were content with...all just to get a glob of flat attack on my nice boots...

I mean i was kind of hoping for that but forget it. I can now end my multi-battle in the middle of my multi-battle. I gotta tell the others. 

Jan 3, 2023, 16:3001/03/23

ребят все конечно супер вы нас опять одариваете различными плюшками но очень бы хотелаь не плюшек а логики в игре увидеть, например если вы делаете такое количество героев и еще необходимость копить дубли то может быть пора снять уже ограничение на склад и убрать ети боснословные цыфры вроде как 8 или 15 миллионов серебра за все теже 10 слотов также бы хотелось чтобы и на складе оружия тоже не было ограничения ,еще хотелось бы понять вашу систему с супер рейдами вы сами помнится признавали етот не дочет что игра довольно много времени занимает но вы не могли не как ускорить и зделать х10 и придумали супер рейды но почему то ети супер рейды не постоянные а в определенные дни таже вещь и с мульти авто боями ето все тот же авто бой ето не нажал и получил награду игра просто вместо меня продает вещи и меняет игроков при прокачке корма за что вы хотите получить деньги я не понимаю за ваши же не дороботки еще уже почти с самого начала все игроки вас просят зделать возможность поднимать ранг больше чем одному герою когда уже ета функция появится и последнее о чем я уже много где писал но так и не получил ответа увеличте пожалуйста емкость енергии и клан босовых ключей не у всех есть вазможность заходить в игру в течении дня а конкретно етой вазможности нет у платеже спсобной половины игроков рейда расчитывать что из за етого мы будем больше донатить глупо большая чассть просто удалит игру я надеюсь я на конец буду услышан и хоть какая то механика из перечисленых мной наконец появится в игре 

Jan 3, 2023, 16:5301/03/23

Где перевод этой статьи на русском, плары? Каждый раз за переводчиком бегать в другой сайт? Русскоговорящих и понимающих этот язык есть не только в России. Мне раньше удобно было читать здесь статейк. Но, теперь и этого нет

Jan 3, 2023, 16:5301/03/23

Would be nice if you could buff more of the junk legendaries at a time. There's too many that have no place in the current game (they get overshadowed by Epics and sometimes even Rares). When you have them just sitting in your vault, every time you see "legendary buffs" and your legendary isn't in the list it feels bad. Some it could be as simple as giving more survivability, or the ability to ignore stoneskin, or some other somewhat unique trait.

Jan 3, 2023, 18:0501/03/23

I like the buffs and the QoL improvements the patches bring. That being said there are a couple of champions who need a buff that are constantly passed over: Rhazin Scarhide needs more base speed and a lowering of the cooldown for his A3; and Yaga the Insatianble needs a complete rework. For free champions to everyone they are vastly outscaled by the new champions coming in. Lordly Legionary needs a look at as well.

Jan 3, 2023, 18:1801/03/23

Где перевод этой статьи на русском, плары? Каждый раз за переводчиком бегать в другой сайт? Русскоговорящих и понимающих этот язык есть не только в России. Мне раньше удобно было читать здесь статейк. Но, теперь и этого нет

на правую кнопку мыши нажми и нажми перевести и не надо не накакие староние сайты лазить если у тя конечно гугол хром 

Jan 3, 2023, 18:2001/03/23
Jan 3, 2023, 23:07(edited)

Sooo, another usless updated that doesn`t address energy cap/regen time, and f2p people. Casino changes at its finest <3 

Maybe work on champ pulls, energy, you`ve turned this sh** into a full time job, i can`t even imagine people that are not working from home.

Soon the game will die, since so many things are pay to win, and there is little to no reward after a time playing as a f2p or low spender. But prolly you guys will do as the rest does, keep milking the game as much as you can and then on to the next "big" thing.

Jan 3, 2023, 19:0201/03/23
Jan 3, 2023, 19:09(edited)

Hey PLARIUM!!!! 😠

I'm sure I'm not the only one annoyed by this but your damned Maintenance pop ups. It broke my multi battles. Wasted 3hrs because I was AFK and that thing showed up! Do something about it.  make that maintenance thing a red overlay or something with a huge countdown timer so it doesn't disturb runs. Game is 4yrs old now. While at it, the other pop up in the tavern that you added as a QoL. Give us an option to turn it off especially for those common and rare champs for the 2 permanent fusions!!!

God damn it 🙊

Jan 3, 2023, 19:5401/03/23
Jan 3, 2023, 19:55(edited)

Your focus for buffs should be on Voids cause its the worst feeling in the world to pull a terrible void legendary like Miss Annie or a Tramaria(thanks for adding that pos to the game)

Jan 3, 2023, 21:1001/03/23

4th Anniversary Titan Event is the only thing that sounds interesting.

but plarium really need to work on other thing first.

champ pulls should be #1 i took me and other 3 years to pull champ needed for a unkillable.

(way to many champ in the pool now)

 what ever happen to the option of having only extra rolled gear sjhow up?

by the time you get the game to run the way it should ( with plaruim ideals) raid mite not be around cuz of the type of stuff not beening worked (fix) it's not going to hurt for plaruim to take a full 12 months to fix things

Jan 3, 2023, 21:2201/03/23

I only play RAID on my Gaming PC. The graphics and sound are amazing :)  So naturally I love Plarium Play pts +++++

Jan 3, 2023, 21:3701/03/23
Jan 3, 2023, 23:26(edited)

Another ABSOLUTE GARBAGE UPDATE. COMPLETELY usless QoL. Of all the QoL that you could be doing

1) like ability to turn off some or all of the animations. like Summoning shards talk about a long waste of time and  annoyance . battle ( rector drach comes to mind. her animations make battles take 3 times as long.) 

2)Be like EVERY other GAME on the planet and keep the ZERO cost to remove gear so we can actually be able to try things out.

3) REMOVE the FING bs of making artifact assention a advanced quest as i refuse to ever take part in that garbage of artifact enhancment garbage RNG waste of time. 

and there are so many other and better QoL then ending a battle. what a not even half ass but virtuly NO ass thought to just throw someting in and make seem like you care or are even trying.. only thing you have been trying is to figure out how to Milk your players and almost FORCE people to spend money to do almost anything. at this point i hope you have killed your cash cow and Raid just crawls in a hole and DIEs . You really have taken a somewhat fun game and completly KILLED IT driving it into the ground. 

Jan 3, 2023, 23:2101/03/23

Being able to stop multi-battle mid-way is a nice feature, but hardly QoL. There are so many other more useful QoL changes that could be made.

1. have a seach field to search for champs by name

2. leave the champ sort table to the selection I choose instead of defaulting back to "Rank" view.

3. Remove artifact ascension as a pre-requisit for completing the Advanced Quests Tab. I am not a fan of this new feature. I spend enough energy as it is and now we have another useless resource to collect and spend. Participation in new game feature should be VOLUNTARY...not MANIDTORY.   

4. Be like all the other game vendors and dont charge us at all, much less FULL $$$ for your failed gear/enchnat upgrade attemptss. Fix your RNG. Its astronomically outrageous to pay 500K silver alone on failed upgrade attemps when leveling gear  from 12 - 16. 

5. Dont charge us 200k to crack open a Sacred Shard only to get the same crappy champ we'd get from Ancient and Void shards @ 20K. Increase the odds in our favor for a Legendary Champ (which should be given from a Sacred Shard since they are sooooooo hard to get and way to damn expensive to throw away on a crap champ) FIX YOUR RNG!!!!

Plarium's virtual ecomomy is definetly in a recession. Your inflation is sky high. Can you say "Bankruptcy"? 

You are extreamly tight-fisted with dispensing the resources, yet you demand twice the investment of our time and effort for meager reward. I agree with jsilintbob. The push for cash is so blatently obvious. Not all of us are instant-gratification hounds seeking that fix from a gambling high. I will quit playing this F2P game b/f I ever spend 1 penny of my RL $$$$. 

Jan 4, 2023, 00:0301/04/23

Just my thought again with some ratings so Trips can condemn them.

Titan Event: rating: 1 of 10, excitement: 0 of 10

Explanation: At least I understand it that all the activities of the Titan Event are actually the activities we are doing anyways for the last 3 years. So there is nothing new or exciting about them. Hero path bases on Summoning or events or artifacts whatever so there is nothing new about this. Additionally, the rewards are based on RNG again. The game is already overloaded with RNG and therefor my excitement or motivation to do this is instantly close to negativ points.

Proposal: If you want to make exciting events, have a look at the X-mas and New Years events of other games. They do something different for the players, other activities. And they actually make those events ressource positive. You actually get something from the events without spending tenfold the ressources before.

2.   Random Chest: 1 of 10

Really...with the low probabilities of getting something substantial in RAID, a chest with random rewards is just a source of more frustration than motivation. Imagine pulling 200 void shards and getting a Jingwon...random rewards from a chest nowadays does not make me want to do the event at all. 

Proposal: Let the player choose the rewards they want to have. Offer the full spectrum but let the player decide which is wanted. Restrict the number of rewards you can choose...but forget about the random factor. We have enough randomness in the game.

3.   Plarium Points Program 2 of 10

At first glance, it looks very much P2W for me. And it will diveide the player base. It depends on how it is defined but with the experience of the last years, I fear that this will be less than positive. 

4.   QoL Changes: 8 of 10

You write it yourself...they are minor changes...but they are very good. Like them

5.    Champion rebalancing 8 of 10

I do not know how you are selecting the champions to be rebalanced but the changes you intend to make all appear good to me.

Overall rating: 20 of 50

Excitement or motivation from the announcement of Titan Event and random chest is...not existing at the moment

Jan 4, 2023, 00:3501/04/23

I would like to see removing shard drops from stage 10+ of dungeons. It is frustrating spending that much energy and not even getting an artifact drop. Mystery shards are essentially useless if you are fighting a stage 10 in a dungeon because the best you could get from them is a rare. Chances are that if you are doing stage 10 or higher in a dungeon that you don't need a common champion which are easy enough to get in campaign drops when leveling fodder.

Jan 4, 2023, 03:3401/04/23

The only more or less decent thing about this useless update are the buffs, I think they are decent buffs, but very few champions, I think when they make balance changes they should include a lot more champions (there are many bad ones to choose from), about QoL changes, they seem totally useless to me, there are tons of better QoL they could have done instead of the two useless ones they did, like improving hero search in filters, fixing the number of summons when we open shards(it's stupid to be opening 100, go to the tavern, use them as exp, then reopen, takes too long), or put the same hydra rally option on the demon lord(many demon lord teams are not perfect, and if something fails we have to close the game in progress and reopen it so as not to lose the key, do they forget that the demon lord was before the Hydra?, that mechanic must have been there a long time ago), or remove advanced missions that stuck your progress like "ascend an artifact", "fight a rare champion anywhere", or make the champions for coins from the champion ring rotate every week or month, and in empower champions put epic +4, even rare etc, in addition to the QoL they should also make big changes that we all know the game needs, such as permanent super battles (it's stupid that we have to wait for the super battles to farm to the maximum), as well as including the super battles to the Minotaur or even raising it 5 more levels to the dungeon, or the number of scrolls(WHATEVER), remove the energy cost of the irontwins's fortress(since keys are used, it's abusive that they also waste energy, and please, upgrade the shitty rewards they give...), removing the silver cost when removing equipped artifacts, and reducing the absurd silver costs when summoning sacred shards or doing fusions, I love this game and I have no problem with the animations, it's actually one of the things that I like the most about RSL, instead of removing them (as everyone wants) I would prefer that they make the super battles permanent, that would save us a lot of farming time, I don't have any problems with the rng either (I think those who cry the most about this are the typical babies who if they don't have the full roster cry all day, I think there's enough variety of champions for all areas of the game, whoever says they don't have it for a specific area is a liar), and if they also did buffs to more followed champions and more numbers would be much better. 

Jan 4, 2023, 05:3501/04/23

Где перевод этой статьи на русском, плары? Каждый раз за переводчиком бегать в другой сайт? Русскоговорящих и понимающих этот язык есть не только в России. Мне раньше удобно было читать здесь статейк. Но, теперь и этого нет

Нажимаешь на маус два и третья строка снизу "Перевести на русский" никуда не надо идти, он все отлично переводит.

Jan 4, 2023, 05:4701/04/23

Looking forward to it all. :)